Chapter 6 006OUG is trash
Who would be willing to trade the entire team's future for an e-sports player who might never go down?

The lip hidden behind the mask has been bitten and the blood flowed out, staining the sky blue disposable mask red.

Those eyes that were once full of small smiles were full of tears at some point, just like if Xu Wenshu said another word, the person in front of him would cry until the sky was dark.

Xu Wenshu quietly listened to the man in front of him finish speaking. The classic red and white aj stepped on the dry fallen leaves, and the squeak sounded on the silent bridge, which was particularly ear-piercing.

The bewilderment and depression of the past few days have drained away the tears, just when Jiang Huaiduo thought he would never cry again because he couldn't play, this person appeared in front of him.

He obviously only said a few words from the beginning to the end, but it was as if a thousand-weight mountain boulder was removed from her body, making her gasp and live.

Tears disappeared into the mask along the cheeks, and the salty and bloody smell spread in the mouth.

Xu Wenshu embraced the skinny girl in front of him, and suppressed her with accusations and gossip, and all the vigor he once had disappeared.

The light of love for e-sports in his eyes is also gradually dimming, and he can't see it clearly.

Xu Wenshu was afraid that as soon as he let go, the person in front of him would disappear, and he would disappear in his own world from then on.

"Yeah, OUG is trash."

"So, HOK invited you to become an official player for the new season, do you want to come?"


The bitter cold wind in the past became extraordinarily gentle at that moment. It gently rolled over the corner of the clothes, bringing up waves of gentleness, and slowly wrapped her up. Woody perfume.

The gentle embrace and soft breathing made all Jiang Huaiduo's resentment disintegrate and collapse in an instant.

"Are you serious?"

Qiaotou is not a good place to talk. Jiang Huaiduo originally wanted to bring Xu Wenshu to his home, but after thinking about it, his small apartment was as dirty as a small workshop. If he brought him there, his impression would be shattered, so he turned around and took him with him. Followed people to go downstairs to the coffee shop.

After ordering two cappuccinos, Jiang Huaiduo kept holding the cups to keep warm, bowed his head, and said nothing.

Xu Wenshu put his hand on the wall of the cup, tapping irregularly, with a smile on his mouth, waiting for the person in front of him to ask questions.

The white mist on the cup slowly drifted away, and Xu Wenshu's neck almost froze before he heard the question from the person opposite.

"Aren't HOK afraid of offending OUG?" Jiang Huaiduo had already taken off his mask, and his swollen thin lips looked very pitiful.

This is her bad habit.

When nervous or thinking about a problem, he will bite his lower lip.

Xu Wenshu stared at the broken lips for a long time, his eyes were dim, and his hand was touched lightly before he came back to his senses, and quickly raised his head, showing a faint smile.

Slender and slender fingers twirled on the table, and said: "Although OUG is an old club with rich funds, HOK is not bad, and there is also a large group of investors behind it."

"OUG's old opponent is HOK. I don't dare to guarantee it in other games, but on the battlefield of eating chicken, as long as you are not here, we can still fight against OUG."

Jiang Huaiduo nibbled on the broken wound, and after feeling the pain, he let go, pinching the little rabbit for decoration on the rim of the cup with lowered eyes, thinking for a moment.

After coughing a few times, a delicate voice sounded slowly between the two of them.

"My transfer fee, according to OUG, is 200 million...not including the advertiser's breach of contract..."

In fact, apart from being sniped by the OUG arena, most clubs have no way to afford Jiang Huaiduo's high liquidated damages and transfer fees, so they don't plan to sign him.

(End of this chapter)

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