The whole e-sports circle is eating dog food

Chapter 98 097: The first step of killing players

Chapter 98 097: The First Step to Harm the Player

"I can do it." Xu Wenshu glanced at Zhang Jin.

Liu Hao is calling Zhang Jin at [HOK’s Kennel] if he doesn’t want to eat dog food, so he just goes to play King of Glory in duo with him. Zhang Jin’s good words have already been typed halfway. Touch the delete button with your hand, quickly delete the pinyin, keep your posture, and nod your head, "Okay, I can play whatever Duo Shen says. But I'm streaming live here, it may be more lively."

Zhang Jin's words had obvious meaning, and they were aimed directly at Xu Wenshu.

I'm live streaming here, you'd better restrain yourself from what you're doing.

After understanding, Xu Wenshu raised his eyebrows, without any intention of restraining himself.

Jiang Huaiduo invited two people in, and when he was about to click on the regular map area, Xu Wenshu stopped him.

"Duoduo, don't open the regular map. The rules of the spring game have come out, and all the maps are new regional maps launched by various countries."

Since the globalized design of the Chicken Eater game, more and more maps of different styles have appeared in the game. Game maps with both difficulty and beauty mean that players need to spend more energy and time to explore.

If one doesn't explore enough, the other will follow.

This game will get better and better. The traffic and popularity are like a steady stream of mountains and rivers flowing from high places to low places.

There are more and more maps, and the more players like this e-sports competition. Every year, the organizers hope to come up with more unique plans to present to the audience.

This year is no exception.

It's just that this year's competition planning is more ruthless than previous years.

In the Spring Split, sixteen teams eliminated the six teams with the lowest points in the preseason and entered the Spring Split. In the Spring Split, two of the remaining ten teams were eliminated, and then the winner's group followed the loser's group. Team two groups duel.

The top three in the winner's bracket and the top three in the loser's bracket are selected.

A random map is used for the final points ranking. The ranking match is played for two days. Within two days, the points of each team may change drastically, and they can even fly directly from the bottom to the top. This kind of game rules is undoubtedly increasing. Increased the training difficulty of the players.

However, the planners still felt that it was not enough, so they directly lowered the probability of the old map being randomly obtained. There were only two times in ten games, and the remaining eight times would be drawn from the six most popular maps selected by the e-sports associations of various countries. one sheet.

Moreover, there is still no certainty about which six maps are these six maps, and it is said that it will be announced after thinking about it for a while.

Jiang Huaiduo stopped the hand that was about to press the start, moved the mouse to the special map, and finally clicked on the random map.

"In that case, let's just use random maps. There are quite a few maps that I haven't even practiced before."

"Okay, I have no problem."

Xu Wenshu has no problem, how dare Zhang Jin?

Soon three people entered the game.

Because after more than half a month of running-in, they cooperated quite a lot. After choosing the landing spot, they jumped into the plane and ran towards that landing spot.

But this time the map is different from the past. I don’t know which country made this map. It is full of dense and handsome bamboo forests. It looks like it has fallen into some kind of fairy world.

But these beautiful and verdant green bamboos have become the first step to harm players.

The narrow landing passage, many people who are not flexible in controlling the game characters, are directly hung on the green bamboo, and the landing speed and time are much slower than others.

(End of this chapter)

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