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Chapter 305 Find out who is behind the scenes

Chapter 305 Find out who is behind the scenes

The blood-colored long arrow was wrapped in a group of cyan-red blood shadows. This group of cyan-red blood shadows was a phantom image of a cyan-red dragon.

This is exactly what the treasure soul of the Shocking Bow was transformed into.

The speed of the blood-colored long arrow exceeded imagination. In the blink of an eye, the blood-red long arrow with the phantom of the cyan dragon had already hit Wang Meng fiercely. Suddenly, a blood-red brilliance burst out that people could not look directly at.

In this blood-red brilliance, there is a cyan halo.

The burst of brilliance dyed the nearby area red, and then, a loud "rumbling" sound came.

At this moment, behind Wang Meng, a fiery red nebula came towards here at a high speed, and on top of the nebula stood a beautiful woman with a mole between her eyebrows.

She was Xu Xinyue, the elder of Chiyuezong who came to help Li Kang, and soon she came to the battle place.

At this moment, Wang Meng's figure has reappeared from the light ball, he is even more embarrassed, there is blood on the corner of his mouth, his gray clothes are already tattered, and his aura is more than half weaker than before.

Although he was prepared to catch Li Kang's shocking arrow, he was still severely injured.

When Wang Meng noticed that the elder of the Chiyue Sect had arrived, a pair of blood-red eyes showed fierceness and determination.

"Since you won't let this old man live, that's good! You don't want to live either, just die with this old man!" Wang Meng hissed loudly.

His hair was flying in all directions, his body began to swell continuously, and his natal astrology began to spin, and he was going to blow up his natal astrology to die with Li Kang and Xu Xinyue.

"Li Kang, get out of the way, he wants to blow up his natal astrology!" Seeing this, Xu Xinyue said anxiously with a nervous look on her beautiful face.

The astral body fighters in the red star state blew themselves up about the power of their natal astrology and physical body. She knew very well that within a radius of one mile, the astral body fighters below the red star state would undoubtedly die.

Within ten feet, astral warriors below the fifth rank of the Red Star Realm will undoubtedly die.

"Hahaha... It's too late to escape now, Li Kang! You little thief, you are the cause of this old man's current situation, and I will drag you into my life!" Wang Meng hissed and roared.

While roaring, he flew towards where Li Kang was, and his body was constantly expanding.

Xu Xinyue, who was at the side, didn't know what to do for a while: go forward to obstruct the five-star Zongzong, and nine times out of ten, she will die; if she doesn't go forward to obstruct, Li Kang will undoubtedly die.

However, Li Kang is the hope of Chi Yuezong to dominate the land of Beizhou in the future.

Xu Xinyue was caught in a dilemma.

At this moment, a red light suddenly came towards here at an extremely fast speed in the sky, and the speed was so fast that it was unimaginable.

"Hahaha, you bastards of the Scarlet Moon Sect, let me die with this old man, I will not lose if you are buried with me! Explosion!" Wang Meng roared with a grim expression on his face.

His body has swelled to the extreme, and he is about to explode immediately, shooting towards Li Kangfei.

When Li Kang saw this, he was shocked for a moment. He knew that if this old man with a sense of demeanor and integrity was allowed to blew himself up successfully, then he would 100% die here today.

He absolutely does not want to die like this, he has not resurrected the most important person in this life—— Wan'er!
"Hmph! In front of my head, I want to blow up my natal astrology, dreaming!"

At this critical moment, suddenly, a cold snort came, and a giant red hand appeared above Wang Meng.

The giant hand held Wang Meng's swelled body to the extreme, and there were many mysterious lines on its surface.

This bloody giant hand was like a cage, imprisoning Wang Meng.

Immediately afterwards, the bloody giant hand turned into countless brilliance, and entered Wang Meng's body through his pores.

Immediately, Wang Meng's body shriveled up like a leaking ball, and quickly returned to normal.

At this moment, a fiery red figure appeared beside Wang Meng, and this figure was none other than the silver-haired headmaster Huang Tianxin.

He stretched out his hand and lifted Wang Meng in his hand like a chicken, and said coldly: "You want to kill my disciple of the Chiyue Sect, you really have the guts of a leopard. Tell me, how can you catch Li Kang's servant?" Soul vibration?"

"Hmph! Winner and loser, I, Wang Meng, fell into your hands today. I want to blow myself up but I can't do it. I admit it! However, you want to know the answer, and I want me to tell you, go dream it!" Wang Meng He said stiffly, with a casual expression of wanting to kill or cut.

Wang Meng was sealed by Huang Tianxin's natal astrology. Now, he can't use the power of natal astrology, not much different from an ordinary old man.

"Okay, since you are so stubborn, then the head of this book will fulfill you today. If you fall from such a high altitude, without the power of your natal astrology, I think you will be smashed to pieces!" Huang Tianxin said with a sneer on his face.

"Hmph! Huang Tianxin, stop threatening this old man. This old man can have today's cultivation and go through countless lives and deaths. Your little means are not enough. If you want to kill, you have to do whatever you want. You want to extract information from this old man, dreaming !” Wang Meng still insisted.

"Okay! I'll throw you down now, and see if you're still stubborn!" Huang Tianxin said coldly, and let go of his hands.

Immediately, Wang Meng, who was carried like a chicken, fell towards the ground below at a high speed like a big rock.

Wang Meng, who was falling at a high speed, had a pair of old eyes full of unyielding color, and he looked as if he regarded death as home.

After a few breaths, his eyes were closed, and he was ready to be smashed to pieces.

At the moment when he was about to fall to the hard ground, suddenly, a bright yellow nebula appeared below him, and his body landed steadily on the nebula.

Li Kang stood on this nebula.

He grabbed Wang Meng, who was waiting to die with his eyes closed, in his hands.

"Old guy, you want to die so easily and simply, you are dreaming! The last time I chased the young master to the sky, this time I captured the young master's men, threatened me, and wanted to kill the young master. Lord will never let you die like this, and will definitely let you know how the words 'life is better than death' are written!" Li Kang said coldly into Wang Meng's ear.

After he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand, his five fingers formed into claws, and grabbed the wound on Wang Meng's broken arm fiercely.

"Ah!" A look of extreme pain appeared on Wang Meng's old face, beady beads of sweat kept rolling down, and he let out a mournful roar: "If you are a hero, kill me, don't torture me like this!"

"Old guy, do you want to die now? It's early, this is just an appetizer, and there will be a big meal later! Haha!" Li Kang laughed with a sinister look on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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