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Chapter 150 Stewed You

Chapter 150 Stewed You
Li Kang heard the words of the blood dog monster, and there was a cold murderous intent in his eyes, and said:
"It's just four dogs, and you dare to speak wild words. Today, I will beat you four dogs into dead dogs, and then stew you into dog meat soup. Let's see how arrogant you are!"

The four blood dog monsters couldn't help being furious when they heard this.

"Little human astral body, I was going to let you die quickly, but now I decide to make your life worse than death!" The blood dog demon with only blood-colored hair and white hair said furiously.

After it finished speaking, it turned into a black lightning and rushed towards Li Kang and Xiaobai. The other three blood dog monsters also rushed towards them like black lightning.

Xiaobai, who was on Li Kang's shoulder, kicked his calf quickly, and hid his small body inside his master's neck. Only a small furry head emerged from his master's neck, and there was a look of horror in his pair of dark, round eyes. He stared at the four dog demons rushing forward.

Li Kang watched the four blood dog monsters approaching with murderous aura, their bodies flashed a dazzling blue light, and a three-inch-high dark blue centaur natal astrology emerged and floated in front of his chest.

After doing these things, he didn't do anything else, he didn't even use the Starlight Shield, he just stood there with the corners of his mouth slightly upturned, his eyes showing disdain, staring at the four wounded The Blood Dog Demon.

The blood dog demon with blood-colored hair and white hair rushing to the strongest side, seeing the disdainful expression of the boy in black, became even more angry, and the speed under his feet accelerated a bit.

"Insignificant human being, you will soon pay the price of your life for your arrogance!" It secretly said in its heart.

He is a blood dog demon at the peak of a demon general, and he also has a bloodline of an ancient demon. Among the monsters at the level of monster generals in the world of monsters and beasts in the Northern Wilderness, he can be regarded as a remarkable blood demon.

It believed that with just one blow, it could kill the black-clothed young man in front of him who didn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth and only had the first rank of the Blue Star Realm, and then devoured his body. things.

However, the halo on his natal astrology is a bit strange, why is it purple-gold?

The leader of the blood dog demon, thinking so in his heart, ran over a distance of hundreds of feet in a few breaths, opened his bloody mouth, and flew towards Li Kang and Xiao Bai, and a huge dark blue light ball came from his bloody mouth. With a big mouth, he shot at Li Kang.

Seeing it, the dark blue light group was about to hit the boy in black, and the sharp teeth of the blood dog monster were about to bite the boy in black.

The black-clothed boy still had a disdainful smile on his face, but at this critical moment, the air in front of the black-clothed boy's body twisted, like ripples on the water.

Immediately afterwards, the dark blue light ball with murderous intent hit the place where the boy in black was, but it missed him, and his figure had disappeared strangely.

Then, the blood dog demon that flew up also rushed into the empty space.

Suddenly, the air behind the blood dog monster with only red hair and white hair twisted, and a black figure emerged strangely. His hands were clenched into fists, flashing a dazzling blue light.

This black figure is exactly Li Kang who displayed the Nine-Turn Maneuvering Skill.

He punched two consecutive punches towards the body of the blood dog demon who was about ten feet away from him, and two huge blue light shadows shot out from his fists.

Before reaching the blood dog monster's body, the two blue lights and shadows had already turned into two solid dark blue fists, and hit the blood dog monster's body fiercely.

This star technique is exactly the powerful Starlight Thunderbolt Fist.

Immediately, one of the furry hind legs of the Blood Dog Demon with red and white hair was directly interrupted and separated from its body. A huge blood hole appeared in its abdomen, and blood sprayed like rain.




The Blood Dog Demon let out a painful roar, and the same painful look appeared in its sapphire-like eyes, and it had completely lost its fighting power.

At this moment, the other three blood dog monsters had attacked and killed Li Kang's current standing place.

However, they still didn't attack him. The moment the three blood dog monsters attacked his body, he used the nine-turn star technique to avoid it.

"Despicable human being, I have already remembered you. The hatred between the dog demon clan of the Northern Wilderness and you will never end! Brothers, retreat!"

The seriously injured dog demon saw that he was no match for the mysterious black-clothed boy in front of him at all, so he activated the dark blue circular mark on his front leg at the moment the black-clothed boy disappeared, preparing to flee The place of star burial.

Just now, if it stimulated the power of Qi and blood and cast a blue mask, it should be able to catch the light and shadow of the two dark blue fists of the black-clothed boy. Has a trace of ancient demon blood.

However, seeing that the opponent only had the first rank of Blue Star Realm cultivation base, it thought that with its powerful monster body, it would be able to withstand its ordinary attacks, but it didn't expect the opponent's attacks to be so fierce, and it suffered the loss of underestimating the enemy.

At the same time, its physical body was corroded by the blood of the strange green strange ants of the gray-robed old man, and its physical strength also dropped a lot, which made it seriously injured by the black-clothed boy's attack.

At this time, the Blood Dog Demon with blood-colored hair and white hair was wrapped in dark blue light, and his body was about to fly away.

At this moment, the black-clothed boy with the little white fox on his back suddenly appeared, and in his hand was a long spear with dazzling blue light, with more than 40 phantom stars surrounding its surface.

"Extreme Star Treasure!" The blood-haired blood dog monster made a surprised voice, and there was a sense of panic in this voice.

I saw that the boy in black raised his spear and slashed several powerful spear shadows at it.

At the moment when the blue light disappeared with the blood dog demon, the gun shadow attacked where it was.


There was an extremely painful roar, and the blue light disappeared without a trace with the body of the blood dog demon.

"Even if you run fast, otherwise, I said today that I will stew you into dog meat soup, so I will stew you into dog meat soup!" Li Kang said viciously, and then looked at the other three bloody dogs with knife-like eyes. dog demon.

I saw that the three blood dog monsters were activating the dark blue circular mark on their front legs, preparing to teleport out of the star burial place.

"Huh! I want to leave now, it's too late!" Li Kang snorted coldly.

Injecting the power of astrology crazily into the top-grade Blue Star Treasure spear in his hand, he slashed at the three blood dog monsters who were several meters away from him, and saw blue gun shadows flying with murderous intent. shoot out.

The speed of the gun shadows was extremely fast, and they flew to the place where the three blood dog demons were almost in the blink of an eye.

Immediately, a dark blue brilliance erupted where the three blood dog demons were located, which made people dare not look directly at them, and there were also "rumbling" roars and shrill roars.

However, when the light converges.

The place where the three blood dog monsters were located was empty.

Li Kang thought that they had already activated the blue markers to teleport out of the Star Burial Land, but even if the three blood dog monsters successfully teleported out of the Star Burial Land, they were just three dead dogs.

His last attack with the top grade Blue Star Treasure Spear was powerful enough to kill them. Even if they didn't die, they only had a trace of life left.

There is a faint breath of life left, leaving the star burial place, even if the gods are alive, it is difficult to revive them.

Of course, Li Kang couldn't make a decision about the life and death of the blood-red and white-haired blood dog demon.

Because he only attacked it at the last moment when it activated the blue mark, and it was impossible to confirm whether he had actually killed it.

However, these are not important to Li Kang.

He focused his gaze on the horrible, mutilated corpse covered with deep dog teeth marks, blood dripping on the surface.

Li Kang saw a small bag hanging from the waist of this terrifying corpse.

"A storage bag? An outsider?" He couldn't help muttering.

In his previous life, as a top powerhouse in the Purple Star Realm, Li Kang had met cultivators from outside the region, and their cultivation methods were fundamentally different from those of the people from the Star Continent.

The foreign cultivators he met in his previous life were also low-level cultivators. They had a characteristic, that is, most of them hung a small bag around their waist. This small bag was called a storage bag. As the name suggests, its function was to use To hold things, it has the same function as the green star shells and blue star shells used by astronomers and astronomers.

Thinking of this, Li Kang went forward curiously, preparing to take off the storage bag of the dead foreign practitioner. There should be many good things in it, but most of the things cannot be used by astral practitioners.

He quickly walked to the mutilated body, squatted down, and stretched out his hand to untie the small gray-brown cloth bag, holding it in his hand, so light that he couldn't feel its weight.

Li Kang looked at the storage bag in front of him, and thought of the method to unlock it: the method of opening the storage bag is very simple, first, drop a drop of his own blood into the storage bag, communicate with the storage bag, and then, Just concentrate and use your own thoughts to control the opening and closing of the storage bag.

These are all the knowledge he learned in his previous life. In his previous life, he had obtained many storage bags from low-level cultivators.

Li Kang bit his fingertips and dripped a drop of blood onto the gray storage bag. Soon, the drop of blood was absorbed by the storage bag, leaving no trace of blood on its surface.

Immediately afterwards, with a thought, he prepared to open the storage bag and see what was inside.

At this moment, suddenly, from the mutilated body, a fist-sized green light flew towards Li Kang's head.

The little white fox on his shoulder, seeing this green light, had a look of extreme panic in its round black eyes, and cried out anxiously, "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

However, its screaming didn't have the slightest effect, and the green light the size of a fist submerged into Li Kang's forehead in the blink of an eye.

Immediately, his eyes, which were as bright as the stars, showed a sluggish look.

Yes, it was the dull color, as if the green light had some kind of strange effect.

(End of this chapter)

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