The whole e-sports circle is eating dog food

Chapter 88 088: "Coincidentally passing by."

Chapter 88 088: "Coincidentally passing by."

Putting the cake in his hand on the table, he smiled and patted the person on the shoulder lightly.

Jiang Huaiduo took back all the scattered thoughts at once, and suddenly pressed the home button on the phone, crossed out the game page, looked up at Xu Wenshu, with a calm face, "I was thinking about something just now, and I didn't notice that the character died gone."

"Why are you back? Aren't you in the Internet cafe with Yu Kai? I thought you wouldn't be back this afternoon."

Xu Wenshu: "No, I left after I called you."

"Yu Kai came out with me for dinner and I asked him out." Xu Wenshu cleverly avoided the question of why he asked Yu Kai out, pushed the cake on the table in front of him, raised his chin, "Do you want to try it? "

Jiang Huaiduo glanced at the packaging box, and immediately recognized that this was the cake shop that she had always wanted to eat, but because the price was too expensive, she searched and reposted blog posts about tasting food on Weibo every day. One day when I get rich, I can go to their house to eat a lot.

"At sunset?" Jiang Huaiduo narrowed the distance between himself and the table, "Why did you go to their house to buy food?"

"I happened to pass by." Xu Wenshu, who was not red and not red, helped someone open the box thoughtfully.

The packaging of the cake shop is very careful. When packing, the soft plastic paper on the outside of the triangular cake will be peeled off and placed in a triangular paper box with a little room, so that you can eat it directly with a fork. Instead of taking it out and worrying about it falling to the ground.

"It's Yanbai Longjing." Jiang Huaiduo licked the corner of his mouth, and the long-awaited delicacy was placed in front of her. It really made her a little bit unbearable, but she put her hands on her knees obediently, and turned her head to look at Xu Wenshu, "Which street is the Internet cafe you and Yu Kai are in? If I remember correctly, the location at sunset is still very remote."

The implication is so obvious.

How did you just drop in there?

Xu Wenshu continued his lies calmly, after all, Jiang Huaiduo would not call Yu Kai on the spot to verify.

All the scapegoats are given to Yu Kai, and another ten yuan will be sent to him at that time, not to mention that he is not a good brother.

"The Internet cafe we ​​were in was in Tianhe District. Yu Kai had just bought a new Switch some time ago, so he was very poor. Then he heard that this was delicious, so I followed suit and invited him to eat cake. Return the favor."

"oh, I see."

Yu Kai, who lived in the Internet cafe and was full of pots, said that he was really stabbed countless times by his brothers.

"Try it?" Xu Wenshu handed the fork to the person's hand, and pushed the small box in front of Jiang Huaiduo.

Yanbai in Yanbai Longjing is just cream and shredded coconut, while Longjing is a cake base mixed with the aroma of Longjing tea and a layer of matcha cream.Just by looking at the appearance, you won't feel how delicious it is, but when the small black plastic fork scrapes the cream covered with shredded coconut, it is delivered to your mouth.

The smooth and not too sweet cream melts on the taste buds, and soon only shredded coconut is left on the tongue, the teeth are bitten gently, and the fragrance and sweetness of coconut overflows the mouth in an instant.

Fragrant, sweet and crunchy.

Whether it is shredded coconut or cream, it is much better than the ordinary cake shop outside.

Jiang Huaiduo instantly felt that at sunset, as the sisters on Weibo said, it is expensive because it is so delicious!
(End of this chapter)

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