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Chapter 105 My Tiger Village!

Chapter 105 My Tiger Village!

At this time, the people in Huzhai felt weak, and felt that the power was leaving them at a very fast speed.

The arrows, stones, logs and other materials used for defense have all been consumed. However, the enemy's attack is getting more and more fierce, and their eyes are red with anxiety.

Regardless of the dense cracks in the natal astrology, the low-level astral warriors frantically injected the power of the astrology into the broadsword, and rushed to the place where the thirty Zhenbei army masters were crazily, fighting for their lives .

Ordinary hunters, because they had no arrows, also rushed to the place occupied by the thirty masters holding broadswords, broadswords and other weapons.

However, all that awaits them is death.

The power of the family fortune is about to be exhausted, and they are weak and are no match for the new forces of the Zhenbei Army.

They were either beheaded and died by the Zhenbei Army, or their chests were pierced to death, and the bright red blood was like rain.

However, the clansmen in front fell down, and the clansmen behind still rushed forward bravely. In order to protect Huzhai, they did not hesitate to die!
Elsewhere on the cliff, the weak old and disabled clansmen in Huzhai threw the last stone in their hands towards the Zhenbei Army who was constantly climbing up through the ladder.

A white-haired, wrinkled, old man who couldn't grow old, looked at the soldiers of the Zhenbei Army who were about to climb up the cliff, and then saw that there was nothing behind him, and the old man couldn't help but shed tears.

"Is it true that the heavens are going to destroy my Huzhai... Ah! My old man has fought with you bastards from the country of Yan, and you can never go to the land of Huzhai!"

The old man hissed loudly, his appearance was crazy, he dragged his old and tired body, and rushed out of the cliff, his face was full of ferocious colors.

His feet were in the air, and his old body was falling rapidly.

However, the direction in which he fell was the direction of the ladder, and his skinny hands grasped the armor of a Zhenbei army who was climbing upwards like eagle claws.

This unlucky Suppressing North Army soldier was caught off guard, and was grabbed by the old man and fell towards the foot of the mountain. He let out a terrified scream.

At this moment, the night wind blew the old man's white hair into a mess, a smile appeared in his cloudy eyes that were dripping with tears, and the corners of his mouth were pulled to the sides, and the mouth that had lost all its teeth grinned. It's over - when he finally came to the end of his life, he exerted his last bit of "hotness" for the Huzhai that gave birth to him and raised him.



The body of the old man brought the body of the ladder soldier, and smashed heavily on the bodies of several Zhenbei soldiers at the foot of the mountain. They let out a miserable scream, and there were two dull impact sounds.

The old man in Huzhai was dead, and blood gushed out from the corner of his mouth. However, there was still a smile on his mouth—he played his last bit of enthusiasm for his beloved Huzhai.

"Uncle Li!"

"Uncle Li!"

"Uncle Li!"

On the cliff, all the people in Huzhai who saw this scene roared at the top of their lungs.

The tears in their eyes couldn't stop flowing down.

The man does not flick when he has tears, but he has not yet reached the point of sadness!
"Yes, without arrows, without stones, without logs, we still have bodies, and our bodies are also weapons!"

"Ah! The Swallow Thieves, I, Li Guo, have fought with you, you don't want to go to the Tiger Village!!!"

A big man with a broken leg, with a ferocious face and determination in his eyes, stared at the ladder soldiers who were constantly climbing up below.

He used his hands as feet to climb beyond the cliff, and his body fell heavily like a sandbag.

In the process of falling, he also grabbed the body of a Zhenbei Army soldier, brought him together and smashed it heavily into the Zhenbei Army below.

Once again, there were shrill screams and the dull sound of flesh hitting the ground.

"Our bodies are our last weapons, we will fight the swallow thief!"

"Our bodies are our last weapons, we will fight the swallow thief!"

"Our bodies are our last weapons, we will fight the swallow thief!"

All the old people, disabled clansmen and ordinary clansmen who were exhausted on the top of the cliff roared loudly. This was a cry from the bottom of their hearts.

Immediately afterwards, one, two, three, four, five, six, ten, hundreds, hundreds, thousands... The clansmen rushed out of the cliff with hideous expressions on their faces.

Using their bodies as the last weapon, they smashed at the soldiers of the Zhenbei Army who were climbing up the ladder, and at the soldiers of the Zhenbei Army who were rushing down towards the foot of Huzhai Mountain like a tide.

Immediately, extremely shrill screams sounded continuously, and dull impact sounds continued to sound.

There are many soldiers of the Zhenbei Army who climbed up on the ladder, and they were caught by the tribesmen who jumped off the cliff in Huzhai and fell to the Zhenbei Army below.

For a while, the Zhenbei Army below also suffered heavy losses.

These Huzhai people who jumped down from the top of the cliff vomited blood after falling to the ground.

However, there are smiles on every ferocious face. They gave their blood and life for their beloved Huzhai, and sent out the last "light"!
At this moment, everyone who saw this scene was stunned: what kind of toughness is this, what kind of bravery is not afraid of death!
The soldiers of the Zhenbei Army showed shock and horror on their faces, and they all stopped in their tracks—they had an illusion in their hearts that they would never be able to break through Huzhai.

No matter how much the Overseer behind them yelled and cursed, they didn't take another step forward.

The thirty masters of the Northern Army standing in front of the stone wall in Huzhai were also stunned by the scene, staring blankly at the tens of thousands of corpses of people in Huzhai below.

At this moment, dozens of Huzhai people with dazzling green lights rushed towards them.

They watched the eyes of these low-level astral warriors in Huzhai have fear, and they opened their eyes wide, and they couldn't help shouting: "Get out!"

I saw the bodies of dozens of Huzhai astral bodies rushing towards them, all of which swelled up like rubber balls. These people wanted to blow up their natal astrology and bodies, and die with them.

Self-exploding natal astrology, all astral practitioners know that this is a kind of self-destruction that is more cruel than death, and will never enter reincarnation, and truly disappear from this world from now on.

The masters of the Zhenbei Army reacted very quickly, using the technique of quick-step meteor, and escaped a distance of more than ten feet in an instant.

After they escaped, a dazzling green light erupted immediately from where they were originally standing, and their bodies flew up like sandbags, with countless severed limbs and blood clots flying up, and the blood was like rain. sprinkled.

Immediately afterwards, there was a deafening roar.




Dozens of astral warriors blew themselves up together, and the cliff couldn't help shaking.

Watching this scene, the masters of the Zhenbei Army couldn't help but be terrified. The people in Huzhai are really too crazy and too brave to fear death.

"Grandma's are all lunatics, all lunatics, real lunatics!"

"That's right, self-destruction will never enter reincarnation, and even the soul will be destroyed!"


The masters of the Zhenbei Army couldn't help cursing on one side.

At this moment, there were dozens of astral warriors with bodies like balls, rushing towards the Zhenbei Army who boarded Huzhai...

At this moment, on the mountain road leading to Dongfeng City in Beihuang County behind the Zhenbei Army, there was a crisp sound of horseshoes, and a black steed appeared there carrying a black-clothed boy on its back.

On the boy's shoulders was a snow-white little white fox. He was Li Kang and Xiao Bai.

Li Kang's eyes were red, looking at the dense flames on Huzhai not far away, watching countless Zhenbei troops in green armor rushing towards Huzhai, listening to the screams With the scream, his whole heart was pulled together!
"Old man Li Chunshan, half an hour will be here soon. Without the power of clan luck, I will see how you can fight with me. My army lord will chop you up and feed them to the dogs!"

Hearing the voice, Li Kang looked up into the night sky, and saw five clusters of bright blue nebula in the sky. These were five blue star-level astral warriors engaged in a fierce battle.

The one who spoke just now was a big man wearing a dark green military lord's battle robe and a scarlet cloak on his back. He was attacking a white-haired old man.

Attack the gray-haired old man with him, and a lean middle-aged man.

The big man in the military uniform and the thin man obviously didn't try their best. Judging from their appearance, they attacked the white-haired old man like a monkey.

The white-haired old man in sackcloth was busy parrying the attacks of two blue-star-level powerhouses, his face was as pale as paper, with bloodshot eyes hanging from the corner of his mouth, and the light of the nebula under his feet was also extremely dim, and it might disappear at any time .

And this old man is Li Kang's grandfather, Li Chunshan, whom Li Kang cares deeply about. He is his only relative in this world!

After Li Kang recognized the old man's identity, he jumped up from the horseback, flashed a dazzling dark green brilliance all over his body, and performed the volley stepping skill, heading towards where Grandpa was.

His face was full of anxiety.

"Li Chunshan, you should pay the price of destroying the entire Huzhai for the mistakes you made against this prince today! Don't think that we can't find them if you hide the women and children in other places. We wiped them out today. After leaving Huzhai, tomorrow we will cut the weeds and eradicate the roots! Haha!"

After the third prince of Qin knocked Huzhai's beard flying with his palm, he lightly shook the white feather fan in his hand and said with a ferocious smile on his face.

The bearded Huzhai clansman who was hit by the third prince of Qin let out a terrific scream, and saw a bloody hole in his chest.

His body fell down uncontrollably, and the nebula under his feet had disappeared without a trace. Obviously, the power of family luck had completely disappeared.

At this time, exactly half an hour passed.

Li Chunshan, who was struggling to support, felt the power of his body passing away at an extremely fast speed, and the power of the blue star realm astral body that did not belong to him had been completely withdrawn from his body.

The blue nebula at the foot of Li Chunshan has disappeared without a trace. His body is falling rapidly, his silver hair is blown by the night wind and fluttering in all directions. If nothing else, he will fall into a pile of flesh!
(End of this chapter)

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