Star map


At this time, in the night sky in front of him, Li Kang, who was flying in the nebula, was as pale as paper, and cold sweat flowed down like water, his brows were tightly frowned, forming a deep "Chuan" character.

Not long ago, he displayed the taboo star technique "Blood Recommendation Seven Stars", which caused him to consume almost all of his original power. Empty and weak.

However, he didn't have time to rest, and a large group of Blue Star Realm guys followed closely behind him. These people stuck to him like a dog's skin plaster, which made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

What made Li Kang feel the most uncomfortable was that behind him was a murderous guy of the seventh rank of the Blue Star Realm. He seemed to have practiced some kind of very powerful agility and star skills, and his speed actually surpassed him.

To be precise, he was faster than himself when he was unable to use the volley pedal and the nine-turn star technique.

At the beginning of his escape, Li Kang also used volley step, nine-turn maneuver and nebula at the same time, the speed has indeed increased a lot, leaving all the pursuers far behind.However, the physical body and the natal astrology couldn't bear it at all. If he continued like this, the physical body would explode and the natal astrology would also shatter.

Therefore, he had no choice but to stop performing the two star skills of volley stepping and nine-turn maneuvering.

In this way, the murderous guy at the seventh rank of the Blue Star Realm narrowed the distance with him.

"What should I do? What should I do to escape from Ascension?" Li Kang kept thinking about this question in his mind.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that the guy who was chasing him at the seventh level of the Blue Star Realm actually stopped, and the distance between him and him widened again.

Li Kang couldn't help being taken aback, but Xingyun's speed didn't slow down at all, and he still flew towards the southeast quickly.

Then, he closed his eyes, sank his consciousness into the astral space, and took a look at the situation of his natal astrology, as well as the state of the top-grade green star grass he swallowed not long ago, after refining it.

He found that in the astral space, there are thousands of transparent crystal bubbles with phantom stars on the surface, and the stars on the surface are rotating rapidly, absorbing the medicinal power of the top-quality green star grass into it, turning it into pure star power, Nourishing the natal astrology full of dense cracks.

The cracks on the natal astrology seem to have been repaired a little bit, but it seems that they have not been repaired, because there are too many cracks, even if one or two are repaired, they will not be visible.

After Li Kang's consciousness read it, he opened his eyes, took out the blue star shell with bright blue light from his arms, injected a ray of star power into it, the two shells of the blue star shell slowly opened, and he took out the blue star shell from it. Two pure white jade stones, the surface of the jade stones shone with a milky white halo, very beautiful.

These are exactly two high-grade star stones, which contain extremely strong star power.

The top-grade star stone Li Kang had a total of 50 yuan, which was obtained from the border of Wei State and Qi State by robbing and killing the envoy of Qin State who was envoy to Yan State.

These high-grade star stones were originally supposed to be given to Liu Song.

Li Kang's left and right hands each hold a top-grade star stone, constantly absorbing the rich star power in it. These star power are connected to the veins of the heart astral space through his hands, and the absorbed star power is sent to his astral space.

Now, the most important thing for him is to escape for his life and restore his severely damaged natal astrology as much as possible.

Just like that, while desperately absorbing the star power of the top-grade star stone, Li Kang quickly flew towards the dark front, his nerves tensed.

Although his body was extremely exhausted, he still gritted his teeth and persisted...

At this time, the general Ma Zicheng, who was chasing after Li Kang, saw the contents of the Xingyu, and then steered Xingyun to turn around and fly back towards the Wangcheng.

Although the general stopped chasing Li Kang, dozens of other blue star realm astral warriors were still tirelessly chasing after him.

These people wanted to catch Li Kang, so that their official career would be prosperous and their cultivation base would be improved quickly.

Greed made them determined to catch the exhausted boy in black, and they would never give up easily.

Li Kang kept a distance of several miles from them all the time. Since he didn't use the nine-turn maneuver and volley step, the distance couldn't be widened again for a while.


Time passed slowly in the tense atmosphere of "fleeing and chasing".

I don't know how long it took, and the sky in the east gradually became brighter. It was because the sun was about to rise in the east, and the sky was about to dawn.

At this time, Li Kang's face was pale, cold sweat was still pouring down like rain, and his body that was driving Xingyun couldn't help shaking violently.

It seemed that he was obviously going to be unable to hold on.

He didn't know how long he had been flying, nor how far he had been flying. Along the way, in order to get rid of the pursuers behind him, after his natal astrology recovered a little, he used several times in a row. The second nine-turn move and volley step star skills.

At this moment, Li Kang felt the wind blowing head-on, carrying a strong moisture. He looked at the space ahead and felt that it was covered with many firefly-like light spots.

He was so tired that he didn't want to fly anymore, his body trembled even more, and the nebula under his feet began to shake.

At this moment, Li Kang just wanted to close his eyes and sleep comfortably for ten days and ten nights without anyone disturbing him.

Above his eyelids, there seemed to be two heavy mountains that were about to fall down immediately. He kept blinking his eyelids, and the space in front of him began to rotate.

The little white fox on his shoulder had a look of panic in its dark, round eyes, and it was about to fall from a high altitude.

It quickly stretched out its furry little front legs and patted its owner's shoulders, making a babbling sound.

However, the master didn't respond at all. The nebula under his feet shook even more violently, and the color of the nebula became lighter and lighter, as if it was about to disperse at any time.

The little white fox became even more anxious, and panic appeared in those round black eyes. It quickly opened its small pink mouth, revealing a row of small and white teeth, and slammed into its master's shoulder. bite away.

Li Kang, who was about to fall asleep, suddenly opened his closed eyes due to the severe pain from his shoulders, and the last trace of clarity appeared in his eyes.

He exhausted all his strength to prevent the two big mountains on his eyelids from pressing down, and steered the Nebula to slowly descend towards the solid ground below.

Li Kang knew his situation, if he didn't land on the ground, he would definitely fall from the sky and be smashed to pieces.

When his feet stepped on the ground, he felt that his feet were very wet and soft, as if he had fallen into the water.

Immediately afterwards, the two big mountains on the eyelids came down heavily, and Li Kang passed out as soon as his eyes darkened.

"Yi Yi Ya Ya", "Yi Yi Ya Ya", "Yi Yi Ya Ya" came the anxious cry of the little white fox.


At this time, Jicheng, the capital of the Yan Kingdom, was in the Palace of the King of Yan.

King Yan, who had a hideous and ugly face, was sitting on the throne, with a murderous look on his face.

Below the throne, all the officials stood with their hands folded, not daring to come out, for fear of offending the king and bringing about a catastrophe.

The so-called, when the king is angry, they all understand the truth of laying down millions of corpses.

A group of ministers have just been arrested and put in prison.These ministers are all from Liu Song's lineage.

Yan Wuxia was so angry because of two things that happened tonight:
First, in the royal capital, the prime minister of a country was killed by a boy in black under the eyes of the king. The entire prime minister's mansion was also demolished, and the palace wall of the palace also collapsed. This is a great disgrace to King Yan;
Second, not long ago, General Ma Zicheng sent a secret letter, which was written by Qin King Yingzheng to Prime Minister Liu Song, which contained iron proof of Liu Song's treason.He actually colluded with the king of Qin, wanted to plot against the country of Yan, and even dreamed of becoming the new king of Yan after Qin unified the land of the nine kingdoms.

These two incidents were like two big slaps on Yan Wuxia's face, making him furious.

"What do you say, how should we deal with those traitors from Liu Song's family?" Yan Wuxia's small eyes radiated a fierce light, scanning the ministers below.

At this time, all the ministers present did not speak, but they all focused their eyes on the mighty and majestic body of the first-ranked general Ma Zicheng.

Ma Zicheng walked out of the queue, faced Yan Wuxia with a ferocious face, bowed his hands and saluted, and said in a deep voice:

"Your Majesty, Liu Song is treasonous, and the evidence is solid. The members of his lineage all have the intention of rebelling against the King and Yan Guo, and I think that these people should not stay. I suggest that at noon tomorrow, these rebellious officials and thieves should be executed. The minister also suggested that Liu Song's nine clans should all be killed, so that all the subjects of the Yan Kingdom would know what would happen if they betrayed the Yan Kingdom! At the same time, all the spies of the Qin Kingdom who were in the territory of the Yan Kingdom should be dug out and killed!"

The ministers under the throne couldn't help but feel a chill down their spines when they heard the words of General Ma Zicheng.

In Yan Wuxia's small eyes, there was a look of thought.

After a few breaths, his small eyes were full of murderous intent, and the big mouth with several teeth exposed outside the lips opened, and said in a deep voice:

"It is the king's order that at noon tomorrow, all the thieves who have been captured by Liu Song's family will be executed. As for the members of Liu Song's nine clans and his other direct descendants, as well as the spies of Qin and Yan, then Within half a month, all of them will be captured and escorted to the capital, and then they will be beheaded. General Ma Zicheng will be fully responsible for this matter!"

"Your Majesty is wise, I will obey your will!" General Ma Zicheng bowed and bowed with astonishing murderous intent in his eyes upon hearing this.

"Your Majesty Yingming!"

"Your Majesty Yingming!"


Other ministers also echoed.

Yan Wuxia looked down, the ministers bent over, their eyes sparkled and said: "If there is nothing to do, then retreat."

"Your Majesty, I still have something to say." General Ma Zicheng said hastily upon hearing this.

"What did the general say?" Yan Wuxia asked curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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