The whole e-sports circle is eating dog food

Chapter 49 049: The breakthrough point of this matter is Li Fei

Chapter 49 049 The breakthrough point of this matter is Li Fei
It has to be said that Xu Wenshu's "hunters and dog friends" are very efficient in handling affairs. He told them to inquire about the relationship between Li Fei and OUG senior personnel. Within two days, Xu Wenshu received the sorted information.

In that document, Li Fei's ancestral grave was almost dug out for inspection and reported to Xu Wenshu one by one.

The content of this document is very rich. Xu Wenshu studied it in his room for less than half an hour, and he immediately saw the problem.

There is an upper-level leader of OUG named He Shang who has a close relationship with Li Fei. He Shang is a new director who joined OUG in recent years, because he has invested a lot of money in OUG and is a major shareholder.

Li Fei has a daughter who studies in Guangzhou and has good grades, but it costs a lot of money to go to a good school. Li Fei's salary as a manager in OUG for one year cannot support his daughter to go to a better school. Recently, he also bought a small part of OUG's shares, and the capital turnover was not enough. Just when he didn't know what to do, He Shang offered him an olive branch.

He Shang is not a decent person, but he likes to pretend to be a scholar with suits, leather tracks, and gold-rimmed glasses. He has a fresh and natural perfume smell on his body, and his handsome face is always smiling. He is a proper masked tiger. .

Li Fei was somewhat puzzled by the olive branch thrown by He Shang.

After all, a businessman never does good deeds, so naturally he would not simply say to help him.

He Shang twisted his cuff buttons, twitched the corner of his mouth, and said indifferently: "Chenghui High School is not easy to get into, the annual tuition fee is 26 yuan, and the third year of high school is basically for students to choose whether they are admitted to domestic or foreign prestigious schools. Your daughter is so outstanding, are you willing to let her stay in an ordinary class and do nothing in the future?"

He Shang's mint smoke is shining in the dark stairway, and the refreshing and spicy mint smell permeates the narrow stairway with the swirling smoke.

Li Fei frowned uncomfortably.

"If you can't make a decision now, I'll wait for you and contact me after you figure it out in a few days." He Shang took a puff of cigarette, and walked out of the corridor without waiting for Li Fei's reply.

He Shang is a cunning businessman who likes to calculate people's hearts.

Li Fei is not a decent person in the first place, so he will do whatever it takes to achieve his goal, let alone
The conditions that He Shang offered him were too tempting, and he couldn't refuse.

In the face of morality and self-interest, he chose the latter.

Xu Wenshu tapped the thick wooden table with his hand, bit his lower lip with his teeth, thinking.

After all, it is too simple to engage Li Fei.

He Shang, he had to think for a moment.

He Shang has a relatively poor reputation among them. When I was in high school, I heard that He Shang transferred to another school twice. Because of serious school violence, inciting other people's emotions.

"I'm really not afraid of death, I like to hit the gun." Xu Wenshu curled his lips, leaning back on the soft back chair, crossing his hands on the armrest.

He Shang's grandfather was an upstart, and his father had some ability to defend the country. When he came to He Shang's generation, he wanted to save face, and sent He Shang to the best school to receive the best education since he was a child.

But it's a pity, three generations of single pass, He Shang is a golden nest held in his hands, not only did not learn well, but also has bad habits.

The three generations in the circle look down on him, and have no idea of ​​making friends with him.

He Shang is very temperamental. He saw that the three generations were not happy, and he didn't bother to deal with it, so he started to form a small group by himself.

Xu Wenshu has no direct contact with him, but he has also heard that he acts perversely, is moody, and likes to seduce others with money.

Xu Wenshu stood up, adjusted his team uniform, and walked out of the room.

Li Fei is a person who can't hold on to his beliefs, but how can he win him over with a little trick?

Li Fei is not a soft persimmon to be manipulated by others, and he must have a backup.

Then the breakthrough point of the whole thing was Li Fei.

(End of this chapter)

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