Chapter 161 160160
Mother Xu weighed the spoon in her hand slightly, and it looked like Xu Wenshu said yes one second, and the next second the spoon would appear on Xu Wenshu's head.

"No..." Xu Wenshu said dumbly, "No, in your heart, does your son have this kind of virtue?"

"Heh, who knows if you have a ghost in your heart?" Mother Xu snorted coldly, "You are my son, but you have grown up for several years. Since you skipped a grade to junior high school, you have stopped staying at home. , I don't have time to care about you, who can know what is thinking in your heart?"

"Your dad and I are so busy every day, how can we have so much time to care about you?" Xu's mother was also very emotional when she said that, "Fortunately, you are still sensible. Except for Jiaojiao, I have never been asked to go Going to the teacher's office to be scolded, this can be regarded as the only emotional thing in my life."

"..." Xu Wenshu remembered the meeting he held for Xu Yijiao at his university, pinched the Yakult in his hand guiltily, and nodded perfunctorily, "Yeah, you're right. Then you guys do it first, I'll give you the drink Duo Duo sent it over."

"Well, okay, you go." Seeing that Xu Wenshu was running so fast, Xu's mother didn't bother to stop him, so she let Xu Wenshu run outside with Yakult in her hands.

"You, come here and take out this soup base, and then go out and help me plug in the induction cooker."

"Why me?" Xu's father looked at Xu's mother dissatisfied.

"Am I not able to control you anymore? Huh?" Xu's mother held her hand, her lips pursed slightly, and her smile was indifferent.

"No, I'll go right away. I will definitely help you do what my wife ordered. Such a small thing, right! How could I not be able to do it well?" Xu's father hurriedly put down the chopsticks in his hand and walked to the kitchen stove On the table, began to serve the stewed hot pot soup to the table.

Xu's mother snorted coldly, and started cooking what she hadn't finished cooking yet.

Xu Yijiao was pulled up from the bed by Xu Zeyuan, and she was extremely reluctant to get up. After all, it was a rare weekend, and when she returned to her home, it was really too much for her not to get a good night's sleep.

But there is no way, if she doesn't get up now, when the mother who rarely cooks gives an order later, it is estimated that his brother will not recall that she is his own sister, and will directly hit someone.

"Harmful." In terms of family status, after all, she couldn't compare with her dear mother.

As soon as Xu Yijiao left the bed, she was already sober. After washing her face and brushing her teeth, she was already sober.

When she came down from upstairs, she was still wearing her pajamas, and her hair was combed in the bathroom just now, and it looked a little disheveled, but compared to the past when she didn't even bother to comb her hair, it was much better .

Xu Zeyuan, who was following her, didn't expect the young lady in front of him to be a little girlish, as long as she liked it anyway.

After all, she is my own younger sister, so if you want to throw it away, find another one and raise her from scratch.

Xu Zeyuan thought that he no longer had that kind of good temper.

"Damn it!" Xu Yijiao had just stepped on the last step, when she saw the person sitting on the sofa, she turned around in shock and wanted to run upstairs.

What a fucking ghost, I actually forgot that today is the day when my second brother brought his second sister-in-law back.


Because of the scream, Jiang Huaiduo, who was sitting on the sofa playing with his mobile phone, raised his head in horror, and suddenly saw the young man standing on the stairs.

(End of this chapter)

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