Chapter 152 151151
"Well, think about it. Anyway, Yijiao has already told her parents about you and Jiang Huaiduo. Mom even prepared a gift for her daughter-in-law a few days ago." Xu Zeyuan paused, "If you don't If you really want to be with someone, or if you are together, you won’t grow old together, so you should come back alone.”

"After all, my parents are very traditional. Be careful that you change your girlfriend to make them annoyed. Your legs will be broken by you."

"I know, it's not because of this that I didn't take Duoduo back to see my parents, okay?" Xu Wenshu rubbed the aching brows, "What I'm really worried about is that my parents are too enthusiastic and scare them. "

"Okay, I'll bring it to you anyway. The rest is up to you, I'll go back to the company with my assistant first." Xu Zeyuan stubbed out the cigarette in his hand on the trash can in the corridor, slightly He raised his chin, looked at Xu Wenshu who was standing aside, and said with a smile: "I'm serious, you'd better take him back to show your parents, or your parents may have more brains than domestic screenwriters." It’s well written.”

"When you receive text messages like 'Did you have a baby outside without telling us', 'Did your girlfriend lie to us through a contract?', don't say that I, the older brother, didn't remind you .”

Xu Wenshu sighed, "Okay, I understand, if you have something to do, do it quickly."

"Well, okay." Xu Zeyuan went to HOK's lounge and knocked on the door twice, called his assistant out of the room, and asked someone to take out the peaked cap he put on the sofa by the way.

Xu Wenshu walked in from the corridor not long after Xu Zeyuan left.

"Have you ordered?"

"It's ordered, that man paid for us just now." Liu Hao looked up at Xu Wenshu from his mobile phone.

"Well, I see." Xu Wenshu then turned his head to look at Jiang Huaiduo who was sitting beside him, with the corner of his mouth slightly hooked, and sat next to him.

Carefully stretched out his hand, held the soft palm of the man, rubbed the slender fingers of the man lovingly, and asked softly: "What are you doing? Doesn't it look very happy? Huh?"

Jiang Huaiduo, who was held by someone, glanced to the side. Fortunately, both team members were focused on their phones, and no one paid attention to them.

Jiang Huaiduo moved his hands and shook his head, "No, I was just thinking about what you were called out just now."

The corner of Xu Wenshu's mouth twitched slightly, "I'll tell you when I get back to the base after dinner. Don't worry now."

"Well, good." Jiang Huaiduo nodded trustingly.

No matter when and where, she believed in this person in front of her.


By the time we got back to the base, it was almost eight o'clock in the evening, and everyone basically went back to their rooms after taking a shower.

Jiang Huaiduo was wiping his dry hair with a towel in his hand, curled up on the bed and was about to watch a Japanese drama, and just clicked on it, and before he started buffering, he heard his door being knocked several times.

"Please come in."

At this time, there is only one person who will knock on her door, and Jiang Huaiduo can guess who it is without asking.

"Why don't you use a hair dryer to dry your hair?" Xu Wenshu asked with a smile when he saw the person sitting by the bed outside the door.

"No, I'm too lazy to blow it. Anyway, it's still early, and I just wanted to watch the drama, and my hair is almost dry." Jiang Huaiduo turned the towel over, changed to the drier side and continued to wipe his hair, "Why did you come to me suddenly? gone?"

(End of this chapter)

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