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Chapter 346 Zongmen War

Chapter 346 Zongmen War ([-])

Wu Xingzi flew to the front of the Chi Yuezong's protective formation, holding a bloody short sword tightly in his hand, with more than a dozen phantoms of blood-colored stars lingering on its surface.

He frantically poured the power of his natal astrology into the dagger, and suddenly the dagger erupted with monstrous blood-colored brilliance, and he fiercely swung the top-grade red star treasure dagger towards the fifth-grade star array continuously.

Immediately, a series of blood-red sword shadows with a size of several tens of feet madly attacked the fifth-rank star array, bursting out with dazzling blood-colored brilliance, and made a deafening roar.

At the same time, Xinghuaya's Anthocyanin held a baby red star fan embroidered with lifelike peonies tightly in his hand, firing blood-red fan shadows towards the star formation of the Red Moon Sect.

Xing Jianzong's face was like that of Liu Xingjian, who was slashing with a knife and an axe. He held a red long sword in his hand, and fired blood-red sword shadows towards the fifth-rank star formation.

The other Red Star Realm astral body warriors also displayed powerful star skills, attacking the star formation of the fifth-rank Guardian Sect of the Red Moon Sect.

For a moment, the surface of the fifth-grade star array twisted sharply, and there were earth-shattering explosions one after another.

The astral warriors of the Scarlet Moon Sect within the fifth-rank star formation couldn't help raising their hearts to their throats when they saw the mighty attacks of the three enemy sects outside the star formation.

Although, they all know that the fifth-rank star array of the Chi Yuezong has amazing defensive power. With the red star, yellow star, and blue star astral guards of the Red Moon Sect guarding the foundation of the eight star arrays, the star array should be unbreakable.

However, they were still worried that the enemy's offensive seemed too strong.

At this time, Huang Tianxin, who was driving Xingyun and stood in the center of the Chiyue Sect, frowned, and his eyes were also worried.

Although Chiyuezong had already expected that Five Star Sect, Xinghuaya and Xingjianzong would attack Chiyuezong, Chiyuezong also made sufficient preparations, storing a large amount of star stones and ordinary star medicines to deal with this crisis .

However, for some reason, Huang Tianxin still felt a strong sense of uneasiness in his heart.

Practitioners believe in this kind of psychic induction the most.

Therefore, Huang Tianxin, the leader, was even more worried. After more than seven months of recuperation, his injuries had recovered somewhat, but he was still far from his peak state.

Today, he no longer has the strength to perform "Chiyue Sealing the Sky" again, the most powerful taboo star skill of the Chiyue Sect.

The attack momentum of the Five Star Sect, Xinghuaya, and Xingjian Sect increased suddenly, and the members of the Chiyue Sect who were at the eight bases of the Chiyue Sect's protective formation suddenly felt the pressure increase.

They felt that the power of their natal astrology had been absorbed by the foundation of the star array increased, and the speed of their absorption had also accelerated a lot.

Immediately, everyone took out the high-grade star stones in unison, and held them tightly in their hands while replenishing the consumed power of the natal astrology, while injecting the power of the natal astrology into the foundation of the star array.

At this time, Li Kang was driving the yellow nebula, sitting cross-legged on the edge of a pillar of light in the foundation of the eight star formations, his whole body shone with dazzling yellow brilliance, and the orange-yellow astrology of the natal star of a person and horse spun around, turning the natal The power of astrology is continuously poured into the pillar of light at the foundation of the star array.

At the same time, he held several high-grade star stones tightly in his hands, absorbing the star power in the star stones, and supplementing the consumed power of the natal astrology.

At this time, the little white fox was sitting by the side of its owner, holding its furry head up, looking curiously and nervously at the brilliance that was constantly bursting in the air.

Facing the crazy attacks of the three enemies, Li Kang didn't show any nervousness on his face, only calm and composed.

In the past seven months, his strength has improved a lot.

During these seven months, Po Zhen used the halls of the seven Earth Fire Caves, and the seven cauldrons began to refine the Guyuan Pill at the same time.

He refined a total of 35 Ding Guyuan Pills, nearly a thousand grains of Guyuan Pills, all of which have been refined and absorbed by Li Kang.

Li Kang's cultivation base, under the influence of a large number of pills, has already reached the Yellow Star Realm Dzogchen Realm, and now, he is only short of the last chance to enter the powerful Red Star Realm.

His one-foot-tall orange-yellow centaur natal star spun around, exuding a sense of power.

Li Kang not only raised his cultivation to the Great Perfection of the Yellow Star Realm, but at the same time, his physical strength has also been greatly improved. He believes that his physical strength has surpassed the peak cultivation base of a powerful demon commander with the blood of the ancient demon The power of the monster's body.

In addition, his Tianma Feidun has also been trained to the fifth level, which is already the highest level of Tianma Feidun. He believes that even the heads of the four major sects in Beizhou land will not be able to catch up with him.

Time passed slowly in the fierce attack.

One day and one night passed with difficulty. During this day and night, the attacks of Five Star Sect, Xinghuaya, and Star Sword Sect were very fierce without any interval.

Most of the astral body warriors of the Chi Yuezong felt very strenuous, and there were more or less cracks in the natal astrology.

The attack on the second day was still very violent.

The attack on the third day was still the same.


It wasn't until the fifth day that the attacks of the Five Star Sect, Xinghuaya, and Xingjian Sect eased up. After several days of continuous attacks, not only the astral warriors of the three sects were exhausted, but also the astral warriors of the Chiyuezong who were in charge of defense Also very tired.

On the sixth day, only the astral warriors of the Five Star Sect were in charge of continuing the attack, while the astral warriors of Xinghuaya and Xingjianzong absorbed the star power of the star stone and recovered the power of their natal astrology.

On the seventh day, the astral warriors from Xinghuaya were in charge of attacking the Red Moon Sect, the astral warriors from the Five Star Sect and the Star Sword Sect, resting aside, absorbing the power of the star stone to restore the power of their natal astrology.

On the eighth day, it was the turn of the astral warriors of the Star Sword Sect to attack the guardian formation of the Chi Yuezong, while the astral warriors of the other two sects were recovering their natal astrological powers.

For the next half month, the three sects took turns to rest and attack Chi Yuezong.

At this time, the astral warriors of the Scarlet Moon Sect were also divided into three groups, taking turns to guard the foundations of the eight star formations of the fifth-rank star formation and defend against the enemy.

For a while, it was extremely difficult for Xinghuaya, Five Star Sect and Xingjianzong to take down Chiyuezong. Now they are fighting a war of attrition, consuming Chiyuezong's resources to restore the power of natal astrology When it's gone, it's time to break through its fifth-rank protective sect formation.

According to common sense, the astral practitioners of the four major sects all understand it this way.

However, for some reason, the head of the sect, Huang Tianxin, always had a very uneasy feeling in his heart, as if something bad was about to happen.

As the battle continued and time passed, this sense of uneasiness became stronger and stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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