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Chapter 171 Scarlet Red Tiger

Chapter 171 Scarlet Red Tiger

"Yes, young suzerain!" Hundreds of Blue Star Dzogchen subordinates replied in unison.

Then, the crowd spread out quickly, forming a pocket-shaped encirclement. They all held the Blue Star Treasure tightly in their hands, and the one-foot-high dark blue natal astrology emerged and spun yo Prepare for a thunderclap.

Twenty breaths later, a blood-colored tiger demon with a size of tens of feet and a burning flame appeared in the crowd's encirclement. It opened its bloody mouth and was about to charge towards the handsome Ye Cong. , to bite him.

At this moment, Ye Cong's body appeared a dazzling blue robe, with a hundred phantoms of stars lingering on its surface. This is a top-quality blue star baby clothing. of the best.

Generally speaking, if there are more than [-] phantoms of stars on the surface of a star treasure, it can be called the best. The more phantoms of stars, the more powerful the star treasure is.

There are one hundred phantom stars on the surface, which is the extreme number of star treasures, and it is impossible for one of the top-quality blue star treasures to come out of ten thousand.

Ye Cong's top-quality blue star baby clothes, according to his father, can withstand the full blow of ordinary yellow star realm Dzogchen astral body fighters.

Therefore, Ye Cong didn't show any nervousness when facing the bloody tiger demon that was approaching him murderously: Although this bloody tiger demon is powerful, it is definitely not strong enough to surpass the strength of a yellow star realm Dzogchen astral body.

Immediately afterwards, the one-foot-high natal astrology appeared on Ye Cong's chest. It was a dark blue leaf with a length of one foot and a width of two inches. The veins on it were clearly visible. A pair of tightly closed eyes, and at the same time, there is a colorful halo on the leaves, with green, blue, yellow, red, purple, black, and gold colors complementing each other.

This is a natal astrology that has reached the "Xuan level", and its level has surpassed the heavenly level.

In Ye Cong's hand, there was an extra leaf with dazzling blue light, which was about the size of a palm, somewhat similar to the shape of his natal astrology.

The surface of the blade is surrounded by [-] dark blue phantoms of stars, which is very beautiful.

This is Ye Cong's natal star treasure, the level has reached the highest level, and its power is very impressive.

The power of his natal astrology was crazily poured into the dark blue leaves. Immediately, the volume of the leaves increased rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, they reduced to the size of Zhang Xu.

Ye Cong's hand was like a sword finger, and he tapped dozens of times at the bloody tiger demon who was coming at a high speed.

I saw the dark blue leaf in his hand, about ten feet in size, flying towards the blood-colored tiger demon. The light and shadow of each leaf that flew out were exactly the same as the one in his hand, and there was no difference.

At this moment, the other hundred subordinates of the Blue Star Realm Dzogchen also poured the power of their natal astrology into the Blue Star Treasure in their hands, waved the Blue Star Treasure and crazily attacked the bloody tiger demon that was galloping towards it. go:

Holding the dark blue mace, the fat and big man raised the mace in his hand and waved several dazzling blue brilliance, and these brilliance turned into mace shadows about the size of zhang in the process of waving;
A young man with a round face and a perfect blue star waved the blue star treasure in the shape of a knife with a dazzling blue light in his hand, and the blue lights flew out, turning into light and shadows of blue long swords about the size of Zhang Xu;

Another astral warrior of the Blue Star Realm Dzogchen shot out a series of dark blue spear lights and shadows;


The first of these attacks to reach the blood-colored tiger monster was the light and shadow of the leaves attacked by Ye Cong. They were extremely fast, and they flew around the blood-colored tiger monster in an instant, and quickly spun around the body of the blood-colored tiger monster, turning into a cloud. The cage made of dark blue leaves traps it firmly in the middle.

Because of this, the Scarlet Tiger Demon had no choice but to stop lowering his body, and roared crazily.




Immediately afterwards, a series of powerful gun shadows, knife shadows, stick shadows... also attacked the huge body of the Scarlet Tiger Demon.

Immediately, the body surface of the blood-colored tiger demon erupted into dark blue and blood-red brilliance that people dare not look directly at, as if a huge two-color scorching sun appeared in the valley.




A loud bang followed closely behind, shaking everyone's eardrums with pain.

Suddenly, a huge roar of the tiger came from the two-color light group. The roar of the tiger was extremely loud, surpassing all the roars in front, and the sound went straight into the sky.


Next, a strange scene happened.

I saw an incomparably blazing red brilliance erupting from the dark blue and blood-red two-color light clusters, it was like a drop of red ink dripping into a large basin filled with clear water, and within a few breaths, all other colors Engulfed, turned into a huge red light group.

"Hahahaha, it's really a bloody red tiger. Everyone, use your most powerful attack again. You must keep this red tiger demon. He will be of great use to me!" The handsome Ye Cong stared at him. The change in the huge light group just now confirmed that the blood-colored tiger demon is the blood-colored red tiger.

The ancient beast blood-colored red tiger, under normal circumstances, appears blood-red, but when it is attacked, it can transform once.

The so-called transformation is to stimulate the most powerful combat power of the blood-colored red tiger, so that the body can be transformed from blood-red to red. Its combat power can be greatly improved, but the duration is not long, at most an hour.

The length of the duration depends on the strength of the blood-colored red tiger. A young blood-colored red tiger can only maintain its transformation for a few tens of breaths, while an adult powerful blood-colored red tiger can continue to transform for more than half an hour.

Even if the ancient beast Scarlet Tiger is young, it still has the strength of an ordinary green star Dzogchen astral body. Its physical strength is comparable to that of a Dzogchen monster. Its infancy is 200 years old.

The scarlet red tiger in front of me should be a juvenile above the juvenile stage, and its strength is equivalent to that of an astral warrior in the blue star realm. This is under the condition that it does not transform. If it transforms, its strength Combining the infinite proximity with the strength of the astral body of the yellow star realm, it is extremely tyrannical...

While Ye Cong was thinking about the information he had learned about the blood-colored red tiger, the blood-colored red tiger had already broken free from the attack of him and his men, and continued to attack him with a murderous aura.

At this moment, the volume of the blood-colored red tiger was a little larger than before, and its color was completely red.

Their attack just now also caused some damage to the blood-colored red tiger. On its red body, there were wounds several feet in size.

This was also the reason that aroused the bloody red tiger's fury. Everyone looked at the increasingly powerful bloody red tiger, and they couldn't help but feel terrified: as if they were facing an astral warrior in the yellow star realm.

(End of this chapter)

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