Chapter 140 139139
But was a love affair.

Why did he talk about it? It's as difficult as trying to dismantle a landmine.


The more Xu Wenshu thought about it, the more he felt useless. He licked the corners of his mouth, put his arms around the man's shoulders, lowered his head slightly, and said solemnly, "I... have something to tell you."

"Huh?" The addicted person who was watching fireworks didn't realize it all of a sudden. He subconsciously felt that Xu Wenshu seemed to have something important to tell him, and turned to look at him. Before she could hear what Xu Wenshu said, a black The shadow covers it.

The soft and moist touch on her lips made her lose her mind for a moment.

The fireworks in the sky are exploding, and it is even worse in my mind.

Just blow Jiang Huaiduo into a fool.


"Breathe, idiot." Xu Wenshu let go, and looked at the drowning girl in front of him with a smile, and laughed at the stupid girl in front of him, but he didn't know that his ears were blushing, as if he had suffered some great grievance .

"I..." Jiang Huaiduo quickly reached out to touch his cheek, it was very hot, and quickly squatted down on the spot, the whole person was like a gopher who wanted to hide himself in the soil, wishing to hide in someone's place place, so that the people in front of you can't see yourself.

"what happened?"

Xu Wenshu looked at his empty little finger, and was taken aback. It was like the pain of something being torn apart. After forcing out a smile, he squatted down, hesitated for a moment, and finally patted the person's back. Back, like self-atonement, "If you think this look is not good, or if you think it is not good, you can tell me... I will..."

"No... not really."

Jiang Huaiduo, with his head buried between his hands, responded weakly.

She... She really didn't mean that, let her... let her take it easy.

Xu Wenshu was slightly taken aback when he heard the person's reply, and didn't say anything, just quietly waiting for the person's next reply.

At this moment, it seems that everything around has become quiet and time is walking slowly.

Jiang Huaiduo didn't speak, and the person in front of him was waiting for her.

When she gave a reply to her liking, she would give an ending to all his anxiety and anxiety just now.

Xu Wenshu's hands on his knees gradually clenched into fists. Nervousness and fear enveloped him all at once. His legs became slightly numb after squatting for a long time. The anxiety in his heart was magnified countless times by the waiting time, and his breathing gradually slowed down.

He couldn't help frowning and looked at the girl who was squatting without moving, wishing that people wouldn't reply to him.

Just treat it all as if it's over.

The girl squatting on the ground hid for a long time before the scalding temperature on her face slowly subsided, but the soft touch left on her lips before was like poison carved into her bones, bit by bit seducing all the addictions in her heart, and then The hand gently patted on the back not only did not serve as a hidden guard, but made her want even more... wanted to feel such a little warmth from the bottom of her heart.

Xu Wenshu... For her, it was too warm, it was the 'poison' she couldn't refuse, it was the warmth she couldn't refuse.

Even though the chaos in her mind was like a paste, her heart unexpectedly gave an answer that she had guessed with great firmness.

"it is good."

Maybe this is good, but the words are too light, and they will be blown away by the wind.

The man in front of him didn't move, he mechanically comforted him, his thin lips opened and closed, as if he wanted to say something to the person in front of him, but he hesitated and couldn't say it.

(End of this chapter)

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