The whole e-sports circle is eating dog food

Chapter 33 033: Now is the time to settle accounts

Chapter 33 033 It's Time to Settle Accounts
"What kind of NIM did they say bad things about Duo Shen on Weibo? Forget it, and they also said that our HOK is a team of villains who take advantage of people's illness to kill people."

"Fuck me! What kind of idiot is he? When I was playing games, he didn't know where to wear diapers!" Liu Hao became more and more annoyed.

Do most people in OUG have brain problems?What kind of fucking shit is this thinking?It is really a Buddha.

In contrast to Liu Hao's irascibility, Zhang Jin calmly analyzed OUG's unusual behavior.

"We met NIM before on the competition field. He was originally a bad-ass kid with little manners, and he was a bit talented in playing games, so naturally he didn't take others seriously. If you say this , it fits his temperament quite well." Zhang Jin clasped his fingers upside down and tapped on the table, "But at this time, these words are really too eye-catching, or he was provoked by someone, and then he was too angry to say these words ...Or he has been upset with Huai Duo for a long time, and it is rare for someone to leave, so naturally there is no need to pretend to be affectionate as a teammate."

"Tear off the fake face and reveal the original appearance." Zhang Jin's mouth hooked slightly, and he yawned as he leaned back on the comfortable gaming chair. "Children are still too shallow, and they don't even know that they are being used as gunmen."

Before Jiang Huaiduo came to HOK, there were four people. From the beginning of its establishment, there were countless appointments. In the end, Xu Wenshu chose Liu Hao and others for a reason.

Liu Hao has an impatient temper, but he is clear about right and wrong. Apart from eating, nothing can catch his eyes. He doesn't smoke or drink, so he can be regarded as a qualified e-sports player.

Unlike Liu Hao, Zhang Jin has an introverted personality and a very unique way of thinking and thinking. He can be regarded as the second "brain" of the entire team except for Xu Wenshu. Time, the deputy team leader.

As for Chen Yuan, he was a kid in the first year of high school when he came here. In addition to his love for games, he also had the grief and indignation of running away from home. In order to prevent minors from living on the streets, Xu Wenshu used "picking A child, no loss" made people stay.

It is precisely because of this that HOK quickly stood at the forefront of the Guangzhou e-sports club.

Xu Wenshu didn't fall asleep, so he naturally heard what Liu Hao said to Zhang Jin.

Pretending to be just waking up, straightened up, and said to Liu Hao who was standing: "You can directly comment on Weibo and forward the appointment. Since you look down on it, there is no point in fighting with words. It is better to use your strength to make your opponent cry." what we should do most.”

"Okay!" Liu Hao wanted to swear violently at first, but after listening to Zhang Jin's analysis, he worried that this was a trap, which would put HOK in a dilemma.

Zhang Jin smiled at Xu Wenshu, "Listen to you."

Anyway, there is something that the Xu family can't solve. Even if the people behind OUG are really after HOK, can Xu Wenshu be afraid of them?
Jiang Huaiduo closed his eyes, and ended the game again. Hearing Xu Wenshu and Zhang Jin's words, he thought for a moment, "Let's make a 4v4 match, next Sunday, let's wait for a week."

When Liu Hao got excited, he liked Jiang Huaiduo's attitude.

If someone touches me, I have to call back. I'm not your mother, so I don't need to spoil you.

"Okay! Just next Sunday, kill them bastards!" Liu Hao got permission, with a smug smile on his fleshy face, and he tapped his hand on the collection screen even more vigorously, as if he was hitting Those who do not know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth.

I let you go because I don't think there is any need to argue with you, but you have to make an inch of it, so don't blame me for tearing off your hypocrisy.

Don't hide your shame, then just "run naked", anyway, the relationship between HOK and OUG has already been settled, and now it's time to settle the score.

(End of this chapter)

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