Chapter 145 Chapter 144

After all, Ling Xiyan was worried about Lingze and Qin Ying, and followed the route they left before.

The scene along the way made her think that she had come to the desert, with corpses everywhere and very few survivors.

There is even very little vegetation left, and the smell produced by the corroded earth is extremely pungent.

These... Could it be that toad spirit's "masterpiece"?

Ling Xiyan was even more worried about Lingze and Qin Ying. She tried her best to sense Lingze's position and chased after them.


When they found the two, Ling Xiyan was extremely thankful that she came in time.

Indeed, as she had guessed earlier, Ling Ze was not in danger, but Qin Ying was in danger!
At this time, the two of them were hiding in the cave, which happened to be the one she picked up Bao Han for at first.

The difference is that the poisonous water river outside the cave has dried up, without any shelter, the two of them hid here, it was completely helpless.

Lingze was fine, there were only some small wounds on her body, and she was watching the entrance of the hole with full of precaution.

Qin Ying was covered in blood and passed out.


Ling Xiyan suddenly appeared in the cave, and Ling Ze, who reacted quickly, had pointed the gun at her the moment she appeared.

"Sister!" Seeing that it was Ling Xiyan, Lingze quickly put down the gun in her hand, and the killing intent on her body dissipated in an instant, without wasting any time, she shouted: "Sister, come and save Sister Aying!"

Without further ado, Ling Xiyan started to investigate Qin Ying's situation.

There were wounds all over his body, and some flesh seemed to be peeled from his body alive. The wounds were poisonous, and the toxin had gradually spread to the heart at this time.

A little later, and her whole body would be in danger.

Ling Xiyan was the first to feed Qin Ying the detoxification pill, which was re-developed by her on the basis of the prescription. It has an excellent detoxification effect and is a panacea. Qin Ying's life can be regarded as saved for the time being. Trauma is more serious.

Ling Xiyan fed her the healing pill again, and the wounds on Qin Ying's body gradually healed, and the gouged out flesh gradually grew.

It's just that it's not that easy to repair the meridians, and Qin Ying needs to be taken to the operating room in the space.

It is impossible in the outside world, first because there is no environment that can maintain a sterile environment, and second because she needs to use spiritual power to help her clear the meridians of the whole body. This process requires a lot of spiritual power, which may not be enough in the outside world.

Without the slightest hesitation, Ling Xiyan brought Ling Ze and Qin Ying back to the space.


operating room.

Ling Xiyan and Lingze had already disinfected their bodies. At this time, Lingze was helping, and Ling Xiyan was concentrating on treating Qin Ying's injury.

First connect her meridians together, and then use spiritual power to stimulate the healing of her meridian wounds.

After all the broken meridians in her body were connected together, Ling Xiyan's hands began to tremble continuously, and her back was completely soaked with her long-term concentration, and her clothes were tightly attached to her body.

"Sister, take a break first." Lingze couldn't bear it, and whispered to the side.

"No, not even a moment later." Ling Xiyan swallowed a lot of Gathering Pills, at this moment she didn't care about the insignificant side effects, all she could think about was to cure Qin Ying as soon as possible.

A moment later was a moment of danger for Qin Ying. Although she didn't know what happened at that time, the situation of Lingze and Qin Ying was enough to explain everything.

Qin Ying was trying her best to protect Lingze regardless of herself.

Otherwise, Lingze, a divine beast that relies on intelligence to win without its own strength, is afraid that it will become someone else's dinner at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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