Star map

Chapter 358

Chapter 358
There was deep doubt in Li Kang's tone.

Hearing this, the boy in animal skin clothes and the several sturdy men in animal skin clothes behind him couldn't help showing a strong curiosity in their eyes.

"Senior, this is the place of punishment!" The boy in animal skins bowed to Li Kang and said respectfully.

The young man in red in front of him made him feel very dangerous and powerful. He felt like an ant in front of the young man in red. The other party could easily kill him with just a move of a finger.

This kind of feeling, the boy in animal skin clothes felt that even he had never faced the most powerful elder of the Tianfeng tribe.

"Place of Heavenly Punishment?" Li Kang couldn't help talking to himself softly when he heard this, with even more doubts on his face.

"Senior, this is the northern border of the Land of Heaven's Punishment." The boy in animal skin clothes confirmed.

After hearing this, Li Kang frowned slightly. In his memory, no matter in his previous life or his present life, he had never heard of the "Land of Punishment" in Xingyuan Continent.

"Which position is the Land of Heavenly Punishment on the Xingyuan Continent?" He frowned and asked the boy in animal skin clothes.

"Xingyuan Continent?" The boy in animal skin clothes was full of doubts and incomprehensions, and continued: "Senior, the land of celestial punishment is the place of celestial punishment. I have never heard of the 'Star Continent' you mentioned!"

At this moment, Li Kang had a bad premonition in his heart: he probably really left the Xingyuan Continent.

"Then tell me in detail about the affairs of the Heavenly Punishment Land, including your cultivation methods!" He stared at the animal-skin-clothed boy in front of him with a dazzling light.

"Yes, senior!" The boy in animal skin clothes replied respectfully, and continued to tell: "Senior, the Land of Heavenly Punishment is divided into four major regions, namely the Northern Territory, the Southern Wind Territory, the Eastern Territory and the Western Absolute Territory. The place where you are now is exactly in the Northern Territory..."

After a long time, the boy in animal skin clothes told Li Kang most of what he knew about this place of punishment.

After hearing this, Li Kang couldn't help being shocked, because what he learned was really unimaginable.

The Land of Heavenly Punishment is no longer the Xingyuan Continent. This is an independent world. According to the skin-clothed boy, its area is about the same size as the land of Beizhou.

The people in the Land of Heavenly Punishment also cultivate by absorbing the power of the stars, which is consistent with the star cultivators on the Xingyuan Continent.

However, the cultivation methods of the astral cultivators in the Land of Punishment are quite different from those of the astral practitioners in the Xingyuan Continent:

Astral practitioners in the Star Continent practice natal astrology, and according to the level of natal astrology, they are divided into green star realm, blue star realm, yellow star realm, red star realm...;
However, people in the land of punishment do not practice natal astrology. They do not have astral space and natal astrology. Their main practice method is to form a star on the body and absorb the power of the stars to strengthen the body.

People in Xingtian Land can become star warriors if they can activate Xingxuan. They have an opportunity to open Xingxuan once a year during the ten years from five to 15 years old. Then you will have no chance to cultivate stars in your life, and you can only be a mortal.

The number of star rotations that are activated is generally between ten and thirty. The more the number of star rotations that are activated, the faster the speed of absorbing the power of the stars will be, and the faster the speed of practice will be.

Some people with outstanding talents can open more than fifty star circles, and some even can open eighty star circles.

The cultivation realms of star practitioners in the Land of Heavenly Punishment are divided into green whirlwind realm, blue whirlpool realm, yellow whirlpool realm, red whirlwind realm... golden whirlpool realm, seven great realms from low to high.

Of these seven great realms, the star swirls in the green swirl realm are green, the star swirls in the blue swirl realm are blue, the star swirls in the yellow swirl realm are yellow, and the star swirls in the red swirl realm are red...

Each big realm is divided into early stage, middle stage and late stage.

The formed star spiral is only one inch in the early stage, two inches in the middle stage, and three inches in the late stage.


After a long time, Li Kang's thoughts came back to reality. His eyes as bright as stars looked at the boy in animal skin and said, "Is everything you said true?"

"What I said is true. This is common sense that all the stars in our Heavenly Punishment Land know. If you don't believe me, senior, you can ask any star to prove the truth!" Looking into Li Kang's eyes without blinking, he said firmly.

"I believe what you said is true!" After Li Kang observed the boy in animal skin for a while, a smile appeared on his face: "What's your name?"

"Senior Qi, my name is Mu Shan, and I am the son of the chief of the Tianfeng Tribe!" The boy dressed in animal skins replied truthfully.

"Mu Bin, tell me about the situation of your Tianfeng tribe!" Li Kang continued.

"Yes, senior!" After Mu Bin replied respectfully, he began to talk about his Tianfeng tribe.


Time passed quickly, and half a month passed quickly.

In a valley with a size of a hundred miles in the northwest of the Northern Territory, there is a huge village located here. There is a fence made of sharpened thick black giant trees on the periphery of the village. The whole village is guarded in it.

This village is where the Tianfeng tribe is located.

In front of the main gate of the village, stood two rows of big men dressed in animal skins. Each big man held a thick mace in his hand and wore a necklace of animal teeth. The big eyes of copper bells were shining brightly. It looks very sturdy.

In front of the big men stood a row of imposing men in animal skin clothes. Among these people, an old man in coarse linen clothes was the leader. This old man's aura was the strongest among this group of people.

They are looking forward to it, looking at the road extending out of the valley.

At this moment, a group of people walked towards the gate of the Tianfeng tribe.

The person walking in the front of this group was a young man wearing animal skin clothes, and behind him was a handsome young man in red clothes. The eyes of this young man under his sword eyebrows were as bright as stars.

On the young man's shoulders stood a snow-white little white fox with only a strand of golden hair on its forehead. It had a pair of round, black eyes full of spirituality.

At this moment, the young man in red was sitting on a simple wooden sedan chair, being carried by four big men in animal skin clothes.

The row of imposing men in animal skin clothes and the old man in coarse linen at the gate couldn't help smiling when they saw the group of people coming from the mountain road towards the village.

When the group of people approached the gate of the village, the old man in rough linen hurriedly led the row of imposing men in animal skins to welcome the young man in red with joy on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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