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Chapter 308 Achievement of the Star Treasure

Chapter 308 Achievement of the Star Treasure
Li Kang went to Huang Tianxin, the leader, to enter the magic rock purgatory.

He knew from the memory of his previous life that one month later, the Demon Rock Purgatory would open once every 50 years.

There are all kinds of rare treasures in the Demon Rock Purgatory, so the powerful sects and monster forces on the land of Beizhou will want to take this Demon Rock Purgatory as their own.

Tens of thousands of years ago, in order to compete for the six entrances to the Demon Rock Purgatory, various sects and monster forces in Beizhou land had a bloody and abnormal battle.

Many monster commanders, monster king-level monsters, astral fighters from the yellow star realm and red star realm died in that battle. The king-level monster was also seriously injured in that battle, and his cultivation was regressed. In the end, no one defeated the other.

The human astral warriors and the monster beasts ended up losing both sides. Afterwards, both the human astral warriors and the monster beasts felt that it was not an option to fight like this. In the end, it might be the decline of the star cultivators and monster beasts in Beizhou land.

Therefore, under the suggestion of the insightful human astral warriors, the monster forces and the astral warriors sat down to discuss and decided to divide the six entrances of the Demon Rock Purgatory into two parts. Control, and the other three entrances are controlled by the astral body sect in Beizhou.

The Astral Warrior and the Monster Beast signed a contract. This contract was guaranteed by the clan operations of the Beizhou Monster Beast and the Beizhou Astral Warrior. Then the power of the clan's luck will decline, and the monster clan will eventually be wiped out.

If the astral warriors violated the contract and slaughtered monsters in order to fight for the control of the Demon Rock Purgatory, the result would be the same as that of the monsters.

In this way, a large number of deaths and injuries caused by astral warriors and monsters due to the competition for the magic rock purgatory will be avoided, which will lead to the decline of the power of star cultivators and monsters in the entire Beizhou land.

As one of the five overlords of the astral body sect in the Beizhou mainland and one of the four overlords today, the Red Moon Sect has 50 people in the Demon Rock Purgatory that opens every [-] years.

The Five Star Sect, Star Sword Sect, and Xinghuaya each occupy [-] places, and the other astral body sects in Beizhou occupy a total of [-] places.

The highest level of cultivation to enter the Demon Rock Purgatory is the Great Perfection of the Yellow Star Realm, and astral warriors who have surpassed this level cannot enter it.

Li Kang soon met the head.

Huang Tianxin, who had long silver hair and was wearing a red brocade suit, looked at Li Kang with a smile on his face, and said, "Your injury has fully recovered so quickly, not bad! What do you want me to do?"

Li Kang didn't beat around the bush, and said directly: "Sect Master, the disciple needs a lot of Tianlai branches, so, please give me one to enter the Demon Rock Purgatory in one month."

"Haha, I will reserve one for you even if you don't tell me the quota for entering the Demon Rock Purgatory in a month's time. I also expect you to help me find a few natural and earthly treasures that are hard to see outside. Now it's just You also want to find Tian Laizhi, so you can go. However, there are many dangers in the Demon Rock Purgatory, and there are rumors that there are monsters equivalent to the level of the Great Demon King. You must be careful when you go in..." The leader readily agreed to Li Kang's request, and also told him a lot about the dangers of the magic rock purgatory.

"Thank you Sect Leader, I will remember Sect Leader's teachings!" Li Kang clasped his fists at Sect Leader Huang Tianxin.

After Li Kang got the quota to enter the Demon Rock Purgatory one month later, he bid farewell to the head and returned to his residence.

He came to the secret room and sat cross-legged on the futon.

"One month later, the quota to enter the Demon Rock Purgatory has been obtained, and now we have to prepare for entering the Demon Rock Purgatory."

"If you want to improve your cultivation level in just one month without a large amount of ancient astral body pills, it is definitely impossible to do it. However, there is one thing that can be done!"

"This thing is to make the Sky-Shocking Bow my natal Star Treasure. Once this thing is successful, when I use the Sky-Shocking Bow to attack the enemy, the power will increase a lot, and it may be more than doubled!"

The so-called natal star treasure is a star treasure that matches the natal astrology of the astral body person. Such a star treasure will exert a power beyond its level in the hands of a specific astral body person.

For example, if the same sword-shaped Blue Star Treasure coincides with the natal astrology of an astral person who has a sword-shaped natal astrology, and the astral body person uses this sword-shaped Blue Star Treasure, it will be more powerful than other stars. The warrior uses this sword-shaped Blue Star Treasure to exert greater power, sometimes it can exert twice or even more power.

When an astral warrior with a sword-shaped natal astrology crazily injects the power of his natal astrology into the sword-shaped Blue Star Treasure that fits with his natal astrology, and reaches the state of "unity of human and sword", the power exerted is even greater. huge.

However, only when the astral person's natal astrology and the spiritual and mysterious existence inside the star treasure resonate harmoniously, and the two are mutually recognized, can this star treasure become his natal star treasure. This process is very difficult .

According to common sense, it will be very difficult for Li Kang to make Zhentianbow his natal star treasure, because the higher the level of the star treasure, the more powerful it is, and the astral body wants to make his natal astrology resonate with it and recognize each other , more and more difficult.

However, Li Kang has never been a person who gives up lightly. No matter how difficult the task is, as long as he makes a decision, he will definitely complete it.

Li Kang took a deep breath, calmed down his emotions, and let himself be in a state of complete calm.

Then, he took out the yellow star shell and injected the power of the natal astrology into it. The yellow star shell exuded a dazzling yellow brilliance, and the two shells slowly opened, and he took out the sky-shaking bow from inside.

Li Kang held the Sky-Shocking Bow, which felt good in the hand, and while feeling the two different sensations of coldness and scorching heat from it, he carefully looked at the Sky-Shocking Bow.

Apart from the multicolored lights emitting from the surface of the Shocking Bow, there are streaks of dark red lightning that coil around it like blood-colored snakes, emanating an astonishing coercion.

One look at this bow gives people a thrilling feeling, and one knows that this sky-shaking bow is absolutely extraordinary.

After a while, Li Kang gently closed his eyes, and a method to make the star treasure become his natal star treasure appeared in his mind...

Soon, a dazzling orange-yellow brilliance flashed all over Li Kang's body, and a six-inch-high orange-yellow natal astrology appeared on his chest. stand up……

When Li Kang was making final preparations for entering the Demon Rock Purgatory one month later, he was in a huge living room of the Five Star Sect.

The old five-star sect master Wu Xingzi with snow-white eyebrows is leading Lu Ba, Lu Ying and his father and son to meet the head of the Xingjian sect and the head of Xinghuaya.

(End of this chapter)

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