The whole e-sports circle is eating dog food

Chapter 23 023: Swollen OUG Dog Face

Chapter 23 023 Swollen OUG's Dog Face

Jiang Huaiduo's physical strength had already reached its limit, and she couldn't support herself after the injection for a while, her head was tilted on Xu Wenshu's shoulder, and she fell into a deep sleep.

Xu Wenshu held the person's exposed hand and warmed it, for fear of freezing him.

The cell phone in the pocket of his clothes beeped lightly, drawing his attention away from the sleeping girl's face.

He took out his phone and only saw a simple sentence.

"The counterattack has been launched, and the hot search is slowly being promoted. Looking at the progress, there will be a bumper harvest tomorrow."

Xu Wenshu didn't reply to WeChat, but clicked on the trending search directly.

The three items on the hot search list have not sunk, but the popularity is not high anymore.

The hot search of the PR team started to climb slowly from the 58th position, because most e-sports fans are night owls, this new hot search about QUI quickly jumped to the top fifteen.

Xu Wenshu clicked in to read it after refreshing it once.

The reason for the trending search was that HOK's official website posted four Weibo accusations against OUG at nearly nine o'clock in the evening.

Article [-]: Nine pictures accuse OUG of lying, breaking the contract first, refrigerating and spreading rumors about players without reason, withholding players' wages, and deliberately exerting pressure not to give other clubs the opportunity to sign refrigerated players.

The nine pictures clearly and plainly express the evil deeds that OUG has done to the e-sports players it belongs to.

From KI who was expelled from the KPL team for no reason and finally had no choice but to retire, to Wrio, the senior who once taught Jiang Huaiduo and even competed with her, to QUI.

Every crime has solid evidence, nailing OUG to the pillar of shame.

The second Weibo is a video with black screen and words, which is the whole process of the coach and the person appointed by Xu Wenshu signing Jiang Huaiduo together.

The OUG connector didn't want to simply give Jiang Huaiduo to HOK, and his tone was full of malice, constantly slandering HOK's strength, and even insulting Jiang Huaiduo.

The meaning of the blog post sent along with the video is roughly that HOK has applied for legal protection to lawyers for the false rumors and insulting content, and will definitely defend the reputation of the staff and players to the end.

The third one is even more surprising.

OUG once posted an announcement on the official Weibo, saying that Jiang Huaiduo was terminated because he violated the team rules and accepted private work first, instead of going through the official cooperation channel.

However, from the conversation between HOK and the partner, it can be seen that they first signed a contract with OUG, and at the beginning they agreed that Jiang Huaiduo would help with the filming and promotion, but the day before the filming, they suddenly told them to change people. Become a different e-sports player.

At first, the boss was not very happy, thinking that this had ruined their original plan.

But OUG said that they would pay compensation and vigorously promote their products, and the boss' anger was relieved by half.

Later, when the OUG issued an announcement, they were not allowed to speak out for the truth, and even sent people to threaten them.

Now I choose to stand up, just because I don’t want to continue to be weak. I first chose QUI to promote the brand image because I liked her.

But when someone maliciously slanders her and hurts her, and we allow those people to stab her, then we become sinners.

No longer being silent is our best voice as ordinary people.

While the first three hammered OUG to the floor, the fourth was even more ferocious.

Go to the apartment where Jiang Huaiduo lived to check the monitoring at the time when "QUI" himself forwarded it on Weibo and apologized to OUG that day. You can see that she is carrying a bag of garbage and does not have a mobile phone in her hand.

In order to prevent some sunspots from saying that the video was edited, the team deliberately played the first 2 minutes and the last 2 minutes of that time.

Five minutes before and after, Jiang Huaiduo walked out of the elevator carrying the garbage, threw away the garbage, and walked out of the apartment's anti-theft door all the way without taking out his mobile phone.

In other words, this Weibo was not forwarded and replied by herself at all.

HOK upholds the spirit of not being afraid of the sky, not being afraid of the earth, I am going to kill you tonight tonight, and asked questions in the back of the video.

"One question, does OUG have face? You are not a human being when you are harsh on the team members. Second question, does OUG need brains? Make up nonsense and fart. Third question, does OUG go to school? The rule of law and morality are double-learned. Fourth question, does OUG have the guts? Dad sits Rolls-Royce is waiting for you to fight!"

(End of this chapter)

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