The whole e-sports circle is eating dog food

Chapter 263 Chapter 263: The Last Story

Chapter 263 Chapter 263: The Last Story
Zhang Jin was sitting in the taxi, his brows were furrowed as he was about to enter the city.

I thought, it is impossible to sleep at this time, right?
Yuny usually stays up late for training later than this time.

Could it be that you have changed your temper today?
Zhang Jin sent messages to Yuny a few more times, waiting for the person over there to reply to him, but unconsciously clasped his hands and fingers tightly behind the phone, worried that Yuny would not reply to him on purpose.

After all, there is no way to judge when he is asleep. I am afraid that during the few days when he is not here, Yuny will see clearly and feel that this relationship is actually dispensable.

That made him a little unacceptable.

Yuny, lying on the bed, heard the phone next to him ringing again, and felt itchy in his heart. Finally, he decided to reach out and pick up the phone to have a look. He wanted to see it, but it was the software app that had no eyesight that sent him a message. news.

If it is not important news, he will delete the software immediately.

As soon as I picked it up, I saw it was WeChat.

Oh, WeChat, it’s optional, if Zhang Jin didn’t send it, he would uninstall WeChat and only use QQ from now on.

Click to open the folding message, enter WeChat, and it was stuck for a long time when loading, and he didn't go in. He was so angry that he wanted to throw his phone away.

Yuny never felt so nervous when he was looking at the results of the high school entrance examination.

"What kind of broken net is this!!!"

Yuny felt like he was going to have a heart attack.

After finally getting in, the young man's eyes widened, as if he had seen something unbelievable. The note on it was the chat interface he was most familiar with and opened the most times in the past few months.

Zhang Jin (`).

Yuny felt that his hand holding the phone was trembling, and he could not breathe smoothly for a while. He stretched out his hand and wiped his eyes, and then looked at the note displayed on the phone. His message.

The previous unhappiness disappeared completely in an instant.

As for people going to Russia without telling him?

What is that?
He forgot all about it.

"I was watching a movie just now, I didn't notice... What are you looking for me so late?"

Yuny licked the corner of his mouth, thought for a while, and said, "If it's just a souvenir, isn't it a bit late now? Or else I'll go to your house tomorrow to get it? It's not very convenient to come here now."

Sitting in the back seat of the car, Zhang Jin frowned slightly when he saw what Yuny said. He felt a little guilty before, but suddenly became angry.

"Trouble jb, I'm still in the suburbs, hurry up the fuck, where are you now? Send me the location, and I'll find you by car!"

Followed by an emoji.

If you talk nonsense again, I will kill you.jpg.

Yuny shrank, shoulders, okay, he is cowardly.

Touching his nose, he quickly sent someone his current location, and finally asked, "Do you want me to wait for you at the gate of the community?"

"Is your community under special management? I can't get in? Or what?"

"Oh, that's not true."

"Then you come and pick me up as a p, and wait at your house with peace of mind!"

Zhang Jin changed the address with the driver and asked someone to drive to where Yuny is now.

In fact, what kind of souvenirs? He went to Russia empty-handed. At most, he bought some cosmetics for a few female players who were close to him, and then bought a coat because the temperature was a little low at night.

Although this brand has not been dismantled yet, it doesn't seem very good to people like this, does it?

Zhang Jin fell silent.

But these are not the most important, let him meet people first.

(End of this chapter)

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