Chapter 172 171171
"No... I'm not entangled with this..." Song Ruiyi licked the corner of his mouth, just about to explain for himself, the conversation just started, and was soon interrupted by Xu Zeyuan.

"My home environment is not bad. If you feel bored, I will pick up Wen Shu's cat in a few days."

Xu Zeyuan spoke one sentence after another, without giving anyone a chance to speak at all.

It's like worrying that what you just said will soon be refuted by the person in front of you.

Song Ruiyi looked at the nervous man in front of him with a grin, changed hands with the bag in his hand, grabbed the man's coat, and led him out of the door.

"Okay, the most valuable thing in this family will follow you home." Song Ruiyi snorted softly, "But let me tell you first, I won't be satisfied without something delicious."

Xu Zeyuan was stunned by these words in an instant, followed the girl's strength and walked out the door. His clear mind, which usually deals with various files, suddenly seemed to be down, and there was no way to get rid of these words The context is linked together.


Wait, did she just agree?
It was only when Xu Zeyuan came to the underground parking lot that he realized what the man in front of him meant, and suddenly froze in place, unable to say anything, even Song Ruiyi didn't respond when asked to open the car door.

Song Ruiyi saw the man in a daze, so he didn't dare to ask someone to drive. He could only let go and find the car key in the pocket of the man's coat. He gently pulled the man's wrist and stuffed him into the car. He said with a smile: "Seeing that I'm going to have dinner at your house in the next few days, I can barely give you a free driver today."

"I won't charge you money."

Song Ruiyi conveniently stuffed the bag in his hand into the person's arms, probably because he saw the person's expression was so cute, Song Ruiyi didn't forget to pinch the person's cheek when he withdrew his hand.

A little softer than expected.

Feels pretty good.

"Where does your family live?" Song Ruiyi asked after starting the car and tightening the seat belt.

The more she looked like this, the more she felt like she was abducting a lost big child.

Xu Zeyuan stretched out his hand to touch the place that was pinched just now, covered his cheeks and turned to look at Song Ruiyi who was sitting next to him, shook his head, and told the person his home address. The child became sober a lot.

"..." Although it seems that the situation is different from what he imagined, but...go home with him?He even pinched his face. Doesn't it... count as some progress?


The second day after Jiang Huaiduo went home with Xu Wenshu, Xu Wenshu received a fatal text message from Dong Zhuo, one of the "husbands and dogs", saying that he wanted to bring someone to meet Xu Wenshu.

[No time, my girlfriend is at my house. 】

[Then bring them here together. It just so happens that I am bringing my girlfriend along, let's meet up together. 】

[? ? 】Xu Wenshu used two question marks to express his unwillingness and reluctance.

But Dong Zhuo has played with him since he was a child, and Jiang Huaiduo will definitely know Dong Zhuo when he is with him in the future. Compared with meeting him in the future, Dong Zhuo will keep making noises.

It's better to meet now.

After Xu Wenshu asked Jiang Huaiduo, he took people out. Xu's father and Xu's mother received a call last night. They were on a business trip and had no time to stay at home.

(End of this chapter)

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