Chapter 138 137137
"That's all right, all right, don't give me this nonsense. How can I not know what's going on in your heart?" Xu Wenshu looked at the silent coach standing beside him, knowing that even if he asked him, he probably couldn't hold back for a long time. Out of nowhere, I resolutely gave up asking the coach for his opinion. After all, as a captain, he has real power.

She clapped her hands and said, "Okay, everyone wants to see it, so go and see it."

"Yeah yeah!!! Captain, I love you the most in the whole world!" Liu Hao rushed forward to hug Xu Wenshu, so frightened that he turned around and bumped into Jiang Huaiduo, subconsciously stretched out his hand to embrace Jiang Huaiduo, When the two of them turned sideways and fell to the ground, it was Xu Wenshu who landed on his back first, and Jiang Huaiduo fell into his arms with half of his body.

Unexpectedly, Liu Hao braked in time and stood aside, touched his nose in embarrassment, and said by chance, "Ha...ha, what, fortunately, my center of gravity is relatively stable, and I braked earlier..."

"That's right. Originally, the captain fell with Duo Shen, which is a must for idol dramas. If you didn't stop the car just now and fell down, it would be a medical drama." Zhang Jin sat aside, almost without holding it in his hand. A handful of melon seeds were knocked aside.

"Why are you still standing there? I don't know how to help the captain and Duo Shen up." Zhang Jin gloated.

Because the new team uniform is short-sleeved, and the outer jacket has not yet been put on, being hugged by Xu Wenshu like this, the intimate contact of the skin made the girl's cheeks blush, and the warm breath slowly faded around the neck, and soon I don't know where it went.

"Captain, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

Liu Hao walked up to the two of them and pulled them up. He wanted to help pat the dust, but who knew that he had no possibility of getting involved, so he walked aside in despair.

All right, since he has nothing to do over there, he should stop messing around.

Xu Wenshu helped to gently pat off the dust on the person's body, carefully checked the exposed skin, and asked, "Isn't there any injury?"

"No, no, no injuries anywhere."

Jiang Huaiduo shook his head and turned around in a circle, expressing that he really had nothing to do.

After going on like this for a while, the four of them changed back into their clothes and were going to watch the lights at Xiaomanyao.

As for changing back to my own clothes, it was purely because I didn't want to wear the eye-catching team uniforms and wander around. I was afraid of being caught by someone, and I was afraid that it would cause a commotion, so I couldn't even walk.

A group of four people wore their own clothes, got off the car at the place where Xiaoman’s waist was closed, walked slowly all the way to the small square, and prepared to watch the fireworks show. Because there were too many people, the four of them were worried that they would be squeezed out, so they found a remote place. Just enjoy it wherever you want.

Unexpectedly, the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and there were more and more people behind. If Xu Wenshu hadn't held Jiang Huaiduo's hand midway, the two of them might have been washed away.

As soon as Liu Hao turned his head, he found that Zhang Jin was the only one left by his side. He panicked and patted his thigh, "No way, why are you alone? What about the boss and the others?"

Zhang Jin smiled, and put his hand on the man's shoulder, "The two of them were washed away."

"Then why are you in no hurry?"

"What am I in a hurry for?" Zhang Jin looked around and said with a smile, "I don't believe you are stupid. Do you believe that some people want us to break up with them? What are you doing with such a big light bulb? Do you think you are on? Does it look good?"


(End of this chapter)

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