The whole e-sports circle is eating dog food

Chapter 41 041: As long as you like it

Chapter 41 041 As long as you like it

Jiang Huaiduo's throat was actually a bit dry and sore, and he knew he couldn't eat, but the private room was only that big, and with the air conditioner on, the smell in the room became stronger and couldn't escape at all.

She was so greedy that she salivated, but she didn't even dare to stretch out her chopsticks.

"Want to eat?"

Seeing the man's appearance, Xu Wenshu laughed out loud, swung his chopsticks in front of Jiang Huaiduo, raised his eyebrows and asked, "What do you want to eat?"

"Fat cow! Tripe!"


Jiang Huaiduo rubbed his little hands excitedly, the chopsticks and the bowl were all ready, and he was waiting for Xu Wen to give him the book clip.

Unexpectedly, the man next to him didn't move his chopsticks immediately. Shi Shi took a glass from the small counter next to it, rinsed it with hot tea, poured half a glass of boiled water and put it aside

"!" To be reasonable, Jiang Huaiduo had a bad feeling.

Soon, under the constant gaze of her frowning, the man took two slices of fat beef from the colander that Liu Hao picked up with chopsticks, and put boiled water instead of directly into the girl's porcelain bowl. Brushed inside.

The grease on the surface of the fat beef and the prickly ash seeds that were accidentally stained were washed away in the boiled water. After making sure that the whole piece of fat beef was washed away and only the meat remained, Xu Wenshu put the fat beef into Jiang Huaiduo's bowl.

"." For a while, I had a dirty word, and I really didn't know whether I should say it or not.

Holding the chopsticks in his hands, Jiang Huaiduo seemed to lose his temper. He lowered his eyes and did not look at Xu Wenshu, and poked holes in the surface of the just-fit fat cow little by little.

"Wasting food is shameful." Xu Wenshu reminded with a teacup as if he couldn't see anyone with a wrinkled face.

"Oh." The tone was full of silent protest.

Jiang Huaiduo endured his distress and threw the fat cow into his mouth.

Other than a little numbness, nothing else.

She sees through life.

How can this be a banquet for cleaning up the wind and cleaning up the dust!It is obviously abusing patients!

Soon the pot of medicinal materials came up. It was said to be a pot of medicinal materials. In fact, when it came up, it was an old hen soup made of medicinal materials that had been cleared from heat. The herbs in the soup and the chunks of chicken that smelled of the soup smelled delicious.

Although it couldn't resist the momentum of the spicy pot, it was enough to make Jiang Huaiduo forget the non-spicy spicy beef that he ate just now.

Xu Wenshu filled a bowl of soup with a spoon and put it in front of Jiang Huaiduo, "Drink the soup first to warm your stomach, and you can eat it after I put the meat and vegetables in and cook them."

"Okay." Jiang Huaiduo nodded, lightly holding the white porcelain spoon with light-white fingertips, and gently blowing the soup to his mouth, pursing his lips, sucking the delicious soup into his mouth.

Mixed with the fragrance of medicinal materials and fresh chicken juice, the moment it enters the mouth, it conquers Jianghuaiduo's taste buds.

"Delicious." Jiang Huaiduo suddenly felt that the spicy soup base was not enough to attract her.

This herbal chicken soup is really a surprise!
"As long as you like it." Xu Wenshu was suddenly relieved when he saw that people were no longer envious of spicy pot.

He reached out to bring a few plates of fat beef from Liu Hao and the others to his side, and before the wolf-hungry people complained, he waved his hand and asked them to order more food for themselves.

With the captain's words, Liu Hao felt like he had never eaten meat for thousands of years, and the waiter added several more dishes in exchange.

Xu Wenshu fished out what was thrown down earlier and put it in another clean bowl, and put it in Jiang Huaiduo's hand so that she could easily pick it up.

(End of this chapter)

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