Chapter 149 148148
"Actually, everyone cooperated very well in this wave." Song Ruiyi nodded and said: "This time HOK didn't hesitate, and the speed was very fast. It was very good and didn't leave any loopholes for the enemy."

"Well, I hope HOK can continue to perform so well. Hey... wait, is ETI fighting against OUG again?" He Huang suddenly saw that the game situation on the screen had changed again.

ETI, who was still preparing to collect supplies on the outer edge of the circle just now, did not know when they started fighting with OUG again. It is very common for the two teams to fight directly in the outer circle, but He Huang did not expect that OUG is now ranked so inferiorly. It started directly, without any fear.

Compared to He Huang's worries, OUG seemed to have given up everything, and didn't care whether they could survive or not, they just wanted to simply fight.


At this time, Xu Zeyuan, who was sitting in the auditorium, pressed down the peaked cap he was wearing, lowered his head and asked the assistant sitting next to him in a low voice, "Why do I always feel that someone is staring at me?"

The assistant perfunctorily looked up and looked around, but didn't find anyone staring at his boss, "No, everyone around is watching the game."

No one noticed you, boss.

The assistant really wanted to complain about his boss. After all, his boss had asked this matter countless times from the beginning to now.

But Xu Zeyuan still pulled off his T-shirt unaccustomed, expressing that he was really uncomfortable. He hadn't worn this kind of dress for many years. After all, he didn't know how many years since he graduated. A T-shirt and jeans made him want to move around uncomfortably.

"Is there really no one?"

"No, boss." I thought being brought by the boss to watch games during working hours was a rare bonus for the boss, but now the assistant felt that he was about to be annoyed to death.

What kind of human suffering is this?

Now I feel that I might as well go to class well.

Xu Zeyuan frowned and fiddled with his hat. The side face that was rarely revealed was somewhat similar to Xu Wenshu's. He changed into student-like clothes, which also polished off his coldness and arrogance in the workplace.

It's a rare feeling of intimacy.

The girl sitting behind Xu Zeyuan was originally a fan of HOK. Compared with Weifan who only likes one person, she likes the entire team of HOK, including Jiang Huaiduo who came in behind.

It took a lot of effort to get the tickets for today's game from others. Taking advantage of the gap in the game, the girl lowered her head to look at her phone, and suddenly caught a glimpse of the man sitting in front of her, who was inexplicably good-looking.

He just stopped looking at his phone.

After all, looking at the phone is also to watch the jokes and the pretty little brother.

Now that I have one in front of me, the funny jokes suddenly become less important.

The more I looked at it, the more I felt that this man was inexplicably familiar, as if I had seen him somewhere.

But handsome guys are always similar. After all, the template for being handsome is the same, nothing more than adding a few more temperaments to it, but exquisite facial features are the most important thing.

In the spirit that a handsome guy can't be admired only by herself, the girl decisively picked up her phone and secretly took a photo of Xu Zeyuan.

Then I sent it to my sister group.

But this time, Xu Zeyuan's sensory intelligence was useless. He didn't feel anyone staring at him, nor did he feel someone patting him.

(End of this chapter)

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