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Chapter 129

Chapter 129

At this moment, all the fishermen present were attracted by the mustache and big belly, and their eyes were full of horror and worry.

The women with the children hurriedly turned the children's heads away to prevent them from seeing the bloody scene, and their own eyes were also tightly closed.

"The child's father... Woohoo!"

"Abba, you scoundrels, don't hurt my abba! Huh!"

The woman's cry, the child's cry and the mournful cry sounded at the same time.

They all know what it means if this kick is firm.

With a mustache and big belly full of ferocious colors, a pair of fat thighs ruthlessly kicked at Dazhu's bowed head.

Seeing that Padfoot was about to fall on Da Zhu's head, all the fishermen raised their hearts to their throats.

At this critical moment, suddenly, there was a sharp distortion in the space in front of the mustache and big belly, and ripples like waves appeared.

Immediately afterwards, a boy in black with a snow-white little white fox standing on his shoulders appeared strangely. He raised a thin arm, and his five fingers formed claws, grabbing the one with the mustache and big belly. Big fat feet.

Li Kang's five fingers pressed hard, and immediately, the five fingers fell into the flesh and blood of the mustache's big belly and calf.




The big belly immediately howled like a pig, and his small eyes were full of pain and inconceivable.

Li Kang tightly grasped the mustache's calf, and lifted the whole body of the mustache with his arms, and grasped the mustache's big belly, which weighed at least two to three hundred catties, as easily as holding a branch. Simple.

Using his mustache and big belly as a weapon, he waved his body and rushed towards the strong and round men who were neatly arranged in front, with eyes full of disbelief and shock.

The body of the mustache and the belly smashed at the big guys. Before the big guys could react, he threw their bodies into the air and vomited blood.

There were screams like killing a pig, one after another, one after another.

Some of the big men who were thrown into the air passed out directly, while others fell to the ground, trembling.

Dozens of big men fell to the ground in the blink of an eye, and none of them survived.

At this moment, the obese captain with the mustache had been smashed to the point of bleeding, scarlet blood flowed from his mouth and nose, and there was no fierce light in his small eyes, only endless fear.

Li Kang casually threw the mud-like mustache captain with a big belly, and there was a "rumbling" sound, and the body of the mustache captain hit the ground heavily, and a human-shaped pit appeared under him.

The time it took for Li Kang to appear in front of Captain Hu to smash down all the dozens of brave men in Heifengzhai was just a matter of breaths.

After doing all this, he stretched out his hand to pull the black clothes on his body to smooth out the folds, and then he stretched out his hand to support the big pillar that had fallen to the ground in fright.

"Brother Dazhu, are you okay?" Li Kang asked with concern.

Dazhu with a simple and honest face stared at Li Kang with disbelief in his eyes at this time, and was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a long time.

At this moment, the hundreds of fishermen present, whether they were old people, women, children or middle-aged men, were all like Dazhu, looking at Li Kang with incredible eyes, in a daze.

Until now, they still couldn't understand the scene just now.

After a while, a young man with a dark face and bright black eyes ran out of the crowd, ran to Li Kang, hugged Dazhu's thigh, and said with concern: "Father, you are not injured! "

At this time, Da Zhu, who was full of honesty and honesty, came back to his senses, cupped his fists at Li Kang and said, "Thank you little brother for saving my life!"

"Brother Dazhu, what are you talking about? I am the one to thank you." Li Kang smiled and helped up Dazhu who was bent over.

The fishermen present couldn't help applauding, even the little dolls held by the woman clapped their hands, they were applauding for Li Kang's breath for them.

Then, Li Kang looked at the fishermen and said loudly: "Did you all suffer from the oppression of Heifengzhai all year round? Today I will make the decision for you. If you are angry, come up and beat up these bullying guys!"

However, the simple and kind fishermen, even though Li Kang had beaten all the big guys in Heifengzhai until they lost the power to resist, they still didn't go forward to beat them up.

Seeing that the fishermen were silent for a long time, Li Kang continued to ask, "What do you think should be done with them?"

"We only want people from Heifengzhai, so don't force us to pay the flower pearls again!" A gray-haired old man among the fishermen said to Li Kang.

"Yes, we don't force anything else, as long as Heifengzhai doesn't force us to pay flower pearls in the future!" The other fishermen also said the same.

Hearing this, Li Kang smiled, and didn't say anything to the fishermen, but turned around to look at the big men in Heifengzhai who were howling on the ground.

"If you want to die, just continue howling on the ground!" He said coldly.

Li Kang's words were like a thunderclap, and the big men in Heifengzhai who were lying on the ground, rolling and crying, stood up one after another with difficulty, their legs trembling, and knelt down in front of the boy in black.

Even the big belly with mustache who was about to pass out, relying on the perseverance to survive, tremblingly crawled out of the human-shaped pit, and knelt down in front of Li Kang.

"Hero, please spare us this time, we were also forced!"

"Hero, please don't kill me. I have seniors and juniors, and they all count on me to live!"

"Hero, I am the same. There is an eighty-year-old mother on the top, and a three-year-old child on the bottom..."

"Hero, please, don't kill me!"


At this time, the big men in Heifengzhai didn't have the slightest arrogance, some just succumbed to their knees, like dead dogs, kneeling in front of Li Kang and begging for mercy.

"Forgive me or not, I don't care what I say, you should ask the villagers here." Li Kang said sarcastically.

Hearing this, the big men in Heifengzhai kowtowed to the village names of the fishing village, begging:

"Folks, we were deceived by lard in the past and forced you to risk your life and death to catch Huahai mussels. Now we have repented, and I beg you to forgive us this time."

"Folks, your lord has a lot, please forgive us this time, we promise that we will never force you to pay flower pearls again in the future!"


The hundreds of fishermen gathered here did not speak, but all looked at the black-clothed boy in unison.

"How to deal with them, you decide." Li Kang smiled slightly at the fishermen.

An older fisherman from the fishing village came out, cupped his fists at Li Kang and said, "Thank you, little brother, for helping us out today. We decided to let them go back, as long as they don't come to force us to pay the flower pearls."

Li Kang looked at the old man, then looked at the fishermen in the fishing village, and sighed helplessly in his heart: "They are really kind people. They have been bullied by others for so long, but they finally choose to forgive others and repay their grievances with virtue!"

"Okay, since everyone has decided to let them go, let's let them go!" He looked at the fishermen and said.

"Thank you...thank you folks, thank you...thank you for not killing the hero!" The captain with the mustache and big belly stood up with the support of two big men, and bowed towards the fisherman and Li Kang.

After he finished speaking, he was about to retreat in the direction of Heifengzhai.

"Who told you to leave now, I haven't finished my words yet." Li Kang's eyes flashed sharply, looking at the trembling people of Heifengzhai walking towards the outside of the fishing village, supporting each other. drank.

Hearing the words, the big men in Heifengzhai stopped and knelt down to Li Kang again.

"Hero, please spare us!"

"Hero, please spare us a lot!"

"Hero, please spare us!"


The big men in Heifeng Village with bruised noses and swollen faces begged bitterly.

Li Kang ignored them, turned around, looked at the fishermen, and asked, "Have they ever hurt anyone in the fishing village?"

"That captain, last year...last year...killed my son! Huh..." An old woman came out and cried to Li Kang.

Hearing this, Li Kang didn't say anything, walked up to the man with the mustache and big belly, and punched him where his heart was.

The mustache and big belly let out a shrill scream, and the vitality in his small eyes was quickly passing away, and he fell to the ground in a blink of an eye.

A faint green brilliance rose into the sky, and soon disappeared without a trace.

This is the power of his natal astrology, absorbed by the mysterious and endless heartland.

"Murder pays for life! It's just and right!" Li Kang turned his head to look at the old woman without even looking at the dead mustache and big belly.

The old woman knelt down in front of him with a "plop", and said tearfully, "Thank you, hero, for avenging my son!"

After she finished speaking, she kowtowed to Li Kang.

"Ma'am, this is impossible!" Li Kang hurriedly helped the emotional old woman up.

Then, two women came forward and helped him to help the old woman down.

Li Kang turned around slowly, his eyes were as sharp as knives, he stared closely at the black-nosed and swollen-faced big men in Heifengzhai kneeling in front of him, and said coldly:
"Who else has done something outrageous?"

Hearing the words, those big men lowered their heads one after another, and did not dare to breathe out. Some timid ones even drenched their crotches, and a smell of urine wafted out of their nostrils.

Seeing that these people did not answer, Li Kang turned to the fishermen and asked, "Is there anyone in the fishing village who was killed by the people from Heifengzhai?"

The kind fishermen in the fishing village shook their heads.

After he knew the situation, he said to the big men in Heifengzhai who were kneeling on the ground and terrified, "Death crimes can be pardoned, but living crimes cannot be escaped. I will punish you, my lord, kneel down here and slap your own big mouth. And say 'I was wrong', say it a thousand times, and apologize to the fishermen of the fishing village!"

Dozens of trembling and kneeling big men in Heifengzhai heard the words, as if they were being amnesty, they straightened their upper bodies one after another, and moved their left and right hands at the same time, patting their already red and swollen cheeks.

"Crack! I was wrong!"

"Crack! I was wrong!"

"Crack! I was wrong!"


The big men were afraid of offending the little ancestor of the boy in black, and would lose their lives, so they struck very hard, and the sound of "pa pa pa pa pa" was particularly crisp, and soon their cheeks were swollen high, like pig's heads.

(End of this chapter)

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