The whole e-sports circle is eating dog food

124 Chapter 123: I can't even think of this one

124 Chapter 123: I can't even think of this one
" can't call the police!" The young man dyed his green hair nervously, and looked at Xu Wenshu nervously, "I will keep the case, so I can't call the police..."

Xu Wenshu ignored him, just staring at the sweaty brow.

Fubai's face was pale from the pain, and the hand that was being grabbed was getting more and more painful. Some of the people who played with him next to him had dropped out of school very early, and some of them were college students.

After calling the police, he didn't know how the matter would be resolved, so Fu Bai felt that he was finished.

Sweat mixed with tears flowed down his face together, the pain in his shoulders gradually became numb, and the successive calls of Brother Bai behind him made Fu Bai a little irritable.

Biting her lip, she poked her neck and said, "Don't call the do you want to solve it?"

Xu Wenshu rolled his eyes and said unhurriedly, "How do I want to solve it?"

"I want to solve it, but I can't think of a better solution than calling the police. How about this, you record a short video in front of me, and the content promises that you will definitely apologize publicly on the Internet tonight, yes Ashamed of my previous actions."

"After posting the video tonight, Aite my Weibo account. You don't need me to tell you the name of my Weibo account, do you?"

Fu Bai shook his head stiffly, "No need."

"That's good, I hope you can do it truthfully." Xu Wenshu took out his mobile phone and handed it to the captain who was watching the show.

He just lost strength in his hand, the knuckles of his fingers were not cushioned, and he felt pain, but he didn't want to show his weakness, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he still looked like a gentle man.

The team leader's eyesight is so good, he knew that the person was injured and couldn't get down, so he took it over with a smile, and took a video of Fubai.

After filming, Xu Wenshu nodded to the team leader.

The security captain waved his hand and asked his subordinates to lead a group of people outside.

"First take them to the security room to register their ID cards and confirm their identities."

"The next time the face recognizes them, don't let them in when you see them."

"Got it, Captain."

As soon as the others left, the security captain glanced at Xu Wenshu's immobile hand, handed over the phone, and squinted at the man's stiff hanging hand, "Hurry up and see a doctor, those who play e-sports, don't suffer any pain. "

"Well. I'm going to trouble you today."

The security captain waved his hand, "I don't dare to claim the credit, well, someone called the security room on time today, so I arrived in time."

The security captain turned to Che Nunu who was behind the person, "Go and have a look, the person's voice was almost crying when he was on the phone."

Xu Wenshu was startled, then smiled and nodded.

Jiang Huaiduo, who was staying in the car, was about to cry through the car door. He beat several of them by himself, and was pressed to the ground and beat him if he was a little careless. His face was pale, and tears rolled in his eyes.

Seeing the security guards leading the team here, he held back his emotions.

Seeing Xu Wenshu turn around, with color on his face, an unknown emotion rushed up, gritted his teeth and looked at Xu Wenshu who was walking towards him step by step.

Xu Wenshu opened the car door, and a second before he leaned in, he glanced at the direction where the security captain was standing, and found that he had already left in a sensible way.

"Did you feel very imposing when you rushed down just now?" Jiang Huaiduo wanted to scold people angrily, but he held back forcefully, "Don't you want to continue playing e-sports? It can be resolved by calling, you What's the point of rushing down alone?"

(End of this chapter)

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