Star map

Chapter 161

Chapter 161
Suddenly, Li Kang felt the danger was approaching.

If he hadn't used his blue star eyes, he certainly wouldn't have noticed these tiny ripples.

"Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah!" The little white fox suddenly called out anxiously, and a look of panic appeared in a pair of round black eyes.

"Pozhen, there is danger." Li Kang loudly reminded the fat and wretched man who was excited because he survived the catastrophe.

After he finished speaking, he reached out and grabbed the little white fox, and put it in his arms.

Then, with a thought, Li Kang changed into water.

A strange scene appeared again, he and the little white fox in his arms disappeared without a trace, turning into a blue body of water.

The wretched fat man not far from Li Kang, when he heard Li Kang's reminder, immediately sensed the danger, suppressed his excitement, and just like Li Kang, he turned into a blue body of water with a single thought. Colored bodies of water blend into one.

At this moment, a long dark blue creature broke through the water and appeared on the water hundreds of feet away from Li Kang.

To be precise, this is a strange blue snake ten feet long, with a body as thick as a water tank.It is weird because it has a snake body, but there are four feet on the body, each foot has four toes, and there are hook-shaped claws on the outer ends of the toes.

The body of the blue strange snake is also densely covered with countless large and small blue scales.

On its huge head, there is a pair of blood-colored eyes, staring closely at the surface of the water where Li Kang and Po Zhen originally appeared. Nobuko.

The strange snake quickly swam to where Li Kang and Fatty were, and doubts appeared in a pair of blood-colored eyes.

It watched for a full hour, and after noticing anything unusual, it paddled its four legs like oars and swam towards the distance.

Only after the strange snake swam several miles away did Li Kang and Po Zhen dare to reappear.

"Po Zhen's magic weapon that can hide his figure and transform into something else is really wonderful. The strange snake should be extremely powerful, and he didn't even notice himself." Li Kang couldn't help but secretly praised Po Zhen in his heart.

"Master, that strange snake with four legs just now, do you know what kind of monster it is?" Po Zhen stretched out his big fat hand to wipe the water on his face, and stared at the four legs with a pair of small eyes. Said the direction in which the strange snake disappeared.

"I don't know, but I can feel that the body of this strange snake should be very powerful." Li Kang said truthfully.

Even if he had reached the Purple Star Realm in his previous life, he had never seen such a strange snake.However, he was certain that this strange snake should be a type of ancient beast.

As for the specific cultivation level of the strange snake, he couldn't tell.However, the strange snake is definitely much stronger than the ordinary peak monster.

"Let's not talk about that, let's go to the shore before the strange snake finds us." After Li Kang finished speaking, he swam towards the shore hundreds of feet away.

Hearing this, Po Zhen didn't continue to speak, he just clearly felt the horror of the strange snake, and followed his master to swim towards the shore.

Half an hour later, the two of them swam to the shore with the little white fox and came to a big rock.

Li Kang carefully checked the surrounding terrain. Apart from the dark blue lake tens of miles in size, there was only the gray area where he was born now. The area was much smaller than the lake, only a few miles in size.

This area is flat and flat, with some big rocks scattered scattered, interspersed with some gray plants, and there is nothing unusual about it.

When he was observing the terrain here, he saw again the strange snake that wanted to harm them not long ago, opening its bloody mouth in the center of the lake, swallowing a large fish that was about ten feet long.

"Quick, let's go down quickly, don't let that strange snake find us." Li Kang said upon seeing this.

After he finished speaking, he led the little white fox down the big rock quickly, to the back of the big rock opposite to the lake, and sat down with his back against the big rock.

Po Zhen followed him down and sat beside him.

At this time, Li Kang felt his shoulder was very hot, which was where Xiaobai was standing.

He turned his head and found that something abnormal happened to the little white fox. Its eyes changed from pitch-black to blood-red, and its snow-white hair also faintly glowed red. Moreover, its petite body Very hot very hot.

Xiao Bai still kept his mouth open, yawning, looking very sleepy.

Seeing this, Li Kang couldn't help being startled, and hastily stretched out his hand to hold the little white fox in his arms. When his palm touched Xiaobai, he felt a burning sensation.

"Little white fox, what's the matter with you?" His eyes flashed a dazzling blue light, phantoms of stars emerged one after another, and he used his blue star eyes to observe Xiao Bai, and asked with concern.

"Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" The little white fox called out weakly, and those big, agile eyes closed tightly.

"Xiaobai! Xiaobai!" Li Kang gently shook the body of the little white fox.

However, the little white fox didn't respond at all. At this moment, its hair was already blood red, and the blood red light flickered along with its breathing.

"Master, don't worry. On the cliff, I saw the little white fox devouring a strange precious herb. I think the medicinal power of that precious herb is beginning to show, and Xiaobai is refining the medicinal power in his deep sleep.

The precious grass with the bat monster flower should be very extraordinary, and it has a great effect on monsters.The little white fox swallowed it, and it is estimated that after the medicinal power is completely refined, it will be able to advance. "

The wretched fat man next to Li Kang stared at the sleeping little white fox with a pair of small eyes and said.

Hearing this, Li Kang felt that Po Zhen's words made sense.

If I care about it, I will be confused. The little white fox has been with me for so long, and I already have a deep affection, and I regard it as a relative.

"Po Zhen, you are right." He looked at the obese man and smiled.

Then, Li Kang took out a fluffy blanket from the blue star shell, spread it on the flat ground, and carefully placed the little white fox on the blanket.

He knew that in his current situation, all he needed to do was protect the little white fox, so as not to let external forces interfere with its refining power of the precious medicine with the strange bat monster flower.

Then, Li Kang took out Chuan Xu Xingyu from the blue star shell, and sent a message to the 22 newly recruited men who were still in the gray mountain.

He ordered them to find a hidden place to hide first, preserve their strength, and wait for his order.

After doing all this, Li Kang is going to take out a blue sunflower and a top-quality green star grass to refine and absorb, repair hundreds of cracks on the natal astrology, and restore the lost power of the natal astrology.

The wretched and obese Po Zhen's small eyes gleamed brightly, looking at his master as if he had something to say.

Li Kang raised his head, just in time to meet his gaze, then grinned at the corner of his mouth: "Pozhen, do you have anything else you want to tell me?"

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(End of this chapter)

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