The whole e-sports circle is eating dog food

Chapter 4 004: A well-known professional female athlete starved to death on the street

Chapter 4 004 A well-known professional female player starved to death on the street
The coach was silent.

Jiang Huaiduo is a good seedling, no matter from which aspect it is discussed.

Entered the shooting competition at the age of 15. The terrifying sniper ability of single-player competition once made everyone look at female professional players with admiration, and became popular in the entire e-sports circle overnight.

At the age of 17, he entered the chicken eating competition and led the team to win the world runner-up. He is a rare talented player.

"I know what you said...but OUG..."

After all, HOK was developed first in recent years. Compared with OUG, which was established at the beginning of the e-sports industry, it is still very weak.

"Wen Shu, e-sports is not a one-man operation show, it is a collaborative game, you can't push the whole team to the top of the wave just because you think you think!"

The coach persuaded him kindly, hoping that the master in front of him could show some face and stop fussing about so many things.

It is indeed a pity that Jiang Huaiduo retired, but the coach would never allow him to gamble with HOK tomorrow.

Xu Wenshu lowered his head, his black hair covered his bright eyes, which were filled with dazzling stars, and his deep and magnetic voice sounded in the small office.

"Coach, the signing of Jiang Huaiduo, as long as Fatty and the others agree, no matter how much it costs, I will buy him back."

"I still stick to my point of view. Jiang Huaiduo is very beneficial to our team no matter what aspect it is."

Xu Wenshu said decisively, leaning forward slightly with his hands on the waxed desk, with unshakable thoughts in his amber eyes.

"With her, the Global League Champion, we have a better chance of sprinting than other teams."

In e-sports, there is no eternal opponent, only the belief that you will always win.

Just after January in Guangzhou, Huinantian has appeared. The corridors of the houses are full of water. The air is so humid and cold that it is unbearable. Even the quilt on the bed is wet. The whole city was swallowed up.

Jiang Huaiduo lived in the dark room without any sense of time for two days. Every day she ate instant noodles, and if she ate any more, she would vomit it out.

Jiang Huaiduo walked downstairs with the garbage in his eyes, carrying his wallet, and went to 711 to settle his Chinese food.

Banned by the team, the live broadcast room was shut down, and the live broadcast fee of last month was directly cut off. Now she only has 500 yuan for the whole body.

In other words, at the beginning of next month, no club is willing to pay a high price to buy her from OUG and pay her wages. Then, the open space under the Guangzhou Overpass Bridge will be her final destination in a short time.

It is very likely that next month's headlines in the city will be "a well-known female professional player starved to death on the street."

Jiang Huaiduo was walking in the cold wind, wrapped tightly in his down jacket, his delicate facial features were half covered by masks and scarves, even so, he still couldn't resist the howling cold wind.

Humid and cold can really kill people.

After entering 711, she slowly exhaled the stale breath she was holding in her mouth, and the heater surrounded her. She lowered her eyes to look at the special package sticking to the glass wall, and thought about her embarrassing wallet. Ordered without hesitation, pulled out cash and traded.

Taking off the scarf and mask and putting them aside, Jiang Huaiduo sat on the stool and began to scan his phone.

Her Weibo account is managed by OUG staff. After OUG announced the suspension of all Jianghuaiduo games, the account password has been tampered with, and she cannot log in.

(End of this chapter)

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