Star map

Chapter 17

Chapter 17

The man in black wearing a bamboo hat to cover his face was none other than Li Kang.

After nearly a day and a night of meditation, he fully replenished the power of the star power that he had consumed, and the area of ​​the fiery red nebula returned to the size of a mile. After everything was ready, he sneaked out of Huzhai alone this morning to the big Collect star medicine in the depths of Mianshan.

The hidden place where star medicine grows is more than [-] miles away from Huzhai, even riding a fast horse would take a day and a night.

The Damian Mountains are full of lofty mountains, and there are very few places with mountain paths, and most of the mountain paths are too narrow for horses to run.

After riding a fast horse for more than [-] miles, Li Kang came to the foot of a big mountain. There is only one winding trail that can be passed by one person, and it is very steep. If you want to ride a horse Going up the mountain is almost impossible.

He had to abandon his fast horse and prepare to hike up the mountain.

"For the next five hundred miles, I have to rely on my own feet and hands!" Li Kang said to himself, wrapping tightly the broadsword, bow and an animal skin on his back, and touched He touched the bundle of ropes with iron hooks and a sharp dagger hanging on his waist, and after confirming that these things were taken, he stepped on the mountain path covered with thick fallen leaves.

By the time the sun was setting, he had climbed over two mountains and came to a valley.

There are non-stop sounds of monkeys and tigers roaring, coming from the ancient dense forest, and a barren and primitive atmosphere rushes towards the face.

Li Kang looked up at the sky and knew that night was coming soon, so he remembered that he had been rushing on the road from morning to now without a drop of water, and there was a gurgling protest in his stomach.

So, he took off the animal skin package on his back and opened it. Lying quietly in the taupe animal skin package were ten lumpy objects wrapped in large blue bamboo leaves, each of which weighed several kilograms. Heavy.

He took out one of the Ruo bamboo leaf bags, weighed them in his hand, then found some dry branches not far from the side and piled them up together, and lit a fire with a torch.

Immediately afterwards, Li Kang opened the bamboo leaves, and inside was a large piece of golden dried meat with traces of smokiness. In late autumn, the temperature in the Damian Mountains in the north was already so low that there was still Some milky white spots are present, which are bits of fat that have solidified.

The golden piece of smoked meat looked appetizing, but he didn't rush to eat it. Instead, he drew out the dagger at his waist, inserted the tip of the knife into the dried meat, and placed it on the flame slowly. Flip and bake.

Soon, the surface of the golden jerky on the flame was steaming with heat, and the oil on the surface melted quickly, and the golden meat became shiny and shiny. At the same time, there was a "cracking" sound. The sound made by heating.

Alluring scents of meat emanated from the golden meat, drilled into Li Kang's nostrils, drifted into the valley along the mountain wind, and floated into the noses of those wild animals...

"Gululu" His stomach could not help but growl again.

"Wait a little longer, it will be ready soon." Li Kang said to himself, comforting his hungry belly.

This jerky is made of tender and delicious wild deer thigh meat, which is carefully smoked by Huzhai's jerky masters through several processes, and has an excellent taste.

After another cup of tea time, Li Kang knew that the dried venison was thoroughly heated, and the fat inside and out had completely melted, which happened to moisten the dried venison inside and out, and it tasted the best at this time .

He sent the dried venison to his mouth without hesitation, took a light bite, and felt the unique and alluring aroma of venison penetrate into his mouth and nose, and his mouth was full of tenderness and smoothness. Oily but not greasy.

Li Kang swallowed it in a big mouthful. He also took off the animal skin jug hanging on his waist, and drank a big mouthful of the mellow spirits in it from time to time. One of life's great pleasures.

This fragrant and mellow liquor is made by collecting a kind of wild fruit called Jiuguo in Damian Mountain as the main material, adding more than ten other kinds of wild fruits and carefully brewing it. His pot is still ten years old.

Now, it's late autumn, and the temperature of the Damian Mountains has dropped sharply because it is located in the northeast of the Land of Nine Kingdoms.This season, the hunters who go out to hunt must bring this mellow self-brewed spirit. After drinking a big sip, they will feel hot all over their bodies, which just dispels the icy chill.

At this time, Li Kang had already eaten most of the large piece of dried venison, and his stomach was no longer rambunctious.

At this moment, he suddenly stopped swallowing, his eyes were full of vigilance, and he looked at the withered yellow wild grass tens of feet away in front of him.

He found that the weeds there were shaking, and there was a sound of "rustling", "rusting", "rusting", as if a creature was coming towards him from the weeds, according to the shaking range of the weeds, he knew this The size of the creature should not be big.

Thinking of this, Li Kang quickly put down the piece of meat in his hands, squeezed the fingers with both hands, and was ready to say the ancient, mysterious, and obscure syllables in his mouth at any time, and cast the barrier of imprisonment.

As long as he confirms that the coming creature is a blood demon and threatens him, he will not hesitate to use the barrier to kill it.

After two breaths, a fluffy, round, snow-white animal emerged from the withered yellow grass and appeared in front of Li Kang.

He widened his eyes and looked carefully, only to see clearly that this fluffy little beast was actually a small snow-white fox the size of a human palm, but at this time its belly was stretched round and round, and its figure was seriously deformed , like a white ball, without the slightest fox-like appearance except for the head.

The little fox stared at a pair of big black eyes full of spirituality, and without blinking, looked at the steaming dried venison on the ground next to Li Kang, exuding a tempting meaty smell. The jerky was so soul-stirring, I couldn't bear to look away even an inch.

The little fox opened its small mouth, and a white breath spewed out from its nose and mouth. It spit out a pink tongue and licked the white fluff at the corner of its mouth, and liquid flowed out from the corner of its mouth, dripping onto the ground.

With a full-on gluttonous appearance, Li Kang couldn't help being taken aback when he saw this scene, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He has confirmed through the appearance that this strange little fox is not a blood demon that eats people, because if a monster has eaten people, a light red phantom skull logo will appear on its forehead, and its There is nothing on the forehead that is white.

After confirming that the little beast was not a threat to him, Li Kang picked up the half piece of leftover dried venison and drew out his dagger, looked at the little fox and said with a smile, "Do you want to eat dried venison?"

When the little fox heard this, his fluffy little head was dotted like garlic, and he looked full of aura.

Li Kangwan couldn't help smiling when he saw it, and threw the half piece of dried venison to the little fox.

The little fox stood up in an instant, stretched out its two front legs and hugged the dried venison accurately.

Then, without even looking at Li Kang, it squatted on the grass with its hind legs bent, opened its small mouth and bit the dried venison fiercely, and said "baji", "baji", "baji" ” sound, from time to time saliva flowed out from the corner of the mouth and stuck to the golden oily venison jerky, and then the saliva was swallowed back into its stomach along with the jerky.

The little fox ate it with great relish.

Li Kang was amused by this cute little fox and his cute way of eating, making him smile non-stop.

At this moment, he found a wound on the little fox's hind leg. The skin and flesh were slightly turned out, but no blood flowed out. There was a purple-black patch on the wound, as if it had been poisoned. .

"This wound looks like a bite, and..." Li Kang was muttering in his heart.

Suddenly, an inexplicable warning rose in his heart, as if danger was coming.

Immediately afterwards, Li Kang felt the sound of wild animals breaking through the weeds in the distance.

He followed the sound and saw the withered yellow weeds swaying half a mile in front of him. The swaying shape of the weeds showed a long strip shape. It is roughly estimated that the shape of the beast under the weeds should be a long strip. The shape is estimated to be about ten feet long.

"Could it be the blood snake demon!" Li Kang deduced based on the black poison mark on the wound on the little fox.

Thinking of this, he kneaded his fists with both hands, as if he was facing a formidable enemy: the scary thing about the Blood Snake Demon lies in its fierce toxicity.

Ordinary astral warriors in the green star realm would die within a cup of tea as long as they were bitten by it.What's even more frightening is that some of the blood snake demon's venom has no antidote at all.

Without blinking, Li Kang stared at the weeds directly in front of him, watching the weeds that were getting closer and shaking violently.

He knew that the monster was getting closer and closer to him, and within fifteen breaths at most, it would come to him.

"Fifteen breaths, the distance is thirty feet, fourteen breaths, the distance is 28 feet, thirteen breaths, the distance is 26 feet..."

He meditated in his heart, estimating the distance.

When he secretly counted three breaths in his heart, his lips opened and closed quickly, and ancient, mysterious, and obscure syllables spit out from his mouth...

When the time for the last breath came, the wild grass three feet away from Li Kang shook violently, and a strong bloody smell came to his nostrils.

Immediately afterwards, a green monster with a length of Zhang Xu came out of the grass and appeared in Li Kang's field of vision.

This is a snake monster with a body as thick as a bucket, and a pair of eyes that reflect the cold light are light green. In the middle of its triangular head covered with green scales, there is a scarlet bloody skull phantom.

The phantom logo of the skull is blood red, indicating that this blood snake demon has eaten a large number of humans.

Generally, if a monster eats only one human being, the skull in the middle of its forehead is just a light red phantom.As the number of humans it eats continues to increase, the color of the light red skull phantom will continue to deepen, from light red to blood red, then purple red, then purple black, and finally black .

At the same time, if the human being eaten by the blood demon is an astral warrior, the color of the phantom of its skull will change faster.

Blood demons cannibalize people, especially eating the flesh and blood of powerful astral warriors, which is a great tonic for them and the fastest shortcut to improve their cultivation base. This is also the essential reason why blood demons are keen on cannibalism.

The more humans the blood demon eats, especially the more powerful astral body warriors, the phantom of the skull in the middle of its head will not only become darker in color, but also solidify continuously.

When the number of humans eaten by the blood demon reaches a terrifying number, the phantom skull in its head will turn into a real black skull with great power, and the blood demon can use it to fight...

Through the color of the blood snake monster's eyes, Li Kang recognized its cultivation level at a glance, and the eyes were light green, indicating that the cultivation level of the blood snake monster in front of him is the first level of demon soldiers, so it should not be difficult for him to deal with it .

Blood demons are monsters that eat people, and monsters that don't eat people are called star monsters. They only cultivate by absorbing the star power between heaven and earth.

The ranks of monsters from low to high are: demon soldiers, demon generals, demon commanders, demon kings, great demon kings, demon emperors, and demon emperors.Each big realm is divided into three small realms: the initial realm, the middle realm, and the latter realm.

Judging the cultivation level of a monster is mainly based on the color of its eyes: the eyes of a monster soldier are green; the eyes of a monster general are blue; the eyes of a monster commander are yellow; the eyes of a monster king are red. ...

The monsters at the first level of the monster soldiers have light green eyes, green at the middle level, and dark green at the later or peak level. Monsters at other levels also judge their location based on the color of their eyes. small boundary.

The strength of monsters in the realm of monster soldiers is equivalent to that of green star realm astral warriors, the strength of monster generals is equivalent to that of blue star realm astral warriors, and the strength of demon commanders is equivalent to that of yellow star realm astral warriors...

Li Kang quickly thought about some common-sense things about monsters and blood demons in his mind, and the time he spent was nothing more than the blink of an eye.

Now, the strength of the blood snake monster he is facing is equivalent to that of a third-rank astral warrior in the green star realm. It should not be difficult to escape safely by casting a confinement enchantment to trap it.

Li Kang found that the blood snake demon stopped moving when it was two feet away from him, and the front half of the green snake body stood up, a pair of pale green eyes revealed a cold light, glared at him, and opened its mouth wide He spat out the blood-red snake letter at him, making the sound of "hiss", "hiss", "hiss".

He understood that the Blood Snake Demon was warning him not to meddle in his own business.

"It seems that this blood snake demon still has some intelligence, and knows that he is not easy to mess with!"

At this moment, the air in front of Li Kang has been distorted, and the technique of confinement enchantment has been cast. To be precise, he is just beginning. As long as he moves his mind, he can immediately transform into a wall of flames and display the complete confinement barrier ...

However, he didn't move. He knew that the target of the Blood Snake Demon was not him, but the gluttonous little white fox with a round belly that was a few feet away.

If the blood snake demon's target is the little fox, it will not threaten him, and he does not want to use the confinement barrier to deal with the blood snake demon. After all, it will consume one-third of the power of the star to cast the confinement barrier completely.Although he has used a little bit now, the power of the star will be consumed is negligible.

"Next, I don't know what dangers will come during the journey of collecting medicine. If you keep more strength, it will be more beneficial to the next action." Li Kang weighed the pros and cons in his heart, and stared at the blood snake without blinking. Demon, pay attention to its every move.

Sure enough, seeing that Li Kang had no follow-up action, the blood snake demon turned the snake body to face the little fox.

As soon as it saw the scarlet snake letter of the little fox, it frantically swallowed. The green snake scales on its body opened to reveal the dark red flesh inside, and the eyes shot out the light of hatred, as if it had an irreconcilable relationship with the little fox. General hatred.

The little fox just finished eating all the dried venison at this time, and he did not forget to stretch out his little pink tongue to lick the golden meat dregs on the fluff at the corner of his mouth. The grains were rolled into the small mouth, and it chewed with squinted eyes, looking very intoxicated.

"What a gluttonous little guy, he would risk his life for delicious food!" Li Kang couldn't help muttering in his heart when he saw the little fox's intoxicated face, feeling very funny...

Suddenly, the little fox's eyes opened sharply, and the snow-white hair all over stood on end. It grew in size like a round hedgehog. An afterimage, its chubby body has come to Li Kang strangely.

Immediately afterwards, the little fox kicked the ground hard with its small hind legs, and its chubby ball-like body immediately bounced high, and then landed firmly on Li Kang's shoulders. It stretched out two The small front legs hugged Li Kang's neck tightly, and his big round, dark eyes were full of tenderness, as if he was afraid of asking for protection.

At this time, the place where the little fox was originally standing was taken over by the blood snake demon, and it stared angrily at the little fox standing on Li Kang's shoulder, with a pair of small front legs hugging Li Kang's neck tightly.

Especially when the blood snake demon's eyes moved to the little fox's round belly like a ball, the flames of hatred ignited in the dark green eyes, it went completely crazy, opened its mouth wide, He bit Li Kang's shoulder viciously.

"You scourge, you actually dragged me into the water!"

Li Kang couldn't help yelling at the little white fox standing on his shoulder like a dog skin plaster. He originally wanted to stay out of the matter, but was dragged into the water by the cunning little fox.

At this time, so as not to allow him to hesitate at all, his brows frowned, his thoughts moved, and the flames in front of him were dazzling...

(End of this chapter)

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