Chapter 194 193193
The melted sugar flows slowly in the mouth, and the dough on the outer skin is just right. It is not sweet at all in the mouth. The more you chew, the sweeter the sweetness in the mouth becomes. It is especially suitable for eating in the morning.

"Is it sweet?"

"Sweet." The corner of Xu Wenshu's mouth hooked slightly, and he led the person down, "But it's not as sweet as you."

"You...!" Jiang Huaiduo's complexion became even more rosy after being teased, and he wanted to say something for a while, but after thinking about it, he didn't know what to say.

She was powerless to refute what this man said.

But Jiang Huaiduo didn't want others to suppress him like this, so he snorted softly, "I'm just so sweet! Or can I abduct you?"

"Yes, you're right." Xu Wenshu smiled, and passed the contents of his hand to someone, "Here, do you want to continue eating?"



Jiang Huaiduo told Xu Wenshu the address of the hospital, and he started driving the two of them to the hospital.

When he was about to arrive at the hospital, he started calling Jiang Yuyue.

"I'll go down now and wait for you at the gate of the hospital building." Jiang Yuyue frowned slightly when she saw the real name on the phone screen, got up quickly and came out of the ward, stood in the vent and connected the phone.

The middle-aged man lying on the hospital bed drank the soup in his hand, and when he saw his eldest daughter go out, he quickly winked at his wife next to him and asked someone to follow him out quietly.

The middle-aged woman who had been his wife for so many years immediately understood the man's eyes. After receiving it, she followed my daughter and walked outside.

Standing not far from her daughter, and hearing a few words of conversation, the middle-aged woman quickly had a guess in her heart that it was probably her other daughter who was coming back.

After seeing the eldest daughter hang up the phone, she stepped forward and patted Jiang Yuyue on the shoulder.

"Mom? Why did you come out?" Jiang Yuyue trembled slightly from fright, turned around and saw someone she was familiar with, quickly calmed down, and said with a light smile, "What's the matter?"

"Does Duoduo want to come to see your father?" The middle-aged woman has given birth to two, but compared to her peers, she is still well maintained. She looks much younger than her peers. When she speaks, she pauses and speaks slowly. And from the heart.


"You called to ask her to come back?"

"Well, Dad is like this, she can't not come back, right?" Jiang Yuyue didn't feel that she had done something wrong, "It's fine if you don't come back during the Chinese New Year, and it's fine if you don't contact us. I don’t know how many times I’ve come back.”

"As a daughter, no matter what conflicts arise, she can't behave like this." Jiang Yuyue was puzzled, "She went into the e-sports industry, didn't we say something in the end? We have pampered her to this extent, It can’t be like this.”

The middle-aged woman waved her hand and frowned, "She's your sister, how do you talk."

"You're just like your father, you're too self-centered..." The middle-aged woman didn't know what to say in the middle of her speech. After all, Jiang Huaiduo is now one of the promoters.

She has no right to tell Jiang Yuyue these things.

"Forget it, you'd better hurry down and pick up your sister."


"Well, then hurry up." Jiang Huaiduo asked someone to come over quickly, hung up the phone, and looked like Xu Wenshu, "Wait a minute, if you see my parents, you..., they may not have a good temper , you must not be too anxious."

(End of this chapter)

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