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Chapter 363 Breaking Through the Bottleneck

Chapter 363 Breaking Through the Bottleneck
Hearing this, Po Zhen showed a clear expression on his face: "Master, this is the method of adding carrots with sticks!"

"Smart!" Li Kang said with a slight smile.

In the following time, Li Kang and Po Zhen arranged three star formations around the stone pagoda. These three star formations were taken from the red star shell given by Huang Tianxin, head of the Chiyue Sect. Two of them are third-rank star arrays, and one is fourth-rank star arrays.

It took the two of them less than half a day to arrange the three star arrays. Immediately, the entire tall stone pagoda was covered by three-color light masks and four-color light masks. beauty.

People from the Qingmang tribe near the stone tower couldn't help being dumbfounded when they saw the stone tower now covered by the four-color light mask.

They had never seen a star array before, and the star array that appeared in front of them at this moment made them feel very surprised.

Even the nine purple-clothed elders of the Qingmang tribe were not exempt. They also stared at the three-color and four-color masks covering the stone pagoda with shocking faces, and they were in a daze.

After a long time, everyone came back to their senses.

The obese elder in purple clothes said to the eight elders in purple clothes around him with a firm expression on his face: "Our master really has the power to reach the sky. We must be right to follow him. As long as we have done the master's account With the mission, we will definitely get more star repair resources!"

"That's right, the master's supernatural powers are so great. As long as we work hard for him, we will be able to improve our cultivation in the future and enter the fascinating realm of the red star vortex."

"Yes, we must not miss this opportunity, we must work hard for our master!"


For a while, the nine purple-clothed elders who were not far from the stone pagoda began to discuss, determined to serve Li Kang well.

Li Kang didn't know about all this. After he and Pozhen arranged the star array, they went to the bottom of the stone pagoda, and Pozhen stayed on the top of the stone pagoda, swallowing the healing treasure to heal his injuries.

Li Kang soon came to an underground hall at the bottom of the stone pagoda. This underground hall was hundreds of feet in size. There was a thick stone gate on the wall. On the stone gate were engraved three powerful characters "Xingmai Pool" ".

Without the slightest hesitation, he stepped forward to push open the heavy stone door, and suddenly, a hole about ten feet high appeared in front of him.

Moreover, there is a strong force of star veins rushing towards his face.

The cave stretches towards the ground, and Li Kang observed that there are some milky white crystals sparsely distributed on the cave wall. He knows that these are the crystallized stones of pure star vein power. It contains strong star power.

He quickly walked towards the depths of the cave, and soon he reached the end.

This is an underground cave about fifty feet in size. The top of it is inlaid with milky white luminous pearls, and on the wall of the cave, there are many crystals of the power of the star veins distributed.

In the middle of the cave, there are four pure white dragon heads distributed, each of which is three feet in size, lifelike.

Li Kang could tell at a glance that these four white dragon heads were carved with the crystallization of the power of the star veins, and streams of thick milky white mist spewed out from their dragon mouths.

These mist are the pure power of the star veins flowing from the core of the star veins.

"The Star Vein Power of the Middle Grade Star Vein Pool is indeed not as good as the Star Vein Power of the Top Rank Star Vein Pool! The Star Vein Power spewed out by the Top Rank Star Vein Pool has already liquefied. The power of the star pulse is gaseous!" Li Kang sighed helplessly and said to himself.

"However, in this place of celestial punishment, if you want to enter the high-grade Xingmai pool, you can only go to a few super sects! But, super sects, it is not so easy to enter. In addition, my identity is astral The cultivation methods of scholars and astral cultivators in the land of Tian Xing are completely different, and if you rush to the super big sect, you will most likely be eliminated as aliens!"

"Forget it, something is better than nothing!"

Li Kang finally sighed and said to himself in his heart.

Then, he looked at the four dragon heads, and with a thought, he summoned Xiao Hei out of the spirit beast bag.

Xiao Hei quietly floated in front of the master, Li Kang looked at the little girl: "Xiao Hei, the master is about to break through the bottleneck of the Great Perfection of the Yellow Star Realm, you protect me. There are enemies breaking into here Shoot or kill!"

Hearing this, Xiao Hei nodded his blood-red head, and there was an astonishing murderous intent in his blood eyes.

After Li Kang ordered Xiao Hei, he sat cross-legged in the middle of the four dragon heads, closed his eyes slowly, and felt the pure star energy spewing out from the dragon's mouth.

Time passed quickly, and soon it was a few days later.

On this day, the sky was originally blue and cloudless, and the breeze was blowing slowly, everything seemed very peaceful and quiet.

The plain where the Qingmang tribe is located is leisurely bathed in the sun, enjoying the tranquility.

Suddenly, an astonishing change appeared in the originally cloudless and blue sky.

I saw that the star power filling the space between the sky and the earth gathered towards the location of the Qingmang tribe, forming a colorful cloud tens of miles in size.

With the passage of time, the area of ​​the colorful cloud became larger and larger, from tens of miles to a hundred miles in size, and then from a hundred miles in size to two hundred miles in size, three hundred miles in size, and four hundred miles in size , five hundred miles in size, six hundred miles in size, seven hundred miles in size...

The area of ​​the cloud of star power became larger and larger, and at noon, its area had reached the size of nearly ten thousand miles, covering the entire huge Qingmang tribe, together with the surrounding mountains, within it.

The Qingmang tribe is under the shroud of a colorful cloud, and the whole is bathed in the colorful light. At this moment, the Qingmang tribe is beautiful, like a fairyland.

At this moment, all the astral warriors and ordinary mortals who practiced in the Qingmang tribe were stunned by the astonishing scene in front of them and became dumbfounded.

They have never seen such an astonishing celestial phenomenon.

Ordinary mortals, facing the astonishing celestial phenomenon, as if the power of heaven descended, knelt down and prayed to the colorful clouds in the sky.

The other astronomers were stunned for a moment, speechless, they didn't know what happened, this kind of celestial phenomenon was beyond their comprehension.

At this moment, the only ones who really know what happened are the nine elders in purple clothes who are still alive in the Qingmang tribe.

At this moment, the nine of them are standing quietly on the outskirts of the tall stone tower, protecting the Dharma for their master.

Faced with such an astonishing celestial phenomenon, the faces of the nine people were also full of astonishment.

"Master's cultivation base is really unfathomable. I read from the classics that when the astronomers in the yellow star whirl realm break through to the red star whirl realm, the celestial phenomenon caused by it is only seven or eight thousand miles in size. And the celestial phenomenon caused by the master But it has reached thousands of miles, and it is still increasing!"

The fat-faced elder in purple clothes looked at the huge and boundless colorful auspicious clouds in the sky with shocking eyes, and said.

(End of this chapter)

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