The whole e-sports circle is eating dog food

Chapter 26 026: Stand out for love

Chapter 26 026 Standing out for Love
At about eight o'clock the next day, all members of HOK got up and started training vigorously.

Chen Yuan started the live broadcast, still holding the soy milk that the auntie in the cafeteria had just warmed up in his hand, took the time to look at the barrage, and was startled awake by the barrage flying by quickly.

"What? Take it easy, you guys are swiping too fast, I can't see clearly."

Chen Yuan put the mouse on the bullet screen public channel, temporarily saw the crazy moving bullet screen clearly, and found that everyone was saying that OUG had made an announcement.

The atmosphere in the training room is not very exciting. Last night, everyone ate melons until early morning and lacked sleep.

Xu Wenshu got up this morning, but he is not in the training room now. This also caused no one to suppress him in the training room, and everyone started to be lazy.

Zhang Jin half-closed his eyes and was scrolling through Douyin. Occasionally he opened his eyes when he saw a few beauties, but most of the time they were closed, and his hands slid unconsciously. I don't know if he saw them or not. look in.

Liu Hao even put the pillow directly under his hands and fell asleep again.

Chen Yuan followed the barrage clues to his Weibo, went to OUG's official website, and found that they posted an announcement at [-] o'clock this morning, questioning HOK's four points, and sold a wave of grievances by the way, saying Make yourself innocent.

Although everyone in the comments did not believe what OUG said, there is no doubt that this announcement still disgusts people.

Especially Chen Yuan.

Just as he was about to type a long text to forward this shameless announcement, a Weibo message prompt box popped up.

It was Xu Wenshu who posted the update.

Chen Yuan subconsciously clicked in and found that Xu Wenshu reposted and commented on this Weibo before him.

HOK-WEN: "I originally wanted to save face for certain people and certain clubs. After all, I have known QUI for a long time. I can say that I watched her grow up all the way. Who is she? I compare You all know, I know what she likes most, what she wants most.

But there are always some dead pigs who are not afraid of boiling water, and the hotter the boiling water, the more wavy it will be.

I save face for others, but some people don't need it, so I won't talk nonsense.

OUG, rubbish.Please automatically post it as harmful, thank you. "

Within a few minutes, Xu Wenshu's Weibo comments exploded.

Some fans agreed with Xu Wenshu's dislike of directly hating her, and some felt that there was no need to sacrifice their reputation to defend Jianghuaiduo. Some extreme fans who called themselves girlfriend fans directly insulted Jianghuaiduo in the comments.

[I can see that this QUI ability is not much, but the ability to seduce men is really strong. /Smile】

【+ ID number.I really don't see how strong this QUI is. Is it necessary for Xu Wenshu to be like this? 】

[Are the sb upstairs eating lemon tree bibimbap tonight?The sourness almost suffocates people to death! 】

[Buddha, are childhood sweethearts sour? / Smile Some people are really shameless, really hehehehehe! 】


The comments are sour.

Those who spoke ill of Jiang Huaiduo did not expect that Xu Wenshu would reply to them directly. In less than 2 minutes, Xu Wenshu had already replied to three or four people.

HOK-WEN: QUI is very good. If you don’t know it, go watch the video. I privately chatted with you about the URL of the video. You can see for yourself.

HOK-WEN: ?Wholesale lemons at home or a bottle of vinegar?So sour?

Chen Yuan cried out in surprise after watching the whole farce.

"Knock? Is the captain so stiff now?"

He called out and woke up the other people who were in a trance.

"What's the matter?" Liu Hao wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth, and sat up from the desk.

"You guys. Check out the captain's Weibo. Damn it, it's a little too rigid."

"Huh? Wait for me." When Zhang Jin heard that there were melons to eat, he didn't even read the Internet celebrity sister, and quit and switched to Weibo.

Liu Hao's drowsiness was awakened by Xu Wenshu's reply, and he repeatedly said, "The captain is awesome!"

"Stand up for love, tsk, the smell of love." Zhang Jin rubbed his eyes, lying on a soft chair, shaking his feet lightly.

It's going to be cold in spring, but why is there pink bubbles in this club, and it's even warm?

(End of this chapter)

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