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Chapter 321

Chapter 321
Through communicating with Xiao Hei's consciousness, Li Kang knew that Xiao Hei had added a new talent skill.

He looked at Xiao Hei carefully for a while, then took out the heart of the golden-clawed harpy and handed it to Xiao Hei, letting it absorb the energy in it.

Xiao Hei stretched out a hundred tiny tentacles, penetrated into the huge blood-red heart, and began to crazily absorb the energy in it. The heart shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Afterwards, Li Kang continued to quickly head towards the central area of ​​the Demon Rock Purgatory.

Although the central area of ​​Demon Rock Purgatory is very dangerous, crisis and opportunity coexist. There are also many treasures in heaven and earth, and most of them are rare treasures that are difficult to see from the outside world.

The Tianlai branches that Li Kang needed to refine the Guyuan Pill also grew in the central area of ​​the Demon Rock Purgatory.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help speeding up a bit, turning into a ray of orange-yellow light and flying towards the center of the Demon Rock Purgatory.

At this moment, Li Kang felt a vibration coming from Huang Xingbei, he took out Huang Xingbei from his arms, and took out a disc-shaped treasure from it.

The whole body of this disc is gray-green, and there are some red dots above it, which are constantly flashing.

The red dots on the disc represent the Astral Body Warriors of the Scarlet Moon Sect who have entered the Demon Rock Purgatory.

At this time, six light spots suddenly flickered on the disc, bursting out into a dazzling red brilliance, and then, the color of these six red light spots dimmed sharply, turning into a grayish white color.

"The six disciples of the Chiyue Sect are already alive and dead. Did the astral warriors from other sects kill them, or did the monsters and monsters in the Demon Rock Purgatory kill them?" Li Kang's face was serious, his eyes tightly He stared at the disc in his hand and said to himself.

Hearing the words, Po Zhen beside him had a serious look on his fat and wretched face.

"Master, the members of the Chiyue Sect were killed, what are you going to do?" Po Zhen asked with a frown.

"Let's go to the Red Fire Valley first, and join the remaining members of the Chiyue Sect!" Li Kang took a deep look at the array in his hand, and said in a heavy tone.

The disk showed that the place where the six disciples of Chi Yuezong had an accident was far away from Li Kang's place, and it would take at least five days to fly there.

Moreover, there is the opposite direction to the center of the Demon Rock Purgatory. If Li Kang arrives there, it will take at least ten days to go back and forth.

In addition, he couldn't confirm whether it was people from other sects who killed the same sect, or monsters and monsters killed the same sect.

After considering all kinds of things, Li Kang decided to go to the Red Fire Valley for the time being.

Time passed quickly, ten days passed in the blink of an eye, and now only the last ten days are left for the opening of the Demon Rock Purgatory.

On this day, a dazzling golden brilliance suddenly appeared in the sky at the center of the Demon Rock Purgatory. This golden brilliance soared into the sky, dyeing the originally fiery red sky in the vicinity into a golden color.

And there are "rumbling", "rumbling", "rumbling" sounds, constantly ringing, one after another in the entire Demon Rock Purgatory.

Such an astonishing celestial phenomenon can be clearly seen even at the edge of the Demon Rock Purgatory.

Immediately, all the astral warriors who entered the magic rock purgatory couldn't help but be deeply attracted by the astonishing celestial phenomenon.

On the way to the center of the Demon Rock Purgatory, a group of young women in costumes embroidered with peony flowers and a woman in a white palace dress with a long sword on their backs are driving the shining yellow nebula towards the central area of ​​the Demon Rock Purgatory.

At this time, they all stopped and stood in mid-air, looking at the astonishing vision in the center of the Demon Rock Purgatory, with surprise on their faces.

"Senior Sister Wang, there is such an astonishing celestial phenomenon in the center of Demon Rock Purgatory, is there a strange treasure about to be born?" One of the handsome girls in red asked with horror in her eyes.

The woman known as Senior Sister Wang nodded with excitement, and then said in a deep voice: "Everyone should speed up and rush to the central area of ​​the Demon Rock Purgatory immediately. Bao got it!"

After she finished speaking, a dazzling orange-yellow brilliance flashed all over her body, and the one-foot-high orange-yellow natal astrology emerged and spun, and the power of the natal astrology crazily poured into the nebula under her feet, and her speed suddenly increased by one. times, it turned into a stream of light, and flew towards the central area of ​​the Demon Rock Purgatory.

The other female disciples of Xinghua Cliff, upon hearing Senior Sister Wang's order, also poured the power of their natal astrology into Nebula frantically, and followed Senior Sister Wang closely.

The woman in white palace attire with a three-foot long sword on her back looked up and took a deep look at the astonishing celestial phenomenon that appeared in the central area. There was a touch of excitement in her eyes, and she also increased her speed, moving towards Senior Sister Wang. chase away.


At this time, in the other direction of the Demon Rock Purgatory, a group of astral warriors in gray clothes were driving the shining yellow nebula and stopped in mid-air.

They also looked at the astonishing vision in the central area of ​​the Demon Rock Purgatory with the same shocked expression. This group of people was the disciples of the Five Star Sect who entered the Demon Rock Purgatory to kill Li Kang with all their strength.

"Senior Brother Wang, there must be a very precious treasure appearing in the center of the Demon Rock Purgatory, should we speed up?" Lu Ying looked at the amazing sky in the direction of the center of the Demon Rock Purgatory, and then looked at Wang Dacheng with a flattering expression on his face road.

"Since a strange treasure has been born, of course we must move forward at full speed and strive to get this treasure! If we can kill Li Kang and get the strange treasure at the same time, this trip to Demon Rock Purgatory will be perfect. All five-star Zongmen people, move forward at full speed, and strive to feel the center of Demon Rock Purgatory within two days!" Wang Dacheng said with a majestic expression on his face.

Then, he took the lead in driving the nebula, and headed towards the central area at the fastest speed.


At this moment, in the magic rock purgatory, above a fiery red valley, there is quietly floating a bright yellow nebula. On top of the nebula sit cross-legged a handsome young man in red and a man with a fat face. A fat man in a patchwork floral dress.

These two people are exactly Li Kang and Po Zhen who arrived here not long ago.

This fiery red valley is exactly the Red Fire Valley.

The two of them looked up at the astonishing celestial phenomenon in the direction of the center of the Demon Rock Purgatory, and there was a look of shock and doubt in their eyes...

Not long after, there were one after another, shining yellow nebulae, flying towards the place where the red fire valley was located.

About half a day later, twenty disciples of Chi Yuezong rushed to Fire Red Valley one after another.

Li Kang looked at these people from the same sect, and found that 11 of them were injured and looked very tired. Obviously, they must have encountered something on the way.

"Are there any losses in your groups?" Li Kang looked at his fellow disciples in front of him and asked
(End of this chapter)

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