Star map

Chapter 352

Chapter 352

After Li Kang controlled the light and shadow of the Pegasus horse and disappeared into the sky, the huge blazing blood-colored light group in the sky behind him finally exhausted all its energy and disappeared without a trace.

Immediately afterwards, a blood-red brilliance rose into the sky, and disappeared above the sky in the blink of an eye.

This is the power of the dead Xu Xinyue's natal astrology, absorbed by the mysterious and endless heartland.

At this time, several figures appeared on the ground thousands of feet below the self-explosion center.

Among these figures, one is the white-browed Wuxingzi in gray clothes, the other is Anthocyanin in peony clothes, the other is Liu Xingjian in green clothes, and the burly Lu Tian in yellow brocade clothes Pa.

Wu Xingzi, Anthocyanin, and Liu Xingjian were not injured, but some of the power of their natal astrology was consumed to resist the energy storm caused by Xu Xinyue's self-exploding natal astrology.

The situation of Lu Tianba was different. There was blood on the corner of his mouth, and his face was a little pale. Obviously, the energy storm caused by Xu Xinyue's self-explosion just now had seriously injured him.

"Cut the grass without eradicating the roots, and the spring breeze blows and regenerates. This amazingly talented Double Star scholar Li Kang must not be kept. Keeping him will be a serious problem for our three sects in the future. We must get rid of this son!" Wu Xingzi Looking up at the sky where Li Kang disappeared, he said in a dark voice.

After he finished speaking, he immediately took control of the bright red nebula, frantically injected the power of his natal astrology into it, lifted into the sky, turned into a red light, and headed towards the direction where Li Kang disappeared at extreme speed.

When Hua Qingsu heard the words, his face showed a fierce look, and a dazzling blood-colored brilliance flashed all over his body. He drove the bright red nebula, and chased after Li Kang in the direction where he was escaping.

Liu Xingjian also had a gloomy expression on his face. He also rode the bright red nebula, soared into the sky, and flew quickly towards the distance.

Lu Tianba, who was pale and ferocious, drove Xingyun regardless of his injuries, and closely followed the footsteps of the three elders to pursue Li Kang.


three days later.

The blue sea stretches as far as the eye can see, and there are a few white cotton-like clouds floating leisurely in the sky. They move with the wind and constantly change their shape, sometimes like a horse, sometimes like a cow, sometimes like a bird...

From time to time, there was a crisp sound of seabirds chirping, and on the blue sea, a few big herrings jumped out of the sea from time to time to breathe.

This sea area now appears leisurely, comfortable, and tranquil.

Suddenly, there was a yellow brilliance flying towards the sky, and several blood-red brilliances followed the yellow brilliance several tens of miles behind this yellow brilliance.

If you look carefully, you will find that this yellow brilliance is an orange-yellow Pegasus light and shadow, on its back sits a young man in red, and in his arms is a girl in red with her eyes closed .

At this moment, the face of the young man in red was a little pale, and he looked like he was struggling.

This young man in red is exactly Li Kang who escaped from the Black Peak of the Chiyue Sect, and now there is a deep anxiety on his face.

"For three days in a row, I kept using the Pegasus Flying Escape natal star skill, and the power of my natal astrology was consumed enormously. My own centaur natal astrology was already covered with dense cracks, and I could only support myself to fly for another hour at most. .If, at that time, I use the Pegasus Flying Star Technique again, the natal astrology will definitely be shattered!"

"No, I can't go on like this. The three sect masters are like a dog's skin plaster, following me closely, no matter what, I can't get rid of it. After an hour, I can no longer use the Pegasus Flying Horse, and I will definitely be caught up by them. Escape to death!"

"Since, it is a death anyway, why wait until the ammunition and food are exhausted, and die of torture? Even if I die, I, Li Kang, will have a back!"

At this moment, Li Kang had a decision in his heart, and his star-like eyes revealed a look of determination.

"Master, if this continues we will be caught up by them sooner or later, what should we do?" At this moment, Po Zhen's anxious voice sounded.

Hearing this, Li Kang said with apologetic tone: "Po Zhen, it looks like we are going to die here today, are you afraid?"

"Master, although I am greedy for life and afraid of death, I am not afraid to die with Master!" Pozhen's voice sounded again.

"Okay!" Li Kang yelled and stopped, and the light and shadow of Tianma under him also stopped flying.

With a thought, he turned Tianma Guangying's body so that he faced the pursuers in the distance behind.

At this time, the eyelids of Huang Xiaoxiao, a girl in red in Li Kang's arms, suddenly moved, and she slowly opened her eyes. There was a daze in her pair of brown eyes, as well as panic, worry... complex expressions.

"How is my father? Where is my father?"

"Where's my father?"

"Where's Aunt Xu?"


Huang Xiaoxiao suddenly remembered that his father, Huang Tianxin, seemed to be fighting against the enemies of the Three Sects, and was about to blow up his natal astrology, so he couldn't help but shouted anxiously, with a very hasty tone.

Li Kang's face was full of gloom, and he said in a deep voice: "Huang Xiaoxiao, we are going to die soon, and the three sect masters are about to catch up. Since we are going to die soon, I will tell you the truth."

"Say it!" Huang Xiaoxiao stared at Li Kang without blinking.

"The headmaster has already blew up his natal astrology and died. Elder Xu Xinyue also blew up his natal astrology and died in order to let us escape safely!" Li Kang's tone was very calm.

When Huang Xiaoxiao heard this, she was stunned for a moment, and then, tears burst out of her eyes like a river breaking its embankment.

Huang Xiaoxiao couldn't bear the extreme grief of losing a loved one, her eyes went dark and she passed out again.

"Pozhen, help me take care of Huang Xiaoxiao!"


After a quarter of an hour.

Li Kang straddled the huge orange-yellow Pegasus Light-Shadow, his whole body shone with dazzling orange-yellow brilliance, and the one-foot-high natal astrology covered with dense cracks was spinning around.

In his hand, he held a large bow with colorful lights shining on its surface and two sharp horns. There were streaks of lightning like blood snakes swirling around the bow.

Li Kang, who was holding the Sky-shaking Bow, was like a god of war at this moment. His aura suddenly rose a lot, exuding an uneasy mysterious atmosphere.

The power of his natal astrology was crazily injected into the Sky-Shocking Bow. Immediately, the Sky-Shocking Bow burst out with dazzling multicolored light, and the coercion it exuded was even more astonishing.

At the same time, a blood-red arrow of light appeared on the Shocking Bow, with streaks of red lightning dancing around its surface, revealing a strange and powerful feeling.

Li Kang used all his strength, gritted his teeth, and pulled the Zhentian bow into a full moon shape.

The power of his natal astrology is still poured into the Shocking Bow like crazy, and the Shocking Bow is like a bottomless pit that can never be filled, and the cracks in Li Kang's natal astrology continue to increase.

At this time, the three blood-red brilliance were only a hundred feet away from him, and the one in the front was Wuxingzi who was driving the red nebula.

Seeing Wu Xingzi, Li Kang shot murderous intent in his eyes, and suddenly let go of the heavy bowstring in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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