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Chapter 143 The Poor Prince

Chapter 143 The Poor Prince

Li Kang's blue eyes flashed with a strong murderous look, and he said arrogantly.

His character, when he has no strength, he has to bear it, and when he has strength, he has to be crazy.

This is, a man can bend and stretch.

A dazzling blue light erupted from Li Kang's body surface, and the blue light on his chest was the most intense, and a three-inch-tall dark blue centaur star emerged.

Standing at the end of the blue flower path, the eldest prince of the Qin Kingdom looked at his natal astrology on his chest representing the first-grade cultivation of the Blue Star Realm, and the blue glow that appeared in his eyes, and the national character showed a touch of surprise.

This boy in black, when he attacked him sneakily in the Heiyou Gorge, he only had the cultivation level of the third rank of the Green Star Realm. Now that he has not been seen for several months, he is already the cultivation base of the first rank of the Blue Star Realm.

This kind of promotion speed is really ridiculously fast.

However, although the eldest prince was surprised, he didn't take Li Kang seriously.

After all, the other party only has the first-rank cultivation of the Blue Star Realm, while he is an astral warrior of the second-rank Blue Star Realm. The two bearded men behind him are both of the fourth-rank Blue Star Realm. A boy of first rank should rub more than enough.

The death of the big bearded astral body just now was just an accident.

"Haha, kid in black, with such a big tone, you are not afraid of the wind flashing your tongue. If you can kneel down and beg me, and lick the dust off my boots, I can consider leaving you a dead body." After thinking about it, the eldest prince of Qin suppressed all his negative emotions, stared at Li Kang with murderous intent, and said arrogantly.

"Eldest Prince, don't talk nonsense with that kid. I think it's best for us to directly display our powerful star skills and blast him into scum." A bearded man behind the Eldest Prince shouted loudly.

"Yes, kill him directly to avenge Mu Shan." Another big bearded man also said murderously.

Listening to the words of the eldest prince and his two Blue Star Realm subordinates, Li Kang couldn't help showing a disdainful smile, and said, "Ignorant idiot, the most pathetic!"

The eldest prince of Qin and the two Blue Star Realm subordinates couldn't help being furious when they heard the words.

"Use Blue Star Eyes, the three of us go up and kill him, while the others wait in place."

The eldest prince of Qin State ordered, and after he finished speaking, his body was covered in dazzling blue light, and a jeweled garment with the same blue light emerged, and there were at least forty phantoms of stars on the surface of the treasured garment.

In his hand, there is also a long spear with bright blue light, and more than 40 dark blue stars are shrouded in light and shadow on its surface.

These two star treasures are the top star treasures in the Great Qin Kingdom. In order to gain a lot from this trip to the star burial place, the eldest prince asked King Qin Yingzheng for these two top-quality blue star treasures. precious.

There are only two sets of such star treasures in the treasury of the Great Qin State, and one set belongs to King Qin Yingzheng.

A dazzling blue light also flashed in the eyes of First Prince Qin, and he was walking towards where Li Kang was. Because there were many cracks in the path, his speed was not very fast.

But those two big bearded men who also exhibited blue star eyes couldn't wait to kill Li Kang before the eldest prince.

Li Kang stared at the precious clothes on the eldest prince's body and the long spear with more than 40 stars in his hand without blinking, his eyes couldn't help revealing a trace of hotness.

"Thieves Qin are really rich. The eldest prince bought two top-quality blue star treasures. But...these two star treasures will change owners in a while." He thought in his heart.

At this time, two bearded men in the blue star realm, with blue eyes shining, accurately avoided space cracks and came towards Li Kang with a murderous look.

When they were only five feet away from him, their hands were like sword fingers, and the natal astrology spun slowly, injecting the power of the natal astrology into the sword fingers, and the sword pointed at Li Kang.

Lines of dark blue light shot out from their fingertips, and after flying a few feet away, they turned into murderous lightsabers.There were dozens of lightsabers. During the flying process, more than a dozen of them were absorbed by the space cracks, and the remaining dozen flew in front of Li Kang.

The space in front of him suddenly twisted sharply, ripples appeared, and he and the little white fox on his shoulders instantly disappeared without a trace.

More than a dozen lightsabers with strong murderous intent passed through where Li Kang was standing, and were absorbed by a half-foot-long spatial crack behind him, turning them invisible.

The two bearded men in the blue star realm unleashed their lightsabers, and when they saw the boy in black disappearing strangely, they became vigilant, their bodies flashed with blue light, and two simple shields emerged, surrounding their bodies. Spin up.

There are a few phantom stars hovering above the two defensive star treasures, which should be two middle-grade blue star treasures.

At this moment, the space in front of the big bearded man at the front end of the blue flower trail suddenly twisted, and then, a black figure emerged from the air.

This black figure was Li Kang. His hands were clenched into fists, with a dazzling blue glow flowing on his surface, and his big fists slammed fiercely at the chest of the bearded man who hadn't reacted yet.

He punched twice in a row, and two dark blue fist shadows several feet in size emerged, hitting the big man's simple shield, bursting out with dazzling blue light, and densely packed star treasures appeared on the surface of the middle-grade shield defense star treasure in front of him. cracks.

Due to the huge force on the body of the bearded man, the soles of his feet slipped, and he continuously fell back several steps.

If it is in the world outside the Star Burial Land, there is no space crack, and there is no problem for the bearded man to retreat.

But now, in this blue valley, there are spatial cracks everywhere. It would be tragic if the big bearded man retreated suddenly, and he retreated uncontrollably.

He took three steps back, and was engulfed by a several-foot-long jet-black spatial crack that appeared behind him, first his feet, then his upper body...

"Ah! Eldest Prince, save..." the bearded man let out a terrified roar.

However, before he could say the word "I" after the word "save", his entire body was engulfed by the pitch-black space crack and disappeared without a trace.

All of this happened so fast that the Prince Qin and the others who were behind the bearded man had no chance of rescue.

On the blue flower path, another big bearded man and the eldest prince looked at the black-clothed boy who had disappeared from the blue flower path again, and their eyes could not help showing horror.

In a normal fight, the eldest prince of Qin felt that the boy in black was not his opponent, because his cultivation was at the second rank of the Blue Star Realm, and he had two top-grade Blue Star Treasures, which were far superior to the boy in black.However, in this blue valley densely covered with space cracks, this black-clothed boy has such a strange movement and star skills, which is really annoying.

Just when the eldest prince was terrified, the space next to another bearded man distorted, and a black figure appeared in the blink of an eye.The black figure was Li Kang, and he also clenched his fists and attacked the armpits of the bearded man.

The bearded man turned around sharply, his hands flashed a dazzling blue light, and went towards Li Kang's fist. He believed that with his cultivation of the fourth rank of the Blue Star Realm, he had blessed a lot of the power of the natal astrology in his palms. , will definitely be able to catch the fist of the boy in black.

Li Kang looked at the two palms struck by the bearded man, and his eyes could not help showing disdain: he swallowed sea honey to increase the strength of his body to an extremely high level, even if it was the body of an ordinary monster of the level of a monster. He can't compare to himself in strength, so he is humiliating himself by playing with an ax in the class.

At this moment, the eldest prince, who was a few feet away behind the big bearded man, showed a fierce look in his small eyes, and the top-grade Blue Star Treasure spear in his hand burst out with dazzling light, heading towards where Li Kang and the bearded man were. He waved it crazily, and densely packed gun shadows with huge power flew out.

He couldn't attack the black-clothed boy alone, so he prepared to attack even the bearded man together, and the method was really ruthless.

The bearded man exchanged two punches with Li Kang, his body was retreating extremely fast, while the opponent remained in place, his eyes were full of disbelief and horror.

At this moment, the densely packed shadows of powerful spears had already hit the space where Li Kang and the big bearded man were.


After the bearded man who was retreating extremely quickly was hit by several gun shadows, his body was swallowed by the crack in space again. He looked at the eldest prince with eyes full of surprise, said the last two words "you", and let out a scream. gone.

Li Kang looked at the shadows of guns attacking him densely, and there was a playful look in his eyes, the air in front of him twisted again, and his figure disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The densely packed gun shadows hit the empty space, hitting the space cracks one after another, and were swallowed by the space cracks without any suspense.

Not far away, the eldest prince of the Qin State looked at the scene in front of him, and couldn't help being both shocked and angry. He was so shocked that the black-clothed boy's agility and star skills were too weird, and he couldn't attack him no matter what. The angry thing was, Not only did he not kill the boy in black just now, but he also gave the life of one of his capable men.

"You little bastard in black, if you have the ability, don't hide and hide. Like a mouse crossing the street, if you are a man, come out and fight with this prince in an upright manner." The eldest prince Qin has a face full of Chinese characters. With a scowl, his dark blue eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Oh? Bastards of the Qin Kingdom, you want to fight me, my master. I will satisfy your request right now, and let you die clearly! Hahaha..." An extremely insolent voice sounded.

The power of astrology was added to this voice, like rolling thunder exploding in the valley, it shook everyone's eardrums and made them extremely uncomfortable.

The air in front of the eldest prince of Qin suddenly twisted sharply, and a figure with a dazzling blue light emerged.

(End of this chapter)

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