Star map

Chapter 159

Chapter 159
After a few breaths of time, the red figure appeared at the place where Li Kang and Po Zhen turned into stones.

This is a very handsome young man with sword-like eyebrows and star-eyed eyes, wearing a gorgeous red brocade robe, with a lifelike red leaf embroidered on the cuff.

A dazzling blue light flashed on his body, and the blue light was the most intense on his chest. A one-foot-high natal astrology floated in front of his chest. It was a dark blue leaf one foot long and two inches wide, and the veins on it were clearly visible. The strange thing is that there are a pair of tightly closed eyes on this leaf, and at the same time, there is a colorful halo on the leaf, with green, blue, yellow, red, purple, black, and gold colors complementing each other.

This is a natal astrology that has reached the "Xuan level", and its level has surpassed the sky level, which shows that this young man in red has a great possibility to become a super strong in the Venus realm in the future.

His sword eyebrows were slightly frowned, his eyes were full of murderous intent, and he looked at the four incomplete corpses of Tianye Zongmen lying on the ground.

Even though the young man in red frowned, he exuded a different kind of charm.

"He is such a beautiful man who has brought disaster to the country and the people. I don't know how many women are about to fall under his crotch!" Li Kang, who was transformed into a stone, looked at the handsome man in red in front of him, and thought to himself.

At this moment, he had already recognized the identity of the young man in red in front of him: Tianye Sect, Young Sect Master.In his previous life, Li Kang had met him, and he had formed a big relationship with him, which was unsolvable.

This Liangzi was born because of the star skill "Nine Turns Teng Nuo" and several other star skills. In the previous life, when Li Kang's cultivation base reached the first rank of the Yellow Star Realm, he went through all kinds of dangers and came to the land of Zhongzhou, and joined Tian Yezong.

By chance, he secretly learned some secret skills of Tianye Zong, such as Jiuzhuan Tengnuo, and was discovered by the young master of Tianye Zong.

Ye Cong, the young patriarch of the Tianye Sect, has the top-level natal astrology of the mysterious level, and is an extremely powerful existence in the Blue Star Realm. Now, his cultivation base has reached the Dzogchen Realm, and his strength is even stronger. The ordinary Blue Star Realm Dzogchen Astral Body There are no more than two moves under his hands.

Li Kang looked at the handsome young man in red in front of him, felt the strong murderous and powerful aura emanating from him, and felt a little nervous in his heart: because, in terms of comprehensive strength, his current self is definitely not as good as the handsome young man in red, Poor and not one product two products.

Although, after his natal astrology has been transformed, his strength is far superior to that of the same level, but the natal astrology of the young man in red has also reached the top Mysterious level, and his cultivation is infinitely close to the existence of the Yellow Star Realm.

At the same time, Ye Cong may also have the natal star treasure.

If he wanted to escape, he would definitely not be able to do it. The nine-turn star technique was his greatest reliance, but Ye Cong would also do it, and he had reached the Blue Star Realm of Dzogchen, so he must have cultivated to the sixth floor. Faster than myself.

If it is said that the only thing he can compete with him now is his own body.

After my physical body was reborn, it seemed to change with the change of the natal astrology, and there was a big mutation. The speed of repair after injury, the speed of absorbing medicine, etc. have been greatly improved. It is not at all described as reborn. Too much.

Moreover, he has refined a large amount of sea honey, and his physical strength has been raised to a level stronger than that of ordinary demon general level monsters.

However, he knew that fighting against the young man in red now would be a situation where he won less and lost more, and he might die himself.

Because, the fight of life and death is not only more than physical strength, but also many other things must be considered comprehensively.

Therefore, Li Kang hoped that the magic weapon he was wearing was just like what the wretched fat man said, and that only astral warriors of the Red Star Realm and above could discover it.

"Po Zhen, don't lie to me!" He secretly said in his heart.

At this moment, at the corner of the mountain road, another dark blue figure flashed. Although the speed of these figures was not as fast as that of Ye Congkuai, who had displayed the nine-turn star-moving skill, they were faster than ordinary blue star realm astral warriors. , or a lot faster.

Soon, the figures flashing with dark blue brilliance all came to the place where Ye Cong, the young master of Tianye Sect, was standing. These were a hundred young people dressed in red, and there were lifelike scarfs on their cuffs. Red leaves.

They are also disciples of the Tianye Sect, and there is a one-foot-high dark blue natal astrology floating on their chests, and each of them is a blue star realm Dzogchen astral body.

The arrival of these 100 people, together with Ye Cong, made up one hundred and one astral body warriors in the Blue Star Realm Dzogchen, exuding a powerful aura that made people feel suffocated.

They looked at the corpses of the disciples of the same clan lying here and there on the ground, and they couldn't help exuding a strong murderous aura.

"Young Sect Master, aren't there nine people? Why are there only four corpses here? Have you seen the murderer?" A round-faced man holding a tray-shaped treasure that shone with green brilliance looked at the Young Sect Master and asked in confusion.

"The other five people should have been knocked off the cliff by the murderer! I haven't found the murderer yet." Ye Cong frowned, and continued to say in a deep voice: "All the disciples of the Tianye Sect obey the order, centering on the place where the corpse is Search all places within ten miles, not to let go of every plant and tree! I don't believe that the murderer will escape in such a short period of time."

"Yes, young suzerain!" Everyone said in unison.

"Also, after you discover the murderer, immediately send a signal to notify the others!" Ye Cong reminded.

"Yes, young suzerain!" Everyone said in unison again.

Then, they formed a group of five and divided into twenty groups. Eye-catching blue light flashed in their eyes, and phantoms of stars grew out one after another. They displayed their blue star eyes and searched around like a carpet.

The handsome man in red squatted down and carefully inspected the wounds of the four corpses lying on the ground. Looking at them, his sword eyebrows furrowed deeply.

Through observation, he knew that the person who killed nine of his subordinates must be a master of the Blue Star Realm, his cultivation should have reached Dzogchen, and he had a Blue Star Treasure of at least a top-rank in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Cong stood up and said in a deep voice, "Tian Yezong's disciples are careful, the murderer's cultivation should have reached the Blue Star Realm Great Perfection, and he has a top-grade Blue Star Treasure in his hand."

His voice was blessed with the power of astrology, like a rolling thunderclap, everyone within a radius of tens of miles could hear it clearly.

Half an hour later, all one hundred Blue Star Realm Dzogchen astral body warriors sent out by the young lord of Tianye Sect returned to the place where the corpse was.

They didn't find anything, and they searched all over within a ten-mile radius.

"Grandma, could it be that these murderers have grown wings and can fly? Otherwise, how could they have escaped in such a short period of time!" Among them was a fat man holding a huge Blue Star Treasure mace, full of blood. The angry look on his face said.

After he finished speaking, he was still not relieved, feeling bored in his chest, staring at the only two stones the size of a person on the edge of the cliff with a pair of small eyes that were burning with anger, he waved his mace and went forward, preparing to smash the two stones together. A huge boulder was smashed to let out a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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