Star map

Chapter 369 Condensed Star Spiral

Chapter 369 Condensed Star Spiral
Time passed slowly, and soon it was three hours later.

A dark green vortex appeared on Li Kang's left arm, only one inch in size, and it spun around.

He looked at the green star swirl, and his eyes showed excitement.

Li Kang felt the trace of pain on his body disappear.

He knew that by condensing a green star vortex, its strengthening process for the body was over.

At this time, he carefully inspected his body, and found that there were some black sticky attachments on the surface of the body, sticking to it, and there was an unpleasant smell coming from it.

Li Kang frowned slightly, using the power of his natal astrology to remove these black sticky deposits.

Then, he continued to close his eyes, while gathering his consciousness in his body to search for the next "Star Spiral Seed", while opening the pores of his whole body slightly, absorbing the four dragon heads in the Star Vein Pool that spit out The pure star power.

A quarter of an hour later, a smile appeared on Li Kang's face again, and he found another star vortex seed, which existed in the lower abdomen.

He then revolved the star power around the seed of the star vortex according to a special orbit.

This green star vortex seed will run to the star power around it, absorbing it bit by bit, and the speed of absorption is getting faster and faster.

With the continuous inhalation of star power, the star vortex seed erupted with dazzling brilliance.


There is no time to practice, time passes quickly, and soon half a month will pass.

Li Kang, who was sitting cross-legged among the four dragon heads with his eyes closed, slowly opened his eyes with a look of excitement that couldn't be concealed.

For more than half a month, he only did one thing - uninterruptedly condensing the star vortex.

With a thought, a dazzling dark green brilliance erupted all over his body, and dark green star swirls one inch in size emerged, enveloping his entire body.

If you count carefully, there are a hundred Star Spirals. With such a number, you can be regarded as a top genius in the Land of Punishment.

Li Kang followed the records of the "Green Glow Star Swirl", and with a thought, a dark green light cluster appeared in his hand. The light cluster emitted a dazzling green light, and transformed into a spear with bright green light.

With the spear in his hand, it spun rapidly, and phantoms appeared one after another.

After a while, the light and shadow of the green spear in his hand finally turned into specks of brilliance and disappeared without a trace.

Li Kang looked at his hands, got up and left the Xingmai Pool, came to a hall on the top floor of the stone pagoda, and sat on the main seat.

After a while, nine purple-clothed elders also came to the hall, and bowed respectfully to Li Kang to salute.

"Is there any news about the woman I want you to look for?" Li Kang looked at the nine people in front of him and asked.

"Master, we once again let the members of the Qingmang Tribe and the forces affiliated to the Qingmang Tribe search the area in the northwest of the northern border, but there is still no news of the woman you are looking for!" The elder reported to Li Kang respectfully.

Hearing this, Li Kang frowned slightly, and there was a look of displeasure in his eyes.

However, he didn't have a seizure, just sighed helplessly, and then walked out, heading back to the Xingmai pool under the stone tower.

Li Kang decided not to look for Huang Xiaoxiao for the time being, and after he joined the Northern Border Sect, he would use the power of the Northern Border Sect to look for Huang Xiaoxiao.

What he has to do now is to try his best to raise the Xingxuan to the Blue Xingxuan or Yellow Xingxuan realm, and then go to the Northern Border Sect.

Li Kang saw from some classics on the Northern Territory provided to him by the elders of the Qingmang Tribe that the Northern Border Sect, as the largest sect in the Northern Territory, would hold a "Star Ascension Ceremony" every five years.

The so-called "Star Ascension Ceremony" is to recruit disciples.

Of course, as the largest sect in the Northern Territory, the Northern Border Sect recruited disciples who were all extremely talented stars.

Three months later this year, it will be the opening of the "Star Ascension Ceremony" of the Northern Border Sect every five years.

The time left for Li Kang is running out, and there are only three months left. He must seize all the time to practice.

Sitting cross-legged between the four dragon heads, Li Kang took out Lingyun Grass from Huang Xingbei, put it in his mouth and chewed it.

Immediately, the unique medicinal fragrance of Lingyun Grass filled the lips and teeth, making one feel refreshed.

After he chewed the Lingyun Grass into pieces, he swallowed it in his stomach, and soon after, warm currents rose in his stomach.

Li Kang manipulated these warm medicinal powers according to the special meridian circulation route, and circulated to all parts of the body.

His body surface exuded a dazzling dark green brilliance, and dense dark green star swirls emerged, and those medicinal powers were all absorbed by the star swirls.

Immediately, the star vortex exuded a dazzling dark green brilliance, as if rounds of dark green suns appeared on the surface of the body.

One hundred star vortexes absorb the power of the star medicine, and the volume is slowly increasing...

Two months passed quickly.

On this day, the wind and the sun were beautiful, the sky was cloudless, and the sky was as blue as washing.

An orange-yellow nebula rose into the sky from the Qingmang Tribe. On this nebula stood a young man in red and a fat man in a patchwork floral dress. On his shoulders stood a little snow-white fox. .

These people are exactly Li Kang and Po Zhen, and they are going to the Northern Border Sect to participate in the "Ascending Star Ceremony" held by the Northern Border Sect one month later.

Li Kang controlled the shining yellow nebula, and flew in the direction of Beijiangzong.

On the ground of the Qingmang tribe, nine purple-clothed elders bowed and cupped their hands respectfully, sending their master off to the Northern Border Sect.

After the shining yellow nebula controlled by Li Kang disappeared into the sky, the nine of them stood up straight and walked quickly towards their residence.


A month later.

In the center of the Northern Territory, there is a huge mountain with a size of hundreds of miles and a height of thousands of feet. The whole mountain is surrounded by a four-color mask.

From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, there are densely packed buildings, with blue and yellow nebulae flying around in it.

This is where the largest force in the Northern Territory, the Zongmen of the Northern Territory, is located.

Today, at the foot of the mountain, the Northern Border Sect's protective array opened a hole several feet in size.

On both sides of the hole, there are dozens of majestic men in yellow clothes, and the word "Northern Xinjiang" is embroidered on the cuffs of each big man in yellow clothes.

In front of these dozens of big men, there is a desk, and behind the desk sits a middle-aged man in yellow clothes with a mustache.

The aura exuded by this man is stronger than these dozens of big men.

In front of this group of big men, there was a long line of thousands of people.These people did not have uniform attire. Some wore animal skin clothes, some wore brocade clothes, some wore sackcloth, and some wore armor.

(End of this chapter)

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