The whole e-sports circle is eating dog food

Chapter 70 070: It complains about the wrong object.

Chapter 70 070: It complains about the wrong object.

"He's gone." Xu Wenshu let the man out of his arms, and not long after he let go of the man's hand, he glanced at Jiang Huaiduo's state from the corner of his eye, and saw that the man's face was blushing, and his fingers were tightly clenched. Cutlery, white nail tips.

"No matter how hard you try, the tableware will be crooked for you." Xu Wenshu sat aside a little, making Jiang Huaiduo look more at ease.

"!" Jiang Huaiduo retorted subconsciously: "I don't have one, I can't bend it. How can I be so strong?"

"Yeah, if you say it's not that big, then it's not that big." Xu Wenshu followed the words of others, and he was afraid that if he didn't follow others, the red on Jiang Huaiduo's face would not be able to take off that night. .

"Go back to eat." Jiang Huaiduo walked in front with his plate, as if someone was chasing her behind, walking very fast.

Xu Wenshu put his hands in his pockets, and walked behind him with a smile on his lips. He was not in a hurry, there was still time anyway, so just take your time.

Today Xu Wenshu took Jiang Huaiduo to the restaurant to watch He Shang's jokes. When he was full, Xu Wenshu took someone back to his apartment. Just as he sat down to take a rest, Xu Wenshu received a WeChat message.

It was the "hupenggouyou" who he asked to find He Shang's information before, and he was reposting the dynamic screenshot of Li Molan beating He Shang in the group. The dynamic screenshot has no sound but there are barrage words. One word, "You scumbag with a heartless heart, I'll bah."

[Brother Huo Zhuo, You Zhuo]: Hahahahahahaha He Shang overturned his car!Hey, hey, this young lady is really ruthless in cursing and beating people. I have nothing else to say except calling.

Because it was still early, no one fell asleep. Seeing this dynamic picture posted by Liang Zhuo, they all put down their work and started to swarm.

[? ?If I'm not mistaken, isn't that woman He Shang and his fiancee?Why are the two arguing? 】

【Hahahaha, you have to ask Brother Wen about this matter, and ask him what he did. 】

[dbq, although I shouldn't be laughing, but He Shang still has sliced ​​tomatoes hanging on his head, tsk, it's really too miserable. 】

[@阳哥@阳哥哥哥哥哥, come out and explain, what did you do? 】

Xu Wenshu's cell phone was not on silent, and the notification sound of new news was always very obvious in the quiet room, especially Xu Wenshu and Jiang Huaiduo were not far away.

Jiang Huaiduo stroked the sapphire, seemingly not paying attention to Xu Wenshu, but his eyes turned towards him from time to time, unable to do two things with one mind, and frowned as he helped the sapphire to smooth his hair.

What's so funny?What are you talking about and laughing so happily?
Jiang Huaiduo wanted to go up and ask Xu Wenshu, but he felt that he had no special relationship with him, so even if he wanted to go up and ask, he was too embarrassed.

The action of grooming the sapphire was slowly stopped by his subordinates, and he was purring while being served. As soon as Jiang Huaiduo stopped, the cat's tail wrapped around the wrist of the man and touched it lightly, trying to make Jiang Huaiduo pay attention to him.

But its movements had little effect, Jiang Huaiduo just reacted suddenly, and was slapped a few times, then fell into his own thinking after a while, completely forgetting the sapphire that had fascinated her so much before.

Sapphire felt aggrieved.

The soft body came out of Jiang Huaiduo's hand, and walked to Xu Wenshu's side with small crooked steps, meowing like complaining, for fear that Xu Wenshu didn't know that Jiang Huaiduo bullied it.

Unfortunately, it complained about the wrong object.

It used to be the master, but now, in Xu Wenshu's heart, sapphire has no place at all.

Otherwise, I wouldn't curl my lips and mind its normal weight of sixteen catties.

 sleepy ovo
  The rest of the update will be put together with tomorrow's update tomorrow.

  That is, three more tomorrow.

  Good night~
(End of this chapter)

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