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Chapter 188 Red Desert

Chapter 188 Red Desert ([-])

One of them was wearing a patchwork guy with a white little white fox on his shoulders. These two people were Li Kang and Po Zhen.

They took advantage of the time when the crowd in front of the bronze gate was not paying attention, and came to the colorful mask.

The obese and wretched Po Zhen, with a cautious look on his face, said: "Master, protect me for me, I am going to break the formation!"

Li Kang nodded and began to observe the surrounding situation, especially the battle in front of the huge bronze gate hundreds of feet away.

At this moment, the battle there can only be described as tragic: many astral warriors and monsters rushed towards the bronze gate. They were either killed by the astral warriors of Tianye Sect, or directly bitten off by the monsters of Wanyao Mountain The head and limbs; the astral warriors in front died, and the astral warriors and monsters behind continued to rush forward, one after another like moths to a flame...

"This is the path of cultivation, full of killing and scrambling, if you don't fight, you can only stop!" Li Kang sighed in his heart.

At this time, Pozhen's body flashed a faint milky white brilliance, he opened his mouth in an "O" shape, and spit out a small golden bead from his mouth.

He caught the ball with one hand, and it expanded into a hexagonal array in the blink of an eye, with two lifelike fishes engraved in the middle, one black and one white. The eyes of these two fishes: black with white eyes, White with black eyes.

Li Kang looked at the circular pattern made up of two black and white fish, his eyes were filled with curiosity, and he felt a mysterious and powerful aura coming from it, and said in a low voice: "Pozhen, what is it in your hand? What is the pattern of two black and white fish?"

Hearing this, Po Zhen didn't look back, but looked at the golden hexagonal disc in his hand with serious eyes, and whispered: "This is the treasure of our Strange and Deceitful Sect: the Liangyi Breaking Array. The Pisces in the middle The picture is called Tai Chi!"

After he finished speaking, regardless of whether the master understood it or not, he clasped his hands together and spit out mysterious, ancient, obscure, and vicissitudes of life syllables.

Following that, the syllables in Pozhen's mouth continued to spit out, and the Liangyi Broken Formation Disk in his hand burst out with dazzling golden light, like a golden sun rising.

Seeing this, Li Kang, who was still thinking about it, said something bad in his heart.

Some astral warriors and monsters who were fighting hundreds of feet away discovered the vision of Li Kang and Po Zhen, but they didn't come over immediately, but curiosity flashed in their eyes.

What they have to do now is to fight their way into the center of the legendary star burial place and obtain the treasure inside.

Li Kang was temporarily relieved to see that the monsters and astral warriors in front of the huge bronze gate had no plans to rush over, but his heart was still hanging.

At this time, beads of sweat rolled out from Pozhen's forehead, as if it was a very strenuous task to activate the Liangyi Breaking Array in his hand.

Passed, a cup of tea time.

The two black and white fishes on the Liangyi Breaking Formation Disk in Po Zhen's hand seemed to come to life, swimming quickly.

"Master, I'm about to break the formation, get ready!" Po Zhen's voice sounded.

Hearing this, Li Kang said hello, and stared at the colorful formation in front of him without blinking.

"Break!" Po Zhen shouted.

The Liangyi Broken Formation Disk in his hand made a buzzing sound, and two black and white fish flew out of the formation disk strangely, and their size instantly became larger, turning into half a foot in size, and flew towards the colorful mask. shoot away.

As soon as the two black and white fish were pasted with the colorful mask, the colorful mask was immediately "burned" to create a half-foot-sized circular gap, like paper meeting charcoal fire.

After the two fish "burned" the seven-color mask to make a gap, they immediately flew back into the Liangyi Breaking Formation Disk in Po Zhen's hand.

Li Kang looked at the circular gap in front of him and couldn't help but be taken aback:
The last time Po Zhen broke through the large formation with Lingyun grass growing in the purple valley, he didn't think it was a big deal, because as long as the star formation with star core cultivation base can basically break through that kind of star formation; but, Li Kang believes that even the highest-ranked astronomers in the Vortex Realm would find it very difficult to break through the large formation in front of him, and maybe they would not be able to do it.However, Po Zhen did it very simply!

"Master, don't be dazed, the formation will return to its original state in just a few breaths, come in quickly!" Seeing that the master was in a daze, Po Zhen couldn't help but anxiously said.

Hearing this, Li Kang hurriedly got into the formation with Po Zhen, and then disappeared without a trace.

After they entered, the colorful formation immediately repaired the half-foot-sized circular hole as before, as if nothing had happened.

At this time, a small group of monsters and astral warriors fighting in front of the bronze gate couldn't help but rubbed their eyes, thinking that they had misread.

Immediately afterwards, dozens of astral warriors and monsters ran to the place where Li Kang and Po Zhen were standing. Looking at the undisturbed colorful formation in front of them, they couldn't help being stunned: Could it be that there was a hallucination just now? Except for the legendary astral masters of the astral realm, it is impossible for others to break through the big formation. However, let alone the astral masters of the astral realm, even if they exist, they will not be able to enter this heaven! !

At this time, Li Kang and Po Zhen had already appeared in a boundless red-yellow desert, feeling a huge pressure on them, as if a hill was pressing on them.

However, such pressure is nothing to Li Kang, who is now extremely physically powerful.However, these pressures were unbearable for the obese Pozhen, and he couldn't help but collapsed on the sandy ground, with the sweat streaming down his face like rain.

Strange to say, the little white fox on Li Kang's shoulder didn't seem to feel the slightest sense of these pressures, and still opened its round black eyes curiously looking at everything around it.

Immediately afterwards, bursts of rolling heat waves hit the face, and the air in front of him couldn't help but twisted.

Looking from a distance, they found that there was a dazzling golden brilliance flashing in the extreme distance. According to Li Kang's understanding of the star burial place Yizhongtian in his previous life: he knew that the place exuding golden brilliance should be the star. In the center of the burial ground, there is a treasure.

However, Li Kang did not set off right away, because in the red desert in the center of the sky, there is not only a huge force of physical suppression, but also many space cracks. The suppression of the power of stars.

Fortunately, although there is the suppression of the power of natal astrology here, astral warriors can still use blue star eyes, so that they can find space cracks.

Speaking of which, the rules here are really strange.

Li Kang thought curiously, and then, his eyes flashed a dazzling blue light, and phantoms of stars grew out of the eyes, displaying the blue star eyes.

He saw that in the red desert in front of him, there was indeed a spatial crack.

(End of this chapter)

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