The whole e-sports circle is eating dog food

Chapter 12 012: You are ruthless, you are ungrateful, you are unreasonable

Chapter 12 012 You Are Heartless, You Are Unjust, You Are Unreasonable
Pushed by the captain, the young boy froze on the spot, with his hands still in the posture of wanting to hug him. Feeling aggrieved, he complained: "You are ruthless, you are ungrateful, you are making trouble for no reason! Why do I want a hug when I see my idol?" Did the fat man see his internet celebrity-faced goddess and shouted that he was willing to give birth to a monkey!"

"I didn't see you talking about him either!"

The fat man blushed, covered the boy's mouth with his hand, and said viciously, "Shut up if you can't speak!"

"Damn, he hasn't graduated from high school yet, he has no culture, he talks nonsense."

Xu Wenshu nodded satisfied with the fat man, and pulled Jiang Huaiduo who was standing behind him to his side, "This is QUI, you can call it Huaiduo usually. That fat man named Liu Hao is a medical soldier, so he covered his mouth The one is Chen Yuan, who is in charge of finding cars and running drugs, and the other is tall and thin, Zhang Jin, who is the oldest in the team, and is in charge of killing people in the back."

As he spoke, Xu Wenshu's hand unconsciously dropped a little heavily on Jiang Huaiduo's shoulder.

The unnoticed action of the person involved fell into the eyes of his three teammates, but it had a special taste.

Chen Yuan, who was about the same age as Jiang Huaiduo, stopped struggling in the fat man's arms, his eyes widened, and he felt that he had discovered something extraordinary.

Jiang Huaiduo got used to Xu Wenshu's various tricks this day, and she didn't think there was anything wrong. In addition, the e-sports industry has a lot of boys. She entered the youth training camp at the age of 14, so it can be said that she grew up with boys of.

I have never been in a relationship, because of training, I have not watched a few TV series, and I am hazy about the relationship between men and women and the boundaries of getting along, otherwise I would not be able to see clearly the character of my former manager.

"Please take care of me in the future." Jiang Huaiduo smiled shyly, "I hope to play happily with you."

Zhang Jin smiled and said: "Hahahahaha, we must have a happy game after we have you, but I don't know if the members of other teams have one head bigger than two."

"Yeah, yeah! Haha, the strongest boss and the strongest goddess, together with the awesome Hou Tuzhang and the medical angel fat, bring me, a college entrance examination athlete! We will definitely sweep the army in the chicken market! "Chen Yuan said excitedly.

Xu Wenshu snorted coldly, "How many questions did you do on the May [-]rd that your mother mailed over last week? The application for returning to school will be handed in next week. Why are you arguing here if you don't fill out the application form?"

"Still in the college entrance examination? When the time comes, as the international department of a century-old prestigious school, you won't even be able to get a university admission letter. Are you worthy of the pretty lady who blows rainbow skins to you every day on the confession wall?"

Chen Yuan, who was originally afraid of Xu Wenshu, lost his expression in an instant when he said this, and raised his hand and said, "The beautiful man surrenders, I will write the application for returning to school now, and do May Three."

The most talkative one left, and the remaining fat man really wanted to strike up a conversation with someone, but he had no choice but to look like a child-protecting captain, making him a little suspicious that this person was really the Xu Wenshu he knew?
The fat man rubbed his nose, thinking that his only hobby was turned upside down by the little brat who usually pampered him, he wished to travel back in time and send Chen Yuan out to get takeaway.

"Don't be so restrained in the team, everyone is your own." The fat man smiled, then turned and left.

Zhang Jin was the calmest person, and he didn't show much from the beginning to the end. He stood by and observed the new players.

His eyes flickered, his face was full of smiles, his hands were in the pockets of his team uniform, and he kept sighing in his heart that the days to come would be much more interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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