The whole e-sports circle is eating dog food

Chapter 17 017: Who is the bitch in your mouth calling?

Chapter 17 017 Who is the bitch in your mouth calling?

When there are too many people, the bullet screen shrunk down at the bottom of the computer screen is densely packed like an explosion.

According to the plan made by Xu Wenshu, Jiang Huaiduo turned on the camera and pointed it at his face.

[Fuck?It's really QUI! !God, why does this person still have the face to show up? 】

[What do you mean upstairs?Why can't our Duoduo show up? 】

[Hehe, sure enough, there are a lot of brain fans. How long has your old club OUG, who kicked off and helped her up, been on the hot search?Didn't see it? 】

[White lotus. 】

Fans and anti-fans got together, from the beginning of the elegant retort, to the latter part who didn't know which side scolded the person first, everyone seemed to have no regard for it, and the words came out no matter how ugly they were.

Jiang Huaiduo proficiently opened the game on the desktop, used the switching live page to log in to the new chicken account that Xu Wen wrote on the paper, and then switched back to the game.

Didn't say a word from beginning to end.

As the popularity soared to more than [-], more and more passerby fans came in with fans from other clubs, as well as the navy arranged by Xu Wenshu.

[? ?Do you still have the face to broadcast the game live?Dad is really amused by you!For as long as I live, I want to see OUG win the world championship, why the hell are you quitting jb's team at this time? ! 】

[Some people have really big faces?What happened to leaving the team during the transfer period?Don't talk like someone is sorry for someone, we Duoduo came out of the Guangzhou Qingyun Youth Training Camp, and the relationship with OUG is just a contract relationship, if you know a p, you can spray your father, if you don't have an IQ, you can eat more calcium tablets to supplement your brain. 】

【Ah?Who has no brains?Didn't you see the official account announcement of OUG?Is it your garbage master who violated the rules of OUG and accepted the endorsement of a small company in private?Understand? 】

[Hahahaha some fans are blind, you can't see even if you say it. 】


Xu Wenshu originally asked Jiang Huaiduo not to speak during the live broadcast, and occasionally picked a few replies, so he asked someone to guide the public opinion in the direction that what OUG said was true.

Jiang Huaiduo agreed at the time without thinking too much about it.

But now seeing his fans being ridiculed by others, because of some illusory rumors, he feels sullen in his heart.

In the past, my fans were scolded because of my poor skills, but now my fans are scolded because I followed the wrong club.

Fans are so innocent, they just watched an e-sports game, fell in love with themselves, and called for strangers, but they were insulted and laughed at by others because of themselves.

With a tense face, Jiang Huaiduo jumped the microphone of the headset to the position he was used to, fixed the mouse on the bullet screen box, and scrolled up.

The clear and pleasant voice in the past was hoarse and deep for a while due to the emotion, and he closed his eyes and said coldly: "KRRIO's follower's room should be closed, don't throw all the garbage in my live broadcast room, I'm not a garbage disposal center."

"Watching the live broadcast is good. If you call me out of OUG, keep your mouth clean, and bring words such as loquat, mom, and dad. I will give you a chance in unlimited mode. I won't beat you to the ground and call me dad. You Go ahead and try it."

The barrage suddenly became more peaceful. After all, those who often watch Jianghuaiduo's live broadcast know that this is one of the few female e-sports players in the chicken eating game. She usually looks docile and cute, like a cat next door, but once she When frowning and shouting the title of the house manager, that's when the cat stretches out its sharp claws.

If she doesn't scratch your skin off, she will never let it go.

Of course, on the bullet screen, there were also people who were not afraid of death and were still swearing, and even clamored for Jiang Huaiduo to come anyway.

[Pull what, after all, isn't she a bitch?I'm still afraid that you won't succeed?An e-sports player who thrives on hype.Pooh!White-eyed wolf! 】

Jiang Huaiduo's desire to win and anger was completely ignited by this golden barrage.

He sneered and said, "That guy called 'Loading Boss' go online and add me as a friend, and we will directly enter the unlimited mode. I'd like to see who the bitch you're talking about is."

Xu Wenshu, who was sitting opposite, also frowned and looked at the computer in front of him.

He wasn't worried that Jiang Huaiduo would suffer under the hands of passers-by, but he just felt that the dirty mouths of these people who didn't know the inside story were the same as eating in the toilet yesterday.

The ugly sound makes people physically disgusted.

He knocked on the table unconsciously with his hand, thinking about how to stop the cyberbullying for these people and teach them how to behave.

(End of this chapter)

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