The whole e-sports circle is eating dog food

Chapter 127 126: He can't handle it

Chapter 127 126: He can't handle it
"Are you right?"

Jiang Huaiduo really wanted to press people's heads to see who is right and who is wrong now, and in this situation, is it possible to bargain?
"Five minutes, even less than one minute." Jiang Huaiduo brutally refused Ren's request for three minutes.

Xu Wenshu originally wanted to amuse the children, but Jiang Huaiduo actually put on a serious expression to discuss with him, was amused for a while, and laughed and said: "Okay, then 5 minutes."

"Lagou, after 5 minutes, we will reconcile, and forget about all the angry things before." Xu Wenshu stretched out his little finger, waiting for someone to take the bait.

Jiang Huaiduo nodded, hooked his little finger, and said seriously: "Just 5 minutes."

"it is good."

Xu Wenshu smiled and stretched out his hands to rub Jiang Huaiduo's hair, "Then we can walk back for five minutes."

Xu Wenshu took a few steps outside, turned his head to look at Jiang Huaiduo, bent his fingers slightly, and said with a smile: "There is a lot of traffic here, do you want to hold hands and walk with me?"

"……don't want."

No matter how many people there are, she doesn't want to walk hand in hand with them.

Now the temperature in Guangzhou has risen significantly, and when there are too many people, it starts to get boring, let alone holding hands.

"Okay, you go ahead of me."

When there are too many people, Xu Wenshu is worried after all, and let people walk in front of him. Fortunately, he is a little behind, so that he can watch people walk slowly.


Jiang Huaiduo walked in front of the people, Xu Wenshu followed behind her, the sun shone through the green trees that had sprouted on the street and fell on the people in pieces.

People who come and go are also rarely attracted by the beautiful scenery in front of them.

Xu Wenshu slowed down a little, and fell behind the people. Seeing the petite figure jumping in the crowd, his heart was filled with warmth. After a winter and spring, his skin, which was exposed to the sun, felt the long-lost warmth again.

"At least it's a good day."


When Xu Wenshu and Jiang Huaiduo returned to the base, it was already late. They went back to the underground garage, took out the things they bought in the car, and carried them to the training room.

Recently, the coach who has been so busy that his feet don't touch the ground rarely appears in the training room.

Liu Hao, Zhang Jin, and the coach are three people, squeezed together in front of a computer. On the computer screen is the process of the game, and the coach is analyzing what should be done one by one.

"What are you looking at?" Xu Wenshu put the bought things on the ground aside, walked to the side of the three people, and glanced at the computer screen, which was densely packed with various analysis.

When the coach saw Xu Wenshu approaching, he looked back and found Jiang Huaiduo, raised his eyebrows, "Where are you going? The meeting is closed?"

"You didn't give advance notice."

The corner of the coach's mouth was lightly hooked, his hands were folded in front of his chest, he turned over and sang, slightly raised his chin, and looked at Xu Wenshu, "I didn't notify you? Come on, come on, open WeChat and see if I didn't notify you or you didn't." Don't care."

Xu Wenshu didn't have time to read WeChat just now, and retorted: "What can be solved by making a phone call, why send WeChat? And this kind of thing is not mentioned in advance, do you think who can read it every day with a mobile phone?"


The coach raised his hands in surrender, "Okay, I can't beat you, come over to the meeting quickly."

Investors are big, and he can't do it.

(End of this chapter)

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