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Chapter 341 Sword Cultivation Cheats

Chapter 341 Sword Cultivation Cheats
After Li Kang handed over Tian Laizhi and other star medicines for refining Guyuan Pill to Pozhen, he said: "Pozhen, you must refine Guyuan Pill in the shortest possible time. I need these medicines urgently. Then there will be a big battle!"

"Master, don't worry! I will definitely refine enough Guyuan Pill as soon as possible for your cultivation!" Po Zhen said confidently.

He also knew that in the near future, a war would break out between Chiyuezong, Xinghuaya, Wuxingzong, and Xingjianzong.

"Okay, thanks for your hard work, Pozhen!" Li Kang nodded at him and smiled.

After Po Zhen received the star medicine for refining Guyuan Pill, he left the master's residence and went to the Earth Fire Cave to start refining the pill.

Sitting cross-legged in the practice room, Li Kang took out golden star shells from his arms and lined them up in front of him.He picked up a yellow star shell, injected the power of his natal astrology into it, and the yellow star shell opened.

He took out a bunch of things from it and stacked them neatly in front of him.

There are middle-grade and high-grade star stones in this pile, low-grade Lingyun grass, middle-grade Lingyun grass, and some other star medicines...

Li Kang knew that this Huang Xingbei should belong to the Huang Xingjing astral body who was killed by himself in the magic rock purgatory.

Then, he picked up another yellow star shell, poured the power of his natal astrology into it, and slowly opened the yellow star shell, taking out a lot of things from it.

These things include the bones and fur of monsters, Lingyun grass, star stone...

Li Kang opened the yellow star shells one after another, and took out the contents one by one. According to the method of returning star medicine to star medicine, star stone to star stone, star treasure to star treasure, monster corpse to monster corpse, They were sorted and put into the empty yellow star shells.

The little white fox was squatting aside, with its two furry front legs supporting its furry little head, staring at a pair of round black eyes full of spirituality, watching the master counting the treasures with great interest, with a He looks very rich.

Under the eyes of the little white fox, Li Kang continued to open the yellow star shells one by one, and took out the treasures inside.

Time passed unknowingly and quickly, and two hours passed quickly.

He finally counted all the treasures in all the yellow star shells. Now there are only three yellow star shells in front of him. He has put away all the other yellow star shells, and those yellow star shells are all empty.

Of the three yellow star shells in front of Li Kang, one of them contained Lingyun grass, star stone, yellow star treasure and other useful things for him, and the other two star shells contained the corpses of monsters and other things he didn't need. These two yellow star shells are already full.

He was going to sell these two star shells and exchange them for star stones.

At the same time, Li Kang also got three top-quality yellow star treasures this time, including a shining yellow giant sword, a shining yellow vase and a shining yellow sword.

Especially the top grade yellow star baby bottle, which has the ability to imprison other people's actions. This ability is very useful when fighting against the enemy.

Li Kang clearly remembered that in the magic rock purgatory, it was because the nuns of Xinghuaya held the yellow star baby bottle and used star skills to imprison him that he had to resist their attacks.

He liked this yellow star baby bottle very much.

After cleaning up the treasures, Li Kang put the three star shells in front of him into his arms, and then he took out a book with a dark blue cover from his arms.

On the surface of the book, there are four strong bold characters "Aotian Sword Art" written like golden hooks and iron scratches.

This booklet was given to Li Kang by Bai Yunshang, and it is also her own major sword manual.

Picking up this sword manual, Li Kang was also slightly excited, because the sword cultivator was once so powerful, so powerful that the astral warriors on the Xingyuan Continent felt deeply disturbed, so they joined forces to encircle the sword astral warriors.

In Li Kang's mind, the common sense about the sword star warriors naturally emerged.

The strength of every sword astral body fighter is far superior to that of the same level of astral body fighters.As long as they have a sword in hand, they can exert powerful combat power.

However, although the sword cultivator is powerful, it is extremely difficult to become a sword cultivator.

To become a sword cultivator, one must first have perseverance far beyond ordinary people. At the same time, one must have physical strength that is much stronger than ordinary astral warriors. Finally, the ordeal that sword cultivators have to endure is several times that of ordinary astral warriors.

Every successful sword cultivator can be said to be an astral warrior who has experienced countless hardships.

To become a sword star body warrior, first of all, they must have their own sword. This sword is not an ordinary sword, it is called "Life Sword".

The sword of life, as its name suggests, is the life of sword astral warriors.

Whether the sword of life is strong or not is directly related to the future achievements of sword astral fighters... Therefore, generally, astral fighters without a strong backing will only look for treasured talents after their own cultivation reaches the yellow star level Dibao came to refine the 'Sword of Life'.

If there are astral warriors with a strong backing, even if they only have the cultivation base of the Green Star Realm, their families or parents will prepare treasures of heaven and earth for them, and refine an extremely powerful 'sword of life' for them. For use by Astralians.

Fate Sword, of course, has other secrets, and Sword Astral Body Warrior also has other secrets. Li Kang does not know these specific secrets.

Now, with this "Aotian Sword Art" in his hand, he can get a glimpse of the secrets of the sword star warriors.

At the same time, Li Kang believes that he may also become a sword cultivator, or a sword star body warrior.

He felt this way because after he was reborn, the Star Wisdom Dimension that could not be opened opened up, and he became a legendary double-star warrior. At the same time, his physical body has become very powerful, which should be able to meet the requirements of a sword cultivator. one.

"I hope I can become a sword cultivator. In this case, my strength will increase a lot!" Li Kang secretly prayed in his heart, and opened the "Aotian Sword Art" with a dark blue cover in his hand.

He believed that as long as he could become a Sword Astral Body Warrior, his melee combat ability would be greatly improved. Compared with the regular attacks of an Astral Body Warrior, a Sword Astral Body Warrior's attack is more direct and domineering.

I am both an astral body warrior and a star mind master, plus a sword repairman, so I can display different attack methods during battles, making it difficult for the opponent to defend against.

With excitement and anticipation, Li Kang opened the book and read it carefully.

He looked at the "Aotian Sword Art" in his hand and sometimes frowned in thought, sometimes his eyes showed a strange look, and sometimes he felt... He was very absorbed in watching.

The little white fox was squatting aside, with a pair of small front legs supporting its little furry head, and a pair of round black eyes full of spirituality, staring at its very engrossed master, with a look of curiosity inside.

It looks like it is thinking: what is the master looking at so fascinated?
(End of this chapter)

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