Star map

Chapter 195 Red Desert

Chapter 195 Red Desert ([-])

I saw that on the large table case, placed in order from left to right:

A box as black as ink, the surface of the box exudes a dark light, revealing a sense of mystery;
A handful of jade ruyi-shaped treasures with yellow brilliance flowing on the surface and phantom shadows of a hundred stars;
A treasure garment that also shone with a faint yellow brilliance was neatly stacked, and the surface of the treasure garment was also surrounded by a hundred phantom stars;

A hexagonal disk-shaped object with colorful lights flashing on its surface, on which are inserted 42 flags that also flashed colorful lights, of which six flags are relatively large, and the remaining 36 flags are smaller;
Finally, there are two thin books with a dark cover, exuding a dark luster, lying quietly on the right corner of the desk case.

The two people and a monster present looked at the treasure on the table in the colorful mask, and their eyes couldn't help revealing excitement, excitement, and greed...

They know that each of the treasures on the table table inside the colorful mask is not ordinary.

There were two people, one was wearing red clothes with a lifelike red leaf embroidered on the cuff, he was the disciple of Tianye Sect; the other was a handsome young man in red clothes, he was Ye Cong, the young master of Tianye Sect.

That monster is Lion Mountain with a golden lion head.

At this time, the appearance of these two people and one beast looked a little embarrassed: there was a foot-long gash on the face of the red-clothed young man, bloody and bloody; A few strands of blond hair had disappeared from his skull.

It is estimated that they encountered a lot of difficulties on the way to the golden hall.

"Ye Cong, the most precious treasures in the First Layer of Heaven are here. There is a top-grade offensive yellow star treasure and a top-grade defensive yellow star treasure on the table. Those two dark books are probably very good star skills. , As for that dark box, it must contain extremely precious treasures. Of course, the most precious thing should be the set of star arrays with colorful lights on the surface. Tell me, how should we distribute it?"

Shi Shan stared at the table case inside the multicolored light mask with a pair of giant dark blue eyes without blinking, and there was a fiery color inside, and asked.

Hearing this, the handsome Ye Cong pulled the corners of his mouth to both sides, and said, "Since we Tian Yezong and you Wanyao Mountain cooperated to come to this central place of heaven, then we both share these treasures equally, what do you think?"

"Okay, split equally. In this way, we monsters don't value things like star treasures. The two yellow star treasures with one hundred phantom stars will belong to you, and the two books that should be star skills It’s also yours, all I want is the star array with colorful lights and the dark box.” Hearing this, Shi Shan grinned and revealed his distribution plan.

Ye Cong frowned slightly when he heard the words, and his eyes showed displeasure, but the displeasure was fleeting, and he calmly said: "Shishan, the most precious thing on the table inside the five-color mask The treasure should be the star array with colorful lights. Its value exceeds all other treasures, so your distribution plan is unfair!"

"Then how do you distribute it?" Shi Shan's golden face showed obvious displeasure.

When Ye Cong heard this, he smiled slightly and said, "This seven-color star array is extremely important to our Tianye Sect. I only want this seven-color star array, and the other treasures will belong to you, and I will compensate you with [-] high-grade star stones. What do you think?"

Shi Shan was lost in thought, and after counting for a while, he smiled and said, "Okay, let's distribute according to what you said. Let's break this multicolored star formation now!"

"Then let's break the formation immediately, so as not to have long nights and dreams!" Seeing that the other party agreed to his allocation plan, Ye Cong said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Then, Ye Cong and Shi Shan took out two circular star array disks and some array flags, and placed the array flags around the colorful mask.

After planting the array flags, the two of them held the star array plate in their hands, and saw that the star array plate was covered with mysterious lines, and there were densely packed stars carved on it, as if the sky was full of stars, boundless.At the same time, there are ten grooves distributed on the star array disk.

The exact name of these two star array disks is "Broken Star Disk". Each of them is worth millions of star stones. It is a star array disk refined by a powerful astronomer in ancient times. The method of making it has been lost, this thing can be said to have a price but no market, and it is a one-time use product, one less one is used.

The two "broken astrolabe disks" in the hands of Shishan and Ye Cong are the forces behind them, and they spent a huge price to get them for this trip to the star burial place.

The multicolored mask in front of them belongs to an extremely powerful star array, and only a treasure like the broken astrolabe can break it, and at least two "broken astrolabes" are needed to break it.

Then, they took out twenty pieces of jade that were the size of a baby's fist, with phantom stars and shadows on the surface, exuding milky white light.

This jade is the top grade star stone, each one is extremely precious.

Ye Cong and Shi Shan put the top-quality star stone into the groove of the broken astrolabe, and immediately, the broken astrolabe emitted a dazzling light, and there was a buzzing sound.

Immediately afterwards, two huge beams of light, which were as thick as water tanks, shot out from the two broken astrolabe disks, and hit the colorful mask in the blink of an eye, as if two stones were thrown into the calm water. Usually, immediately, circles of ripples appear on the surface of the multicolored mask, centered on the place where the beam of light hits.

After a few breaths of time, there was a sound of "zi la la", and dense cracks appeared on the surface of the colorful mask, which looked like it was about to burst at any time.

A few more breaths of time passed, the multicolored mask protecting the table case and treasures finally shattered, turning into bits of brilliance and disappearing without a trace. The table case with many treasures was completely exposed by Ye Cong and Shishan. in front of you.

At this moment, the broken astrolabe in their hands was also covered with dense cracks, and it shattered with a "bang" and turned into fine powder, disappearing without a trace.

Ye Cong and Shishan looked at the broken astrolabe, and there was a look of pity in their eyes, but when they looked at the treasure on the table, the look of pity disappeared , replaced by fiery colors.

The two of them were going to take the treasures on the table, but at this moment, suddenly, several figures appeared from the entrances of several passages in the golden hall.

Among them, one is a red-haired young man in green clothes with a pale face. This person is Lu Yuan, the young master of the Green Star Sect.

In addition, there are two youths wearing black long gowns. The two youths have the same appearance, and there is a mole the size of a fingernail at the corner of their mouths. They should be twins.

There is also an old turtle about the size of Zhang Xu, carrying a turtle shell like a rock.

(End of this chapter)

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