The whole e-sports circle is eating dog food

Chapter 132 131: I lost all face.

Chapter 132 131: I lost all face.

Xu Wenshu didn't know whether the coach did it on purpose or on purpose. Anyway, this person made this video, which was obviously of higher quality than other teams.

Yan dog!One must die, not today, but tomorrow, one must die.

Jiang Huaiduo didn't pay much attention to Han Rui's face, but frowned more at Han Rui's actions.

If it is said that Han Rui, who played with her before, has better tactics and fair skills, then now Han Rui seems to have been reborn as a new person, completely different from the original him.

"He seems to be much stronger than before." Jiang Huaiduo propped his chin with his hand, bit his lower lip, and began to think, "When he played games before, his tactics could be said to be very strong, but his skills must not be said to be great. It can only be said that it is better than ordinary people.”

"However, his current operating skills and consciousness have improved a lot. Compared with before, he is completely different from the same person."

"Tsk, if it wasn't for the same face, I might not be able to recognize it at all." Jiang Huaiduo glanced at the portrait on the screen twice, nodded, "If you don't open your mouth, you're still very handsome."


You can't get around this stalk, can you?

Xu Wenshu tried his best to avoid this matter, coughed twice, and changed the topic, "Hey, what is handsome or not, it's the same in my eyes anyway. I'd better hurry up and study his tactic, if you want Enjoy, just turn off the video and watch me when the time comes."

"?" Jiang Huaiduo turned to look at Xu Wenshu, as if he had heard something he shouldn't have heard, raised his hand to touch his earlobe, and said uncomfortably: "Actually... Han Rui is still normal."

"Well, I think the captain looks better."

Flattery is something that needs to be flattered, and you can't offend your boss during the work process.

Jiang Huaiduo could see it clearly.

In this way, the matter was covered, and the two began to sit together to study Han Rui's command.

In the whole video, Han Rui seems to be in control of the power of the world, with a calm and composed expression, every step of thinking and issuing instructions is just right, not in a hurry, even if the current attack does not meet his initial expectations, he can still match the previous step in the next step to make up for the loopholes.

If Xu Wenshu's strategy is to grasp the overall situation, restrict the players from a big framework, and let the players use their own advantages to play freely in small details, then Han Rui's strategy is to know the strengths and weaknesses of each player from the small and the big. , Arrange the team members in small frames one by one.

As long as the players are obedient enough, Han Rui's strategies basically have a high success rate.

This is also the most troublesome place.

"Tsk, it's a bit difficult to deal with this man." The more Xu Wenshu looked at it, his brows became tighter. If Mo Ziqing's threat to him was only mentioned occasionally, then this Han Rui is not just talking about it occasionally. No, but really put people in the mind.

"Yes, if ETI is really powerful, then Han Rui is the most difficult to deal with." Jiang Huaiduo subconsciously straightened his back and raised his hand to touch his cheek, "But in the promotion competition, the map is so big, isn't it You meet ETI at the beginning, you meet at the end, you always meet."

Therefore, the best way is to come up with a trick that can restrain Han Rui, otherwise everything will be useless.

No matter how good the previous comparison is, if ETI kills him in the end, he will lose all face.

(End of this chapter)

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