Chapter 230 229 Leave Completely
"Sister, Lan Chi and I are determined to be together in the future.

In the future, we will face any difficulties and obstacles together. Although she is still young, we are divine beasts.

The biological age is still young, but it does not mean that the psychological age is young. We have already considered clearly and decided that each other is each other's lifelong partner. "

Lingze's words seemed to be telling Ling Xiyan, and it seemed to be a promise to Lan Chi, and she spoke loudly.

For some reason, Ling Xiyan's eyes felt hot.

"No matter what difficulties and obstacles there will be in the future, we will choose to face them together."

Why is this sentence so difficult for her?
"Very good." Ling Xiyan sniffed and tried to twitch the corners of her mouth, feeling happy for them and sad for herself at the same time.

Ling Xiyan didn't say anything more, she twitched her lips, and went back to her room, leaving Ling Tian and Lan Chi looking at each other for some reason.


At this time, Bao Han's place was already in chaos.

He only has one breath left at the moment, and the sudden change made Lao Sun wonder what to do?
Just when Lao Sun was debating whether to contact Su's family for treatment, Bao Han woke up leisurely.

I saw his eyes slowly opening, and the fatigue revealed made people feel extremely sad.

It was a feeling of powerlessness, as if his life had really come to an end, he couldn't lift a bit of strength from his body, and his eyes had lost the brilliance of the past, without a glimmer of light.


Lao Sun muttered in a low voice, the words that had reached his lips could no longer be uttered, Bao Han's state and his expression at the moment were enough to prove that something irreversible must have happened between him and Ling Xiyan.

If he asks again at this moment, it will add fuel to the fire.

"Plan ahead of time, and find a way to lure her out of the underground research base.

Or you just find a reason to go out, she must be hiding somewhere at the moment, then I will trouble you..."

Bo Han almost tried his best to say such a long paragraph, and after he finished speaking, his whole body was blurred again.

Gradually, his breathing became lighter and lighter, and the throbbing pains all over his body made him feel miserable.

"it is good!"

Old Sun clenched his fists tightly, and the iron-blooded middle-aged man couldn't help but shed tears at this moment.

After that, he couldn't bear to look at Bo Han any more, turned around and left the room, and activated the defense device in the room before leaving.

Standing in front of Bo Han's room, Lao Sun stopped and took another look.

Planning ahead of time means that they will be in greater danger, and the chance of survival is very small.


"Lord Ling Tian is in seclusion, I need to go back to the original base to get something, you guys have to show me this place!"

After Lao Sun went out, he beat everyone up again, and at the same time, he wanted to pass on the news.

The guards here are mixed, and it won't be long before the news will spread throughout the underground research base.


Ling Xiyan in the space couldn't stand Ling Tian and Lan Chi kissing me in front of her and throwing dog food, so she had to hide her body and leave the space.

She didn't know that when she appeared, Bao Han woke up slowly as if feeling something in his heart.

Using their unique contact method, they contacted Lao Sun and told him that he could leave.


Ling Xiyan followed Lao Sun all the way to a plane unimpeded.

I saw Lao Sun showed something similar to a medal to prove his identity.

The guards there stopped blocking him and allowed him to board the plane.

(End of this chapter)

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