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Chapter 139 The Powerful Body

Chapter 139 The Powerful Body

I saw a light cluster shining with dazzling blue light flying out from Li Kang's fist. Before the fat man could react, the light cluster reached his chest and turned into a fist-shaped light shadow several feet in size. .

The fist-shaped light and shadow immediately burst open, and a blood hole instantly appeared in the chest of the fat man who had no defense at all. The vibrant heart inside was crushed, and scarlet blood splashed like rain.

The fat and strong man let out an extremely shrill scream, the vitality in his small eyes quickly disappeared, his face still had an inconceivable look, the nebula under his feet disappeared without a trace, and his body like a mountain of meat fell from the air with a bang .

At this moment, the air in front of the boy in black twisted, his figure disappeared immediately, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared under the body of the fat man, caught his body, and took out a green light from his arms Star Shell, and put away his Mace Star Shell.

After doing this, Li Kang's figure disappeared again, and the body of a big man like a mountain of meat fell towards the ground below.

Immediately afterwards, a blue brilliance flew out of the fat and big man's body and lifted off into the sky. This is because the power of his natal astrology was absorbed by the mysterious and endless star burial place.

All this happened in just a moment, which can only be described by the word "fast".

Mo Lao, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, was out of his mind at this moment: The boy in black in front of him is too evil, even a master of the sixth rank of the Blue Star Realm, it is impossible to kill a star of the third rank of the Blue Star Realm with such a clean blow scholar.

With a look of horror on his face, Mo Lao frantically injected the power of astrology into the nebula, and flew towards the location of the military camp below.

What he wants to do now is to escape back to the barracks and join other blue star astral warriors. There are dozens of blue star realm astral warriors in the barracks below, and their king Yingzheng is also below.

Your Majesty has the cultivation base of the Blue Star Realm Dzogchen, and you will be safe if you escape back to the barracks. If the boy in black dares to chase after him, as long as the king makes a move, the boy in black will undoubtedly die.

This is what Mo Lao is thinking at this moment.

His speed was also very fast, and he flew tens of feet towards the barracks below in the blink of an eye. At the same time, a shield with bright blue light appeared in front of him, which was a low-grade defensive Blue Star Treasure.

However, he is fast, and someone is faster than him.

The air in front of Li Kang was distorted again, the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, forming an arc, his eyes were full of disdain, he looked at Mo Lao, and said: "Your life, let's keep it!"

After he finished speaking, his body disappeared without a trace.

The next moment, he appeared below Mo Lao, clenched the same fists, and punched the falling old man.

This time, instead of one punch, Li Kang threw ten punches.

Ten dark blue fist light shadows several feet in size flew towards the oncoming Mo Lao with great power.

These fist shadows are exactly the Starlight Thunderbolt Fist exhibited by Li Kang. Now, he has practiced the Starlight Thunderbolt Fist to the fourth-grade realm, and the effective attack distance has reached four feet.

He had already learned this star skill when he was in the Green Star Realm. It was a tough and domineering skill, but the only shortcoming was that the attack distance was too short.

With unparalleled incompetence, the ten fist shadows hit Lao Mo heavily.

"My lord, help me!!!" Looking at the ten lights and shadows of fists flying towards him at a high speed, Mo Lao let out a shrill cry, begging for help from their lord.

"Boy, don't hurt our people again!" Mo Lao's voice just fell, and a thick middle-aged man's voice came from the barracks below.

There was anger in this voice, and there was a sense of not allowing others to resist.

However, for the owner of this voice, it was too late to stop it.

I saw ten powerful fist shadows, which had already hit Mo Lao's star treasure heavily, bursting out with dazzling brilliance, as if talking about a dark blue sun rising in the sky.



There was an extremely shrill scream and a loud bang at the same time.

The next moment, the dazzling blue light subsided, and dense cracks appeared on the blue star shell in front of Mr. Mo, the luster was extremely dim, and it fell towards the ground below.

Mo Lao's face was as pale as paper, and blood kept spitting out from his mouth. The vitality in the old eyes was rapidly passing away, and his body fell towards Li Kang like a kite with a broken string.

Li Kang grabbed the old man's body. Two bloody holes appeared on his chest and abdomen, and blood overflowed.

Li Kang took out a green star shell from his pocket, looked at it and said: "The people of Qin are really poor ghosts!"

After he finished speaking, he kicked Mo Lao's body out of the nebula, and quickly fell towards the ground below.

A blue light shot out from Mo Lao's dead body and flew into the air. It was also the power of his natal astrology that was absorbed by the mysterious and endless star burial place.

"Boy, you are courting death!"

At this moment, from the barracks below, the thick voice of the middle-aged man just now came again, with a monstrous killing intent.

As the voice fell, dozens of bright blue nebulae rose up from the barracks below, heading towards where Li Kang was, at a very high speed.

Li Kang's eyebrows were slightly frowned, and a dignified look appeared in his eyes. He saw that above the fastest flying nebula stood a noble man in a purple gold dragon robe and a purple gold crown. An aggressive middle-aged man.

This person is the King Yingzheng of the Qin Kingdom, and a one-foot-sized dark blue natal astrology emerged from his chest.

This is a mysterious astrology with countless tentacles, and a six-color halo above its head. It is actually a heaven-level natal astrology.

Ying Zheng exuded a suffocating powerful aura, as well as a sea-like murderous aura, emanating from his body.

The other dozens of figures are all Blue Star Realm astral warriors with cultivation bases above the second rank, and ten of them are at the sixth rank.

Li Kang took a look, and knew that he was definitely not the opponent of these people, and he didn't like to fight, so he immediately used the nine-turn star technique and flew towards the direction of Zhao Guo.

In the blink of an eye, he had used the Nine-Turn Steering Star Technique three times in a row, and escaped a distance of 120 feet. He didn't stop at all, and continued to flee forward.

"Hahaha... Thieves from the state of Qin, my master, I will kill two guys from the Blue Star Realm today as the interest owed to me by Ying Zheng. I will leave first, Ying Zheng, you go back and wash your neck clean. Wait for me to hack it next time!" Li Kang said with a wild laugh while running away.

His voice was infused with the power of astrology, like rolling thunder, it spread throughout Wu'an City and both sides of Qingyuan River.

At this time, both the army of Qin State and the army of Zhao State heard Li Kang's maddening voice clearly and abnormally.

When the soldiers of the Qin Army in Wu'an City and the banks of the Qingyuan River heard the voice, expressions of extreme anger appeared on their young faces.

Unexpectedly, some lunatics dared to insult their king. In their minds, King Yingzheng was the invincible god of war.

Compared with Qin Bing's anger, on the same young faces of Zhao Jun's soldiers on the other side of the Qingyuan River, there was an uplifting expression.

"Tell me, who is this, who actually killed two Blue Star Realm masters of the Qin State, and even yelled at King Qin Yingzheng, how powerful is this?"

"Yeah, what an arrogant master, I really envy this arrogant master, with such strength, he can be kind and hateful!"

"However, Qin Wang Yingzheng has the cultivation base of the Blue Star Realm Dzogchen, will that arrogant master be caught by him?"


Just when Zhao Jun's soldiers were talking about it.

At this moment, Ying Zheng and other talents appeared at the place where the boy in black was standing just now.

Qin Wang Yingzheng's majestic face was covered with haze. Looking at the boy in black in the distance, he knew that people like himself would definitely not be able to catch up with the boy in black.

His agility and star skills are really weird and fast, the fastest he has ever seen in his life.

"My lord, we must capture that arrogant boy in black and tear him to pieces. Not only did he kill our people, he also insulted you, your lord!" One of the big men in the Blue Star Realm said with righteous indignation.

"Catch the boy in black? Can you catch him?" Although Ying Zheng was extremely angry, but still rational, he turned his gloomy face to look at the men behind him, and asked back.

Everyone was speechless after hearing the words, the speed of the boy in black was really weird, and the boy in black's physical body was also abnormally strong.

"You check this king first, you must find out the identity of this kid, and then make long-term plans!" Ying Zheng said.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Everyone said in unison.

King Qin's eyes flashed a dazzling blue light, and the phantoms of stars emerged one by one, staring closely at the boy in black who had appeared above the Qingyuan River several miles away.

At this time, Li Kang, who was dressed in black, drove Xingyun and flew towards the place where Zhao Jun was stationed on the other side of the Qingyuan River at high speed.

There was a faint smile on his face. In this battle, he not only tested his physical strength, but also killed two Qin State Blue Star Realm masters and took their treasures.

The most important thing is that Li Kang's actions made Qin's lungs explode with anger, and he was even more happy when he thought about the gloomy face of King Qin Yingzheng at the moment.

"Yingzheng, just wait, when I return from the place where the stars are buried, it will be the day you die!" He said secretly in his heart.

Soon, Li Kang drove the blue nebula, flew across the wide Qingyuan River, and came to the sky above Zhao Jun's garrison on the opposite bank.

He suddenly opened his mouth and said in a deep voice: "Princess Ji Xue, Li Kang, I'm here."

Li Kang's voice was blessed with the power of astrology, like rolling thunder.

After he finished speaking, he temporarily stopped flying, and stood in the air while driving Xingyun, but his eyes were fixed on the direction of Wu'an City, paying attention to the actions of Ying Zheng and others.

(End of this chapter)

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