Star map

Chapter 113

Chapter 113

Suddenly, the three-foot long sword with blue light in Li Kang's hand swung quickly, and sword shadows shot out from the three-foot long sword one after another, overwhelmingly towards Sima Xiong who was wearing the dark green military lord's battle robe. Fly away.

The three-foot-high dark blue natal astrology with a purple-gold halo on his chest, three-fifths of it is gray-white, and there are three hundred cracks distributed on it.

It seems very strange. Originally, only when the non-origin power of the astral warrior is used up, and the use of the original power will cause cracks in the natal astrology.

Li Kang's current situation is because he has just broken through the big bottleneck and became a blue astral astral body. His cultivation base is not yet stable, so he uses a lot of the power of his natal astrology.

Under normal circumstances, an astral warrior in the Green Star Realm of Dzogchen successfully breaks through the bottleneck and becomes an astral warrior in the Blue Star Realm. He must swallow the top-quality green star grass, meditate and practice well, and only after his cultivation is stabilized can he use the astrology Power.

This process can be as short as ten days and a half month, and as long as one or two months.

However, Li Kang now has no time to stabilize his cultivation, he must kill all the enemies in front of him, so that he and his grandfather can survive.

Even if he knew that if he did this, the natal astrology would be in danger of being broken, but he had to do it.

At this moment, Sima Xiong turned around fiercely, and the eyes of the already big copper bell opened wide, with incredulous, fearful, angry...complicated expressions inside.

At such a short distance, even if he wanted to escape, he couldn't do it. Those sword shadows attacked in the blink of an eye.

Unless, he has also learned a body star skill that is as powerful as Li Kang's nine-turn star skill.

However, Sima Xiong obviously didn't have the chance to learn such a powerful agility star technique.

At this moment, all he can do is to wave the Blue Star Treasure Axe in his hand, and fly out huge ax shadows to attack the sword shadow, offsetting part of the power of the sword shadow.

The blue sword shadow and the blue ax shadow collided violently, and a dazzling blue glow erupted.

However, the power of the sword shadow evoked by the top-grade Blue Star Treasure far exceeds the power of the ax shadow evoked by the low-grade Blue Star Treasure giant ax in Sima Xiong's hand.

Ax Ying just gave Jian Ying a pause, and Jian Ying broke through all the ax shadows, and still came towards Sima Xiong's body with a murderous look.

Sima Xiong's eyes showed a hint of ruthlessness, and he shouted: "You brat, you don't want me to live, and I won't let you live either!"

After he finished speaking, he frantically poured the power of astrology into the blue big ax in his hand, the big ax exuded a dazzling blue light, and there was this carefree humming sound.

"Go!" Sima Xiong shouted violently with a ferocious expression on his face.

The giant ax with dazzling blue light in his hand flew out of his big hand, and shot towards Li Kangfei who was five feet away, with unparalleled killing intent.

At this time, the dozens of sword shadows had already attacked where Sima Xiong was, and they burst out with dazzling blue lights, making people afraid to look directly at them.

Li Kang didn't have time to think about it, and frantically injected the power of astrology into the three-foot long sword in his hand, and slashed dozens of dark blue sword shadows in the size of Zhang Xu continuously towards the flying dark blue giant axe.

The sword shadow flew out in an instant, and collided violently with the dark blue big ax flying from Sima Xiong.

"Explosion!" Sima Xiong, who was wrapped in the blue light, yelled violently.

I saw the dark blue big ax and dozens of sword shadows colliding violently, exuding extremely blazing light, and there were hurricanes flying out from the burst.

The hexagonal Blue Star Treasure shield on Li Kang's body was not supported.

He hurriedly poured the power of astrology into the hexagonal Blue Star Treasure shield.



Then, two earth-shattering bangs came, like thunder exploding.

One explosion came from where the dark blue ax collided with the sword shadow, and another explosion came from where Sima Xiong was.

Soon the light converged, and the hurricane dissipated.

The dark blue low-grade Blue Star Treasure ax and dozens of sword shadows have disappeared without a trace. The giant ax Blue Star Treasure has burst, and its burst energy collided violently with dozens of sword shadows, striking the sword shadows. scattered.

At this moment, the place where Sima Xiong was standing was empty. He had already appeared tens of feet away in a bright blue nebula, and was about to flee in the direction of Dongfeng City in Beihuang County.

His face was as pale as paper, and the six-inch-high dark blue double-headed strange bird's natal astrology had already shown a gray color. Obviously, just now, whether it was the blue star treasure of the exploding giant ax or the power of the astrology injected into the defensive type In the shield of the Blue Star Treasure, he consumed a lot of astrological power.

At the same time, the blue star treasure shield that originally surrounded Sima Xiong's body had disappeared without a trace. When it had just resisted the sword shadow attack of the boy in black, it had been broken into pieces to protect its master.

The third prince of Qin, who had been riding the nebula and standing near Li Kang, had already controlled the blue nebula and disappeared into the sky thousands of feet away into a white dot.

Li Kang's blood-red eyes radiated bloodthirsty light, staring closely at Sima Xiong who was tens of meters away from him.

Regardless of the fact that the three-inch-high natal astrology was completely dark gray, with more than 700 cracks covering it, he still frantically injected the power of the astrology into the nebula under his feet and the three-foot long sword in his hand.

In an instant, the space in front of Li Kang distorted again, and then his figure disappeared without a trace. The next moment, he appeared in front of Sima Xiong's escape route.

He tightly held the three-foot long sword with dazzling blue light in his hand, and slashed viciously at Sima Xiong who was fleeing in a panic while riding the bright blue nebula.

Immediately, a blue sword shadow with unparalleled power flew out from the three-foot long sword, and slashed towards Sima Xiong who was only less than ten feet away.

Almost in the blink of an eye, dozens of blue sword shadows about the size of Zhang Xu viciously attacked Sima Xiong.

Sima Xiong's big face was full of panic. Now, the defensive Blue Star Treasure has been destroyed, and the Blue Star Treasure giant ax has also been destroyed. Now he can only use the Starlight Shield to defend.

Just when a blue starlight shield appeared on his body surface, dozens of blue sword shadows had already attacked him fiercely.

The shining blue starlight shield seemed to be made of paper, but it was cut into fragments by dozens of blue sword shadows in an instant, turning into bits of starlight and disappearing without a trace.

Dozens of sword shadows hit Sima Xiong's body without any hindrance, "Ah!" There was an extremely shrill scream.

I saw countless pieces of meat and countless scarlet blood falling from the sky.

A dark blue brilliance rose into the sky and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye. It was the power of the dead Sima Xiong's natal astrology absorbed by the mysterious and endless star burial place.

At this time, the morning wind blew, blowing Li Kang's long jet-black hair into the air, his face was very pale, and suddenly, a blush appeared on his cheeks.

"Pfft..." He couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Li Kang's three-foot-tall gray-brown centaur had thousands of cracks on his natal astrology.

"Grandson, hurry up and find a safe place to restore your natal astrology!" Sitting cross-legged on top of the nebula, Li Chunshan, who was extremely weak, looked at Li Kang anxiously, and said.

"Grandpa, I'm fine! You must kill Third Prince Qin today, or else the rest of our Huzhai tribe will be slaughtered by him!" Li Kang said firmly.

After he finished speaking, he reached out and wiped the bright red blood from the corner of his mouth.

His eyes burst out with strong murderous intent, and he looked at the third prince of Qin who had turned into a blue dot and disappeared into the sky.

Li Kang started his natal astrology again, and the three-inch-high taupe-brown centaur natal astrology covered with thousands of cracks burst out with dazzling light again and spun around.

The power of astrology poured into the nebula under his feet and the three-foot dark blue long sword in his hand. Suddenly, there were many more cracks in the natal astrology.

Li Kang didn't care about these things, and he drove Xingyun to chase in the direction where the third prince of Qin was escaping...

Thousands of feet away, Third Prince Qin, who was driving Nebula, had an anxious expression on his face and fear in his eyes.

He no longer had the calmness and composure he had before.

Third Prince Qin really did not expect that a Blue Star Realm astral body warrior who had just successfully broken through could be so domineering.

Now he wished he could grow a few more legs and a few more pairs of wings, so that he could escape faster.

He decided that if he could escape from Shengtian this time, he would go back to Qin State, and he would never stay in this ghostly place of Yan State's Damian Mountains any longer.

The third prince of Qin thought so, driving the nebula, and quickly flew in the direction of Dongfeng City...

Half an hour later, the fiery red sun had already risen high, exuding dazzling light, and the sky was cloudless and blue.

Huzhai with a radius of [-] miles is full of broken walls and ruins everywhere at this time, corpses are scattered all over the ground, scarlet bright red flows everywhere, and thick smoke rises from the ruins. And rise.The corpses in front of the cliff to the east of Huzhai were the most. The corpses of the Zhenbei army in dark green armor and the Huzhai people in animal skin clothes piled up the wide open space in a thick layer.

Dark black blood seeped out from the mountainous pile of corpses, and flowed into the already red and blackened soil below, full of blood.Groups of carrion-eating vultures were circling in the sky, and from time to time they let out one or two ugly chirps, and a sense of sadness rushed towards their faces.

They didn't fly down now, pecking at the flesh of those dead bodies, because on the ground below, there were still many soldiers who were still alive, sitting and resting.

These living people, without exception, are soldiers of the Zhenbei Army. After a night of hard work, they are exhausted and waiting for the latest order from the Lord.Everyone was a little puzzled, the battle had been over for almost an hour and a half, why the military lord hadn't appeared yet?
At this moment, a blue dot flew towards Huzhai in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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