The whole e-sports circle is eating dog food

Chapter 93 092: Yu Kai copy homework, copy and paste

Chapter 93 092: Yu Kai copy homework, copy and paste
Now the female player has retired long ago, and I don't know which live broadcast platform to start the live broadcast.

Yu Kai no longer remembered what that female player looked like, but according to their coach's "standard e-sports face dog", it shouldn't be too bad.

At the very least, she was a girl with a bulging front and a raised back, and an average-looking girl. Just like that, Xu Wenshu didn't like it... Then almost half of the female players in the entire e-sports circle would be eliminated.

After all, all those who play e-sports eat their youth food. Adolescent children have disordered hormone levels. Coupled with training replays, they often need to stay up late, and it is rare to be able to look fair and good-looking.

Yu Kai scratched his head irritably, just in time to see his mobile phone light up, he clicked on it, and saw a text message from Jiang Huaiduo.

Surprised, but also confused, I don't know why Jiang Huaiduo suddenly came to him, since I added Jiang Huaiduo's WeChat at the Carnival last time, let alone chatting...

Over the past year, Jiang Huaiduo has never posted on Moments. Of course, it is also possible that he was directly blocked by others, but in Yu Kai's mind, Duo Shen has already reached a level of aloofness...

At least not like what he saw on the field.

【how? ? ?Dosh? 】


Jiang Huaiduo licked the dry corner of his mouth, regretting that he didn't bring in a glass of water when he came in, 【I want to ask you, how was the cake shop you went to with Wenshen today? 】

[I don't have any other intentions, I just want to try. 】

Jiang Huaiduo, who was flustered as soon as he lied, sent the words, the phone was turned back and stuffed under the pillow, and he pulled the thick quilt to cover his face, waiting for his blushing cheeks to cool down. .

Yu Kai looked at the phone, stroked his chin, and felt troubled.

He has never eaten it, who knows what it tastes like? ? ?
There was no other way, so Yu Kai had no choice but to take a screenshot and ask Xu Wenshu himself for help. After all, Xu Wenshu was the "culprit" in this matter, and he was the cheap laborer who was charged five yuan.

Xu Wenshu, who was sitting in the training room and training his shooting accuracy, suddenly received a letter from Yu Kai, and opened it without thinking too much. Sure enough, he saw what he had expected.

With a smile on the corner of Xu Wenshu's mouth, he raised his head from the training session, glanced slightly to the left, and saw a tightly closed door.

He thought he was asleep, but he didn't expect that he was playing with his mobile phone in the room.

He thought he was asleep, but he didn't expect to be playing with his mobile phone in the room.

After thinking about it, he replied [Just tell her, it's quite delicious. 】

[? ? 】Yu Kai was silent, 【Wen Shen, don't you really think your answer is perfunctory? 】

Xu Wenshu leaned back leaning sideways, [If you think it's perfunctory, you can find a way to tell someone yourself.Their home is indeed delicious, don't make people suspicious by talking nonsense. 】

[Tsk, I haven't eaten it, how can I tell people?Your ability to cross rivers and destroy bridges is worthy of being a pig's trotter. 】

Xu Wenshu pursed his lips, and finally found a passage about dessert reviews on Weibo, copied and deleted it a few times, and sent it to Yu Kai.

[This is enough, you copy and paste to understand. 】

When Yu Kai saw that there was an assignment template, he followed what Xu Wenshu said and sent it to others.

Jiang Huaiduo, who was tossing and turning in bed waiting for news from others, soon received Yu Kai's evaluation.

(End of this chapter)

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