Chapter 198 197197
"Aunt Ling, my temper may not be very good today, I will continue to chat with you next time when I am free." Jiang Huaiduo stood up and began to walk outside.

She was afraid that she would no longer be able to suppress the hatred that overflowed from her heart, the hatred for that family, her parents, and her sister.

She is an unfavorable clown, never expecting to get any praise from them, never before, and never in the future.

Xu Wenshu stretched out his hand, nodded slightly to Aunt Ling, and said with a polite smile: "She is not in a very good mood today. If there are some excessive words in her words, don't take it too seriously. When she is in a better mood, we will talk about it again." Come to your door to apologize."

Liang Ling waved her hand indifferently, "What's the big deal? After all, I was just the one who was invited to enlighten her, but it seems that the effect was not very good, and it made people angry instead."

"Hurry up and catch up with her, don't get mad at her."

"Okay, sorry to trouble you." From the few words just now, Xu Wenshu roughly sorted out the relationship between Liang Ling and Jiang Huaiduo.

Jiang Huaiduo was able to go to the Qingyun training camp, mostly because of Liang Ling's help, so Xu Wenshu still has some respect for Liang Ling.

When Xu Wenshu left the door of the room, he saw Jiang Huaiduo opened the door and went in. Inside, a grown-up Samoyed was grinning and rubbing Jiang Huaiduo's calf affectionately.

When Jiang Huaiduo saw Samoyed, the anger that was still burning in his heart before was lost by half, and he quickly started rubbing Samoyed's happy and folded airplane ears. No matter how you look at it, it is very cute.

"Xia Zhi, my sister misses you so much!" Jiang Huaiduo reached out and pulled Xia Zhi into his arms, rubbing his cheek against the Samoyed, "Tsk, if only I raised you, my sister will definitely take you far away. "

Jiang Huaiduo rubbed Samoyed's ears reluctantly.

This dog belongs to Jiang Yuyue, and came to this home when Jiang Huaiduo was in his first year of high school, but not long after, Jiang Huaiduo dropped out of high school and completely stayed away from this home. So big.

"Wang Wang-"

When Xia Zhi saw Jiang Huaiduo, she was also very excited. She lifted her front feet off the ground and wanted to jump at Jiang Huaiduo. Her big snow-white tail kept shaking behind her, and her tongue was sticking out happily.

"Xia Zhi?" Xu Wenshu, who came in behind the person, suddenly recited the name, frowning slightly, and soon found this familiar name in the depths of his memory. Isn't this the time when he was in Jiang Huaiduo's room, The name of the person the little girl talked about in her sleep?

Xu Wenshu looked at the silly dog ​​at the person's feet, and the jealousy that had arisen for some reason disappeared all of a sudden.


If he had known it would be a dog, he would never be jealous.

It's no use eating a dog's meat.

Jiang Huaiduo bypassed Xia Zhi, went to his room to find a suitcase, and stuffed the clothes in his closet into the suitcase.

Xia Zhi probably hadn't seen Jiang Huaiduo for too long, and wandered behind the person. Seeing Jiang Huaiduo opened the suitcase, Xia Zhi quickly lay down in it, smiled at him, and barked twice.

"Xia Zhi, get up quickly, don't lie in my suitcase! My sister needs to pack up!" Jiang Huaiduo stretched out his hand to drive Xia Zhi outside, but after growing up, Xia Zhi is heavier, knowing that Jiang Huaiduo's strength is not so strong, so I just After being able to get up with the strength of the hands, he walked by the side twice, and then lay down on his legs and returned to the suitcase.

(End of this chapter)

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