Chapter 186 185185
"Fuck, are you looking for death? Huh?" Zhang Jin said, grabbing the water glass next to him, ready to throw it on someone.

Liu Hao made a gesture to hide, and smiled, "Just kidding, just kidding. You are my partner, how can you leave me behind?"

"Hehe, if the captain didn't feel that the two strategic partners are too tired, do you think I would be with you?" Zhang Jin sneered, "Don't be too sentimental."

Xu Wenshu clapped his hands, "Okay, let's get this topic out of the way. Hurry up and order a takeaway. It's time to eat and drink. I may have to stay up late tonight to replay the game from the previous few days."

"Tonight?" When Jiang Huaiduo was just listening to the gossip, the character was beaten to death, and took the opportunity to stuff a few more steamed buns into his mouth.

"Well, tonight." Xu Wenshu repeated.

Zhang Jin: "Is the coach coming?"

"It's because he came that we resumed the game." Xu Wenshu frowned slightly when he thought of the WeChat message that the coach sent to him just now, "Looking at his circle of friends, it should be that the idol vote failed, and he didn't get out of the group. I guess he was angry. I don't know What should I do, now I finally remember what my real job is.”

Zhang Jin: "..."

Liu Hao: "..."

Jiang Huaiduo: "..."

Zhang Jin heheed, "Then he'd better let us go. The spring pre-season games are almost history, and he finally remembered to resume the game. Why don't we talk about our autumn training plan after we win the world championship? "

This is purely an afterthought, okay?
It's useless at all, at least in their eyes.

Liu Hao nodded, "Isn't it fucking useless? Let's replay at this time? Why don't we practice hard? And didn't we replay it privately before?"

Xu Wenshu sighed, "Forget it, anyway, he is a coach who spent money to invite back, so everyone just bear with it, if he still doesn't have any important points tonight, everyone will pack up, go out to the toilet one by one, and then escape never mind."

"He originally wanted to take an opportunity to express his pessimism. If he couldn't bear it, everyone should leave immediately."

"Forget it, it's just such a foolish coach, let's treat him well." Zhang Jin waved his hand and didn't mention this matter again. The mobile phone that had just been turned on suddenly popped up countless WeChat messages, all of which were from A person.

Previously, Xu Wenshu and the others sent him messages that were suppressed by this person's messages. Zhang Jin glanced at the first one and deleted them all. When he clicked into the software, he also directly ignored the 99+ next to that person's message box. Just click on the other ones, read it a few times, and confirm that there is nothing particularly urgent in the content, then turn it off.

It was inexplicably confirmed that the coach came to hold a review meeting at night.

The four of them finished their tasks before starting to work. The four opened four rows, and each of them began to warm up in their seats.

When it was almost seven o'clock, the coach walked in from the outside, with a few folders under the creaking nest, and he didn't look very good.

Everyone quickly thought that the idol that this person supported hadn't debuted, and they couldn't help feeling a little pity in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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